Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd After a year’s prison on remand and 13 hearings, 9 of which in videoconference, a derealizing tool created in an emergency but now extended to an increasingly wide range of prisoners, which behind a generic justification of security renders the accused, i.e. … Continue reading Naples, Italy: Zac’s declaration to the court in Naples at the hearing on May 23rd, 2024

Italy: Zac (Marco Marino) under house arrest!

Zac under house arrest! We have received and are spreading the news with joy. Let’s remember that on May 7th Zac has the appeal trial that will decide concerning the special surveillance imposed on him recently: Fissato appello alla misura di sorveglianza per Zac A hug and solidarity to Zac! ZAC UNDER HOUSE ARREST!! During … Continue reading Italy: Zac (Marco Marino) under house arrest!

Brief update on Zac (Marco Marino) and a text distributed at some initiatives. ( Italy)

Brief update on Zac  Following a request signed by the police commissioner of Naples Maurizio Agricola, the Naples supervisory court has ordered special surveillance to be applied for two years and six months with the following restrictions for Zac: not leave the house without prior warning to the supervisory authority, not leave before 7 am … Continue reading Brief update on Zac (Marco Marino) and a text distributed at some initiatives. ( Italy)

Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples (Italy)

Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples 2023/07/27 Repressive operation of 28th March: the first hearing of a trial with immediate rite has been set for Zac for September 13th in Naples Update about Zac

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details.

Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details for sending contributions in support of the comrade Zac has been transferred to Terni and is in a cell with Juan. To write to him: Marco Marino C. C. di Terni strada … Continue reading Terni, Italy: Repressive operation of 28th March: Zac has been transferred from the prison of Secondigliano to that of Terni + Account details.

[MADRID, SPAIN] Ante la militarización de la frontera en Ceuta: CONCENTRACIÓN – viernes 21 mayo 19H, Tso de Molina ¡NI CIES NI FRONTERAS NI NACIONES!

Actforfree received email: La situación en Ceuta es el resultado de las tensiones entre los estados español y marroquí, mostrando la auténtica cara del capitalismo y los estados como traficantes de nuestras vidas. El sistema no tiene escrúpulo alguno en edificar alambradas y checkpoints, levantar muros y cárceles para personas migrantes como los CIES, campos … Continue reading [MADRID, SPAIN] Ante la militarización de la frontera en Ceuta: CONCENTRACIÓN – viernes 21 mayo 19H, Tso de Molina ¡NI CIES NI FRONTERAS NI NACIONES!

(Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

22 de mayo de 2024 informativoanarquista Desde Informativo Anarquista, proyecto de contra información, escribimos estas palabras a 15 años de la muerte en acción del compañero Mauricio Morales, Punki Mauri.  * La muerte es un acontecimiento que nos aleja inevitablemente del cuerpo de quien ha dejado de vivir. Pero tan rápido como el cuerpo se … Continue reading (Chile) Mauricio Morales en el mapa de la ofensiva anarquista internacional (ES/EN)

Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Regarding my convictions and trial charges and the nexus of non-systemic revolutionary struggle action practices and “my” meaning of the anarchist vision “(…) The reality is precisely this complex thing that cannot be traced back to the results of a judicial proceeding. This will always be arbitrary and will be based not on evidence but … Continue reading Italy: Juan Sorroche – ‘Reflection on the General Context of the Causes of the Struggle’

Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of fascist V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas. ( Grete Heraklion, Greece)

Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas. video _αγ_μην.mp4 Today, on Sunday 25/02/24, another beautiful and proud day dawned upon Heraklion. We cancelled the visit of the leader of the party “Spartans” (that is, the Golden Dawn by another name) to the metropolitan church of St. … Continue reading Announcement regarding the cancellation of the visit of fascist V. Stigkas to the church of St. Minas. ( Grete Heraklion, Greece)

(Grecia) Jornada de Solidaridad por la Liberación Definitiva de la compañera Pola Roupa y la liberación inmediata del compañero Nikos Maziotis

(extraído desde actforfree y traducido por Informativo Anarquista) 9/2| JORNADA DE SOLIDARIDAD POR LA LIBERACIÓN DEFINITIVA DE LA COMPAÑERA POLA ROUPA Y LIBERACIÓN INMEDIATA DEL COMPAÑERO NIKOS MAZIOTIS La compañera Pola Roupa y el compañero Nikos Maziotis fueron condenados a varios años de prisión por su participación y acción en la organización guerrillera Lucha Revolucionaria. … Continue reading (Grecia) Jornada de Solidaridad por la Liberación Definitiva de la compañera Pola Roupa y la liberación inmediata del compañero Nikos Maziotis