Anti-State Gathering-Demo in Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 10/20/22 in Italy) Alfredo Cospito on Sunday April 9th, at 13:00, Thiseio Metro Station .
Alfredo Cospito is an anarchist who has always been active in the frontline of struggles. He was never willing to compromise nor to give up. He is a comrade who has been fighting since the end of the 80’s, a period during which he was imprisoned as a total conscientious objector (for refusing to serve mandatory military services).
Alfredo has always been active in defending comrades affected by repression, in every corner of the world. He has been contributing for many years with articles, editorial projects and proposals to the international anarchist discussion/debate. For this reason, he has been censored many times and his communication with the “outside world” has been forbidden. He has been in prison for 10 years (since 2012), during which he was in High Security prison sectors until he was transferred to 41bis inMay 2022, from Terni prison to Bankali prison in Sassari.
The 41bis prison regime entails 24/7 electronic surveillance, 1 person per cell of 2×3 meters, 1 hour per day for socializing in a group of 4 people (the seperation into these groups is decided directly by the bureaucrats in Rome and is valid for several months), 1 visit per month of 1 hour with no physical contact, separation with glass divider, under electronic surveillance, with audio and video recording (only if the family members are unable to visit, a monthly 10-minute phone call is allowed as an alternative, but to do so, the prisoner’s family member must go to a police station or in some prison), no physical contact, censorship and control of written material, presence at court only through video-conferences.