Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Italy: Urgent update on the health conditions of Alfredo Cospito at over 150 days of hunger strike to the end (21-22 March 2023) [under update]

Urgent updates on the health condition of Alfredo Cospito at over 150 days’ hunger strike to the end (21-22 March 2023) [under update]

Update on the medical situationdi Alfredo Cospito, ion hunger strike since October 20th against 41 bis and life sentence without appeal.

We learn from the press of the regime that today (21st March 2023) that the anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike for five months had a heart attack, the comrade – they write – “was dying”. The incident allegedly began when the comrade felt a tremor in his hand and alerted a guard. “After ten minutes the nurse and the doctor arrived, shouting and saying that they had seen a heart problem from the monitoring. They were very concerned, he was dying.” […]. The crisis reportedly subsided after an injection of a large dose of potassium.

The results of tests carried out yesterday were also released today. According to the doctors, the values indicate that Alfredo may now have suffered permanent neurological damage and could be paralysed.

[Taken from a number of telegram channels and republished in]

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: ‘For our brother Alfredo’

‘For our brother Alfredo’

Sixteen Poste Italiane vehicles were set on fire early Saturday morning, while 22 buses were burnt to the ground Saturday night in Rome. This was preceded by the burning of telecommunications pillars in Genoa, shortly before the big anti-fascist march in Milan, attended by over 4000 anarchists, to commemorate 20 years since the murder of Davide Casare (Dax) and in solidarity with Alfredo’s struggle against 41bis, who is now on his 150th day of a hunger strike.

Many developments are expected this week due to moves made indefence of Alfredo, as well as the upcoming review of the request on 24 March for the recall of 41bis and his detention for health reasons by the Milan Court of Appeal.

Continue reading Greece: ‘For our brother Alfredo’

Mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz : Down with Prison

Down with Prison

From the south of the territory dominated by the mexican $tate, Xalapa, Veracruz, We add these contributions of protest for the freedom of Alfredo Cospito, Yorch Esquivel, prisoners of Chile, prisoners of Eloxochitlan and all the other anarchists held hostage in the cages of the enemy.

Fire to the prisons and active solidarity in the war on the streets. Freedom for prisoners at war.

Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito ( $hile)

Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito

February 3, 2023

I have had the pleasure of reading the words of comrades from different territories who showed their ardent solidarity with the hunger strike waged by Alfredo Cospito to get out of the torture regime of 41 bis. In these lands a group of subversive, anarchist, anti-authoritarian, anti-speciesist and nihilist prisoners also expressed our unconditional solidarity with the comrade. To fraternize with a comrade as valuable as Alfredo is necessary for those of us who position ourselves as deniers and antagonists to the current life governed by authority, and even more so in the difficult moment he is going through,. Sending words of solidarity from prison to a like-minded comrade is never out of place.

In my case, when I have received words of solidarity from a comrade while imprisoned, I have always valued and treasured them as something very precious. But at this moment comrade Alfredo Cospito needs words to be transformed into actions, to attack, coerce, subvert, manipulate, threaten, etc. all those who have the power to change his prison situation and/or who sustain the 41 bis regime.

Continue reading Urgent Words Faced with a Flame that is Going Out. Words of Monica Caballero on the hunger strike of Alfredo Cospito ( $hile)

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) France : Fire-bruary

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) : Fire-bruary

IAATA, March 5, 2023

The first cold hours of February 25 were warmed up by the criminal and shameless fire of a Circet car in Amidonniers. The development of telecoms transforms the world into an open-air work colony, but only the authorities have an interest in pretending that revolt is impossible. There is always a way to strike.

This flaming car was meant to salute Boris, a comrade from Besançon who was repressed for burning cell towers, and the people arrested in November across Occitania for burning cell towers and speed cameras.

Also, on February 24 the Italian justice confirmed that Alfredo Cospito
will remain in solitary confinement, which is like trying to kill him. This fire also wanted to support the fight against this world of barbed wire.

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom nnow!

(Spanish State) Claim for the Package Bomb Against the Head of the Prison Guards’ Union CSIF Zaragoza

via: informativoanarquista

Spain: Claim for the Package Bomb Against the Head of the Prison Guards’ Union CSIF Zaragoza

March 11, 2023

Alfonso Peiró is not a mere jailer. For some reason he feels compelled to defend corporate impunity, specifically in the Zuera, Zaragoza maxi-prison.

When the prisoners vent their anger among themselves or against one another, everything continues as usual. However, when someone dares to return the violence to the henchmen of confinement, doubly despicable characters like Alfonso Peiró come out to bawl victimhood.

The few consequences that could arise from our attentions are nothing compared to what characters of his ilk and their superiors deserve.
Continue reading (Spanish State) Claim for the Package Bomb Against the Head of the Prison Guards’ Union CSIF Zaragoza

Montevideo, Uruguay ; Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Montevideo :  Banner in Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

As a gesture of rebellious complicity and response to the international call for solidarity with the comrade Alfredo, we dropped this banner off front of one of the houses that the Italian community has in the Uruguayan capital. The comrade has been on hunger strike for more than 100 days, fighting until death against the 41Bis torture regime and life in prison.

The fact that the Italian state is letting him die is no surprise, and is is crucial to multiply and expand gestures of solidarity and action to support our comrade. Let’s not wait for the worst outcome to take to the streets.


via: anarquistasanticarcelarixs

Oaxaca, Mexico: Claim for Explosive Attack of Bienestar Bank

Oaxaca: Claim for Explosive Attack of Bienestar Bank

February 19, 2023 via: es-contrainfo

We claim responsibility for the detonation of the homemade explosive artefact inside an ATM of bienestar Bank located on the outskirts of Oaxaca City, territory dominated by the Mexican State.

2/14/23 at dawn. We light the explosive. From a distance we hear the explosion and the bank alarms. We expected a more powerful impact that would cause greater damage to the ATM, and break the tedium of social peace for a moment. This time the action was silenced by the henchmen of order and the press. We will sharpen the knife more next time. This seditious gesture is a combative greeting to Alfredo Cospito and his irreducible war against prison and the 41 B.I.S. isolation regime.

It is clear to us that insurrectional solidarity requires will, courage and gunpowder.
Intensify the conflict by pushing forward the attack!
For the extension of combat and seditious solidarity!
For the practice of anarchic vandalism against the established order!

Anarchic Informality.

Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.

via: lanemesi Translated to English by Act for freedom now!


Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in operation Sibilla and statements of some of the comrades under investigation (Perugia, 14th March 2023)

The hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures for anarchists in operation Sibilla of 11th November 2021 took place on March 14th in the bunker courtroom inside the prison of Capanne in Perugia. It concerned the comrades for whom measures were ordered on charges of incitement to commit a crime (414 criminal code), aggravated by the aim of terrorism, in connection with the drafting, publication and distribution of the first six issues of the anarchist newspaper “Vetriolo” and other articles and interventions.

Among the comrades under investigation are Alfredo Cospito, on hunger strike for over 140 days, and Gianluca, currently under house arrest for a year now for the investigation Diamante.
This second re-examination resulted from the Court of Cassation’s ruling last June granting the prosecutor Manuela Comodi’s request, annulling the previous order of the review court which had revoked the precautionary measures in December 2021.

Alfredo Cospito participated in the hearing by video link from the Milan prison of Opera and three comrades under investigation were present in the courtroom in the Peurugia prison of Capanne. The hearing took place behind closed doors, while there were around 40 comrades in solidarity outside. The three comrades under investigation who attended the hearing in the bunker courtroom spoke (two of them with written statements) and each greeted Alfredo warmly. Alfredo made a long statement, in which he was very lucid and was loaded with his usual sarcasm (‘I prefer comedy to melodrama’).’I want to start with the words of my instigator,’ he began, quoting a stance of the current minister of justice Nordio going back to 2019 concerning 41 bis. The comrade then reiterated the meaning and perspective of the hunger strike against the detention regime, which he called a ‘medieval muzzle’ and a ‘metastasis that will spread to political dissent’. Alfredo said he does not accept this non-life and will go on until the end. “For anarchists, who have no organisation, the given word is everything.” That is why he will keep his word, going on to the bitter end. “I will leave with dignity. I hope that those who love me understand that.” The comrade wished to point out that, in the situation in which he is imprisoned, “the only remnants of light I see are the acts of my anarchist brothers and sisters around the world”, “Thank you anarchists. I love you”. Finally, he concluded: “Abolition of the 41 bis regime. Abolition of life imprisonment without parole. Solidarity with all anarchist, communist and revolutionary prisoners in the world”.
Continue reading Perugia,Italy 14th March 2023: Update on the review hearing for re-examination of the precautionary measures in ”operation Sibilla” and statements of some of the comrades under investigation.



“The logic that commands us is less and less simple profit but even more ruthless scientific logic; Once a scientific discovery is made, it is impossible to go back, even if the resulting technological innovation leads us by the hand to self-destruction.”

In a society that pushes us more and more towards technological alienation, towards a future that excludes real contact by giving our existence a virtual alternative, a place based on the illusion of having control over any aspect of our time, a blinder that distracts us from reality.

As anarchists and anarchists we are aware that there is only one class that has control of hyper-technological society, and it alone enjoys its benefits, so we believe that there is no more concrete sabotage than going to strike at the heart of the future and progress.


Actforfree receive and speed.