EN/EL/Greece : Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense
Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense Statement_of_D._Chatzivasileiadis_-_For_internationalist_solidarity_.pdf Τοποθέτηση_Δ._Χατζηβασιλειάδη_-_λόγος__διεθνιστικής_αλληλεγγύης_στη_δίκη_για_ΟΕΑ.pdf 5/1/23 FOR INTERNATIONALIST SOLIDARITY There are moments when silence is an invitation to crime. There are moments when silence is complicity. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah You are guilty not only when you commit … Continue reading EN/EL/Greece : Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense