We call comrades in Greece and around the world to be vigilant and act in solidarity: 9/2| SOLIDARITY DAY FOR THE FINAL RELEASE OF COMRADE POLA ROUPA & THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF COMRADE NIKOS MAZIOTIS Comrade Pola Roupa and Comrade Nikos Maziotis were sentenced to several years in prison for their participation and action in … Continue reading Greece: SOLIDARITY DAY on February 9, 2024, FOR THE FINAL RELEASE OF COMRADE POLA ROUPA & THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF COMRADE NIKOS MAZIOTIS EN/ FR / GR / DE / IT / ES

Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

25/12/2023 Prison of Sanremo This is not a communique. You will not read reflections on my arrest or concerning this new prison experience, or about other political questions. These will come at the appropriate moment, that is, when I consider some personal matters settled, and some reflections have matured over these first months of detention. … Continue reading Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

Rome, Italy: Incendiary attack against two offices of Eni Plenitude (1st January 2024)

Rome: Incendiary attack against two offices of Eni Plenitude 1st January 2024 On New Year’s Eve we attacked two offices of ENI PLENITUDE of Rome, one in Viale Somalia and another in Via Togliatti. The action was carried out by placing three incendiary devices (composed of fireworks and gas cannisters) between the windows and shutters … Continue reading Rome, Italy: Incendiary attack against two offices of Eni Plenitude (1st January 2024)

Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno)It/Es

2023/12/07 lanemesi Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno) Il compagno anarchico Alfredo M. Bonanno è morto a Trieste il 6 dicembre 2023, a 86 anni. Introduzione a Oltrepassamento e superamento Il problema della qualità non è una questione filosofica, appartiene … Continue reading Vivere è un problema qualitativo. Se non lo si vede in questa prospettiva, che senso ha la vita? (Alfredo M. Bonanno)It/Es

Text of Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release (Greece)

Position of Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release Introduction As I enjoy my freedom again, won through my second hunger and thirst strike, I reflect on the complex historical mosaic that not only shaped my personal choices but also wove the collective struggle against the state-capitalism complex. Far from being solitary acts of … Continue reading Text of Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis on the struggle for his release (Greece)

EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English. ——– CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1. “Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to … Continue reading EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Update on Anarchist Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity (Italy, August 2023)

Update on Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity August 2023 The latest news we’ve got about Alfredo, still in prison in Bancali (Sassari) under the 41 bis regime, are that his health is stable, he is physically sound and has regained weight after his six-month hunger strike. Unfortunately, he receives very little mail, almost … Continue reading Update on Anarchist Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity (Italy, August 2023)

Chile: Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco

Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco  July 23rd, 2023     via: informativoanarquista Subsequently, Francisco’s defense team intervened, who, supported by the fact that the comrade had assumed his responsibility in the attacks some months ago, appealed for the reclassification of the charges presented by the Prosecutor’s Office, seeking to … Continue reading Chile: Brief Update on the First Days of the Hearing Against Monica and Francisco

Everywhere : 3rd night of riotous revolt, looting and fires à gogo [Re-MàJ] (France)

via:sansnom.Translated by Act for freedom now! [Following the police murder of Nahel in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) on Tuesday morning, a first (in english) then a second night of riots (in english) took place all over the country,  destructive riots which we have published large illustrated reviews of here. And finally, a third night from Thursday 29 … Continue reading Everywhere : 3rd night of riotous revolt, looting and fires à gogo [Re-MàJ] (France)

FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)

Communiqué du S Salut tout le monde, Je m’appelle Serge et j’ai été gravement blessé, comme beaucoup d’autres, à la manifestation contre la mégabassine de Sainte Soline du 25 mars 2023. J’ai été atteint à la tête par une grenade, probablement tirée en tendu par un gendarme équipé d’un lanceur de grenade cougar. J’ai subi … Continue reading FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)