DANCING ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS » Let’s continue the assault on the existent with all means, undeterred by those who would silence us with weapons from the stockpile of reaction, be they the kick of the democratic jackboot, the empty chatter of opinion or the siren calls of the candy men of hope.» … Continue reading DANCING ON THE EDGE OF THE ABYSS , DANZANDO AL BORDE DEL ABISMO : es/en

Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information (UK)- en/ gr/ it / fr/es/de

On 29.03.21 the Dutch police raided the data center that holds the nostate.net server, seizing the server itself as part of a criminal investigation into ‘terrorism’. Nostate.net is a collective that provided a platform for international movement websites from prisoner solidarity groups, multiple campaign collectives, anti-summit pages and international counter-information. Significant sites that used nostate.net … Continue reading Communique from 325 Collective on the Repressive Attack upon International Counter-Information (UK)- en/ gr/ it / fr/es/de

March 29: Communiqué of Pablo Bahamonde Ortiz “Bear,” subversive prisoner on hunger strike from Santiago 1 jail.EN/ IT/ ES/ FR

March 29: Communiqué of Pablo Bahamonde Ortiz “Bear,” subversive prisoner on hunger strike from Santiago 1 jail. On days like today are many brothers and sisters that come to memory… Time has passed, but at every moment of my life they are always present in my being, picking up all the experience and wisdom of … Continue reading March 29: Communiqué of Pablo Bahamonde Ortiz “Bear,” subversive prisoner on hunger strike from Santiago 1 jail.EN/ IT/ ES/ FR

Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado público de inicio de huelga de hambre por parte de compañerxs subversivxs y anarquistas [Es/Fr/It/Pt/En]

via: es-contrainfo Comunicado público de inicio de Huelga de Hambre. A los pueblos, individuxs, comunidades y territorios en lucha y resistencia. A quienes se rebelan ante este presente de opresión y miseria. A nuestras manadas, familias, amigxs, complicidades, compañerxs y amores repartidos por el mundo. A todxs!!: Hoy lunes 22 de Marzo, siendo las 00.00hrs … Continue reading Prisiones chilenas: Comunicado público de inicio de huelga de hambre por parte de compañerxs subversivxs y anarquistas [Es/Fr/It/Pt/En]

Dutch police seized servers of nostate collective – 325 and Act For Freedom Now!, North Shore Counter-Info, Montreal Counter-Info and more other sites.. (EN/ IT/ GR/ FR/ ES/ DE/indonisian

Part of the nostate ★ net infrastructure was attacked in early spring 2021. At the investigation of British security forces, the Dutch police stole a server with two hard drives from a data center used by the platform. This meant that some of the projects could not be reached for days. The aim of this … Continue reading Dutch police seized servers of nostate collective – 325 and Act For Freedom Now!, North Shore Counter-Info, Montreal Counter-Info and more other sites.. (EN/ IT/ GR/ FR/ ES/ DE/indonisian