Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Athens, Greece: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels and comrade Serge.

Athens: Banner of solidarity with the French rebels

Last week, as a sign of solidarity, a banner was hung on the Mustoxydis bridge for the oppressed and exploited who have been revolting and fighting in the streets of France for many weeks against the increase of the retirement age to 64 years.

Unreserved solidarity to all those in struggle.

Solidarity to those injured and traumatised by State repression.
Strength to comrade Serge, injured by the cops, who has been in a coma for 17 days.

Against the State and Capital
Struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy

Anarchist collective On the Road (Αναρχική συλλογικότητα Καθ’οδόν)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Rage and solidarity from Thessaloniki March 2023

Tuesday 28th March 2023, in Thessaloniki, 500 people demonstrated in support of the social movement in France. The communiqué concerning the comrades of S., who is in coma following the repression in Saint-Solinia, was read in English and in Greek.

On our banner, the slogan was taken up which was used after the racist murder of the young Kostas Fragoulis, shot by the police last December: the blood flows, calling for an uprising!

In France as in Greece, the bourgeoisie uses violence as a defense mechanism. In order to face them, let us build our solidarity beyond their borders.

We support all the victims of the repression in France.

We share your rage. Long live the revolution!


listen video : http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/IMG/mp4/signal-2023-03-28-193704_002.mp4

via: http://77xqldfym373pgwif6mcakdcgbc7u3k3rivpzgew4wzejwos3zqkzsid.onion/rage-et-soutien-de-thessalonique-16865?lang=fr

Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

“It’s a struggle of resistance to not be buried alive! It is a struggle for hope, for freedom, for life itself.”
Prisoners of Korydallos Prison

Since 28/10/22 the prisoners of the Greek hellholes have been sending their own message of resistance against the new toughened penal code by carrying out a Circle of escalating mobilizations.

Their demands include the return of prisons to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice, the abolition of C-type prisons, the right to 1/5 off the sentence for all (from 5/6) and 8 years for multi-lifers, the right to request a transfer to a rural detention centre for all without exception, to bring back the amendments to the article on educational leave, temporary leave to be made independently of the prisoner’s disciplinary record, and the immediate granting of leave to people with 67% or more disability, such as Savvas Xiros, who is being held vindictively and sadistically incarcerated, with a disability of 98%. This mobilization is essential resistance of the prisoners with the few means they have.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Solidarity Gathering Saturday 22/4, at Koridallos prison.

Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!


Open assembly to organize a response commensurate with the importance of the situation

The struggle waged by anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito against the 41bis prison regime and the life imprisonment without parole has reached its most dramatic point. Notwithstanding the opening of contradictions (opinion of the DNAA, opinion of the DDA of Turin, opinion of the PG at the Court of Cassation, order of the re-examination of the Sibilla Operation) every time an institutional organism with effective power to resolve the question opened by the comrade has met, the most manectarian and warmongering faction of the State has invested all its political power to crush any possible opening.

We have said it too many times: Alfredo’s death sentence is now an established fact, if the comrade is still alive we owe it solely to his extraordinary resistance. The decision to lock up an anarchist in 41 bis prison regime for the first time, taken by the previous Draghi government and Minister Marta Cartabia, as well as the determination to persevere in this criminal choice by the new right-wing government of Meloni and the current minister Carlo Nordio, count as an act of war. The tip of the iceberg of the “internal front” of a larger war, which on the international level is fought between NATO and the Russian Federation, and which is being expressed in our home with an unprecedented attack against social antagonism, against conflictual unionism and especially against action anarchism.

Continue reading Athens,Greece : ALFREDO OUT OF 41 BIS!

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the central MAT riot cops’ den in Goudi.

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the central MAT riot cops’ den in Goudi area.

We take responsibility for the massive arson attack that took place at the central premises of the riot police in Goudi on Tuesday 28 March. Our action comes as a minimal response to the orgy of repression unleashed by the New Democracy government against the mass and militant protests against the state-capitalist crime in Tempe.

The government’s law and order doctrine is the other side of neoliberal policies, class inequality, poverty and privatisation. In the run-up to the election period, attacking the law and order doctrine, attacking the forces of repression, causing unrest targeting, among others, the pigs of the police, is a priority in order to defeat in practice this political doctrine that has left dead and wounded in its wake.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack on the central MAT riot cops’ den in Goudi.




On 14/11/21 our comrades Fotis D. and Jason (Iasonas) R. did not stop at a checkpoint carried out by a DIAS team in the area of N. Faliro. Immediately afterwards a pursuit started against them by a vehicle without crossbars, which rammed them on the move risking fatal injury, then they were taken to the G.A.D.A central police headquarters in Athens . There, after compulsory fingerprinting and DNA sampling, they were charged with the attack on the Piraeus traffic police earlier that evening. With invalid evidence, namely, the spreading of false news, since they talked about a house-den and an explosives manufacturing plant, inaccurate statements of cops, which constantly fell into contradictions, it was decided to remand them in custody.

Nearly a year after the arrest of F.D. and I.R., with no trial date set and the case file still open, the investigator had room to implicate more people. On the morning of Tuesday 20/9/21 , State security cops, accompanied by a prosecutor, raided the house of comrades Panagiotis B. and Lambros B. After they were given a summons to appear for the case of the attack on the Piraeus Traffic Police, a house search was conducted, where personal belongings were seized. The comrades were arrested, detained at the GADA and subsequently released.

On 6/10/21, after interrogation in the Piraeus courts, they were remanded in custody once again on the pretext of criminalizing their comradeship and friendly relations with the already remanded for the same case, F.D. and I.R. Despite the many means at the disposal of the E.L.AS, (Greek police) having imprisonment and convictions as their aim, it resorts to the classic method of creating evidence. In particular, they choose to ‘identify’ (through video footage), simple and everyday clothing (for example, ‘cargo pants’). Our comrades are confronted with the following charges:

[Poster] FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatziaggelou

FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatzianggelou

At dawn on Tuesday 8/2/22, two comrades were arrested following an operation by the “anti-terrorist police”. The reason was the burning of the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” in Thessaloniki. In the house where they were arrested, “incriminating” evidence was found which, in the context of the Terror Law, acquires a “felony” character. Later, another comrade was arrested. All three were remanded in Korydallos prison, prosecuted under the Terror Law (187a) for their participation in the organization “Anarchist Action”, the arson of the “Foundation for National and Religious Thought” and other actions.

Anarchist Thanos Chatzianggelou claimed responsibility for this arson and the findings in the house, and later on 10/3/22 he claimed political responsibility for his participation in the organization “Anarchist Action”.

The anarchist Gewrgia Voulgaris defended the choice to have a supporting role in carrying out the action. She remained in custody for 7 months and then the prison board decided to continue her detention under house arrest with an electronic bracelet.

P. Kalaitzis, whose only connection to the case is his relationship with the house and his companion, friendly and collegial relations with T.H. denied all charges and after 7 months of pre-trial detention he was released from prison with restrictive conditions, to sign every 1st and 15th of the month and a ban on leaving the country.

The war against the State and capital is unceasing, unyielding and multiform. The struggle for equality, freedom and solidarity may have losses, but it will be victorious because justice is on our side. No criminalisation of anarchist comrades, social and friendly relations.

Assembly of Solidarity with the Prisoners, imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted fighters.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Poster in Gr/En/ Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas, Freedom for Alfredo Cospito

From Theory to Practice
For Anarchy
Honor Forever To Lampros Fountas

The comrade and member of the rebel anarchist organization Revolutionary Struggle fell with a gun in his hand after a fight with police during the organization’s preparatory action for attacks on economic targets on March 10, 2010.

Freedom To Italian Anarchist Alfredo Cospito

The comrade has been on an exhausting hunger strike since 20/10/2022 in Italian prisons demanding with his life the abolition of the torturous isolation regime 41 BIS imposed on him. Alfredo Cospito has been in prison since 2013 for the 2012 shooting of a nuclear power company director.

We Don’t Forget The Dead

We Don’t Forget Our prisoners Comrades

In The Anti-State Struggle

Anarchist Squat Utopia A.D.


Από Τη Θεωρία Στη Πράξη

Για Την Αναρχία

Τιμή Για Πάντα Στον Λάμπρο Φούντα

Ο σύντροφος και μέλος της αντάρτικής αναρχικής οργάνωσης Επαναστατικός Αγώνας έπεσε με το όπλο στο χέρι μετά από συμπλοκή με μπάτσους κατά τη διάρκεια προπαρασκευαστικής ενέργειας της οργάνωσης για επιθέσεις σε οικονομικούς στόχους στις 10 Μαρτίου 2010.

Λευτεριά Στον Ιταλό Αναρχικό Alfredo Cospito

Ο σύντροφος διεξάγει μια εξαντλητική απεργία πείνας από τiς 20/10/2022 στις Ιταλικές φυλακές διεκδικώντας με τη ζωή του την κατάργηση του βασανιστικού καθεστώτος απομόνωσης 41 BIS που του έχει επιβληθεί. Ο Alfredo Cospito βρίσκετε φυλακισμένος από το 2013 για τον πυροβολισμό του διευθυντή εταιρίας πυρηνικής ενέργειας το 2012.

Δεν Ξεχνάμε Τους Νεκρούς Δεν Ξεχνάμε Τους Αιχμάλωτους Συντρόφους Και Συντρόφισσες Μας Στον Αντικρατικό Αγώνα

Αναρχικό Στέκι Utopia A.D.

Fallen in the Struggle for Anarchy and Social Revolution: LAMBROS FOUNDAS, PRESENT!

13 years ago, the anarchist comrade Lambros Fountas, an armed guerrilla member of  the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle, was murdered by a state guard’s gun during a preparatory action of the Revolutionary Struggle.  in the Daphne area of Athens in the early hours  of 10/3/2010.

Solidarity to the comrades of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis – Strength until Freedom.

Act for freedom now!

Greece: Honor forever to the comrade Lambros Fountas by the members of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle Nikos Maziotis-Pola Roupa

Honor forever to the comrade Lambros Fountas by Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa.

For us, his comrades in the Revolutionary Struggle, he is not dead. He is in our blood and in the air we breathe as fighters. He is in our aims and objectives. He is one with our organization and our struggle. He is present every day, every moment.


13 years from the day that comrade L. Fountas was murdered by a State guard’s gun during a preparatory action of R.O.  Revolutionary Struggle.

The comrade fell fighting against the imposition of the memorandum policies. He fell resisting the deadly social derailment for which the State and capital are responsible.

Honor forever to comrade Lambros Fountas

Paula Rupa, c-wing prison of Thebes
Nikos Maziotis, d-wing prison Domokou
