Spain : Prison of Brians I: updates on the anarchist comrades arrested on 27th February

Some people decide to stay inside Alberto Frisetti – Albo to his friends – refuses to get out of jail on bail, or rather by paying a ransom of 45,000 euros to the Spanish State, in line with the common declaration made by the 27th February Prisoners following Jeanne’s release: “Either all or none”. Albo … Continue reading Spain : Prison of Brians I: updates on the anarchist comrades arrested on 27th February

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the Acropolis police station by comrades

via: athens.indymedia.Translated by act for freedom now! On Saturday 27 November we attacked the Acropolis police station with Molotov cocktails. At the time of the attack the guard cop and 4 under cover cops sitting in front of the police station, at the sound of the cry “murderers” scampered and hid in the building while … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the Acropolis police station by comrades

Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES

The search for freedom implies the attempt to establish and develop practices in that sense. Breaking with imposed directions, dogmas and predetermined schemes is essential in the construction of anti-authoritarian relations and in the strengthening of these. Multiformity in terms of action (and not only) is circumscribed in this way of understanding and carrying out … Continue reading Chile: ‘The risks of multiformity’ – Words of anarchist prisoner Francisco Solar EN/ES

ES/EN/:Tattoo Circus 29, 30 y 31 ,2021 Banc Expropiat (BARCELONA, ESPAÑA)

· · TATTOO CIRCUS · · KCN – Banc Expropiat C/Quevedo 13-15 29, 30 y 31 de Octubre de 10H a 21H < Porque amamos la tinta, porque odiamos las cárceles > El Tattoo Circus es un encuentro anual enfocado a la recaudación de fondos para el apoyo a presxs o proyectos antirepresivos mediante la … Continue reading ES/EN/:Tattoo Circus 29, 30 y 31 ,2021 Banc Expropiat (BARCELONA, ESPAÑA)

Cayenne (Guyana) France : nocturnal riots continue

sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now! ————– Cayenne: the police station attacked in the night France Guyane, 14 September 2021 (extract) Another night of tension in the streets of Cayenne. Since the night of Thursday 9 September to Friday 10 September, the fires set voluntarily by several groups of people who want to confront … Continue reading Cayenne (Guyana) France : nocturnal riots continue

The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School: Why We Attacked the Zad

From Attaque, Translated by Act For Freedom Now! Download the PDF for printing: A4 | Letter PDF in French (from Attaque) PDF in Italian (translated by Il Rovescio) “I simply didn’t see where the inevitable reformism was coming from this time, discreetly but surely, from those who speak of insurrection and autonomy by the thousands … Continue reading The Mohawked Salamanders Burn Down the Salamander’s School: Why We Attacked the Zad

Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es

Facing what we see as direct interpellations towards us, the need arises to write this text to make clear the issues. As we have written on several occasions both individual and collectively, we understand anarchy not as an embodiment or place of arrival, but as a tension, a permanent confrontation in the first personm putting … Continue reading Chile: Anarchist Prisoners Mónica and Francisco: Against Sectarianism. For an Affinity Supported in Practice. en/it/es


The anarchists, who were raided, arrested, formalized and imprisoned on July 24, 2020 and who have been in preventive detention for almost a year, had a hearing of reformalization of charges last Wednesday, July 14 by the hand of the prosecutor Claudio Orellana. During the virtual hearing, the prosecutor’s office maintained the charges of crimes … Continue reading CHILE: UPDATE ON THE SITUATION OF MÓNICA CABALLERO AND FRANCISCO SOLAR.

Italy – Updates on” Operation Bialystok”

via: roundrobin.infoTranslated by act for freedom now! ——- Concerning Claudio’s detention situation, about two months ago he was transferred from the AS3 unit to the “commons” unit in the prison of Syracuse. The reasons for his transfer have yet to be clarified, but it seems it is a “ministerial” order, i.e. by DAP [Department of … Continue reading Italy – Updates on” Operation Bialystok”