Tag Archives: Anarchist Prisoners

UK: Letter from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone for comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno

Farewell, Alfredo

I heard today by telephone as the morning winter sun shone through grey clouds into the confines of my cell that our comrade Alfredo Bonanno passed away during sleep surrounded by the love of his close ones. I too send my incendiary embrace to all those who feel his loss and assert that a combative memory will remain.

Alfredo’s contributions to the anarchist movement are undeniable, critical, insightful, and prescient. One of Alfredo’s texts, ‘What are Anarchists?‘ had appeared in an investigation file against me for which I was accused of distributing. His booklet published under the title ‘Locked Up‘ by Elephant Editions is one of the most important documents on the topic of imprisonment in my opinion.

Continue reading UK: Letter from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone for comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years (USA)

Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years

Following nearly ten years of incarceration and numerous attempts by the State to frame, murder, and break him – anarchist prisoner Eric King has now been released and is headed to a half-way house “for several weeks,” reports supporters.

Imprisoned for taking direct action in solidarity with the Ferguson uprising, Eric King survived everything from COVID, to attacks by neo-Nazi prisoners, and years of abuse from guards. In a statement from 2016, King stated:

I stand by my actions. After seeing what happened in Ferguson, so close down the road, I was disgusted by the lack of mobilization in my city. Three hours away people were fighting for their lives and we weren’t even taking to the streets. We were doing nothing. My act as a very personal display of my anger and rage toward the state as well as an act of solidarity to everyone in Ferguson. We never know our own strength until we are tested and even with my ridiculous sentence I feel at least proud to have been able to stand strong and refuse to cooperate with the state.


Continue reading Anarchist Prisoner Eric King Released to Halfway House After Ten Years (USA)

Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

Message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation, Thanos Chatziangelou, on the strategic diversion of the Palestinian Resistance in the heart of the imperialist centres.

Car bomb attack of Red Army Faction at the HQ USAFE and HQ 4th ATAF parking lot of Ramstein Air Base in 1981

The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war in the Western metropolises

“A sacrifice today for tomorrow

the numbers suck their blood

Good morning, you’ll say good morning to me again on Saturday.

wrapped in a shroud.”

The Zionist atrocity of the Israeli occupation forces and the Western allies is growing day by day. Invoking the provocative narrative of the rules of war, they baptize entire migrant camps, hospitals, churches, playgrounds and entire urban centres as Hamas bases and operational centres in order to legitimize the exemplary massacre of the Palestinian resistance for communication purposes. Israel’s war crimes are officially underwritten by the North Atlantic Alliance, with bilateral military support and the legitimisation of Israeli interventions by Western media propaganda. The Western narrative cuts off the practical popular resistance of dozens of Palestinian organizations from the Palestinian right to self-determination and independence, wanting to criminalize and drown in blood any attempt at liberation defined by the popular base, moving outside and against the imperialist Western centers.

Continue reading Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Genova: First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial July 5, 2023

The first-degree sentence of the Diamante trial against anarchist comrades Evelin and Gianluca (arrested on March 16th, 2022) was read out today, July 5th, at the Genoa court. Evelin was acquitted of all accusations and Gianluca was convicted to 4 years and 6 months of prison (plus a fine of 15,000 euro) for ‘illegal possession of explosives’ (art. 1 and 2 of law 895/67) and ‘attempted crime’ (art. 56 c. p., Italian criminal code), while he was acquitted of the accusation of ‘manufacture or possession of explosive materials with the purpose of endangering public safety’ (art. 435 c. p.).

Continue reading First-degree sentence of the Diamante trial (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin! (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Genova: Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin!

On July 5th, the court of Genoa will hold the hearing for the sentence in the trial against anarchists Gianluca and Evelin, who were arrested on March 16th, 2022, within the Diamante investigation and charged with fabrication and possession of explosive and explosive material. During the hearings on June 7th and 8th, the prosecutor requested a sentence of 9 years and 6 months (plus a fine of 30,000 euros) for Gianluca and 5 years and 6 months (plus 15,000 euros) for Evelin.

We recall that Gianluca — who is also under investigation in the Sibilla proceeding against the anarchist paper ‘Vetriolo’ — is still under house arrest with all the restrictions for the Diamante trial (the comrades were transferred to house arrest after a period of imprisonment in Rome’s Rebibbia prison), while Evelin was released in April 2022 following the re-examination hearing on the precautionary measures.
Continue reading Solidarity presence at the sentencing hearing of the Diamante trial. Solidarity with Gianluca and Evelin! (Genoa, Italy, July 5, 2023)

Update on anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the bitter end (Italy, December 19, 2022)

He is aware of the solidarity mobilisation through news reports, when actions and initiatives impose this level of coverage on the regime media. The newspapers, on the other hand, come to him with pages cut out, holes that have become increasingly frequent in recent weeks.

At the moment, a few letters, telegrams and postcards seem to get through, unlike the months before his struggle, when everything written to him ended up being confiscated. Particularly with regard to telegrams, which seem to be the communications that most frequently pass the censors’ meshes, it is important to remember that these must be individual and must contain the sender’s name and address at the bottom.

We remind the address:

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”
strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari

via: La Nemesi

Solidarity for Alfredo Cospito, Sabotage with fire to an electric car charger. ( Madrid, Spain)

Last weekend, December 10 and 11, an electric car charger was set on fire in Madrid.

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.

via: barcelona.indymedia

Responsibility claim for the explosive attack on the house of the First Counsellor of the Italian Embassy – “Carlo Giuliani” Vengeance Cell (Athens,Greece)

Since 20/10 Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike against the prison regime imposed on him by the Italian state, under the name 41 bis. Alfredo Cospito has been a prisoner since 2012, having taken responsibility for the shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, director of Ansaldo Nucleare, an action carried out by the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front (FAI/IRF). Since then the comrade remains unrepentant and continues to be committed to the cause of social liberation. For this reason, the Italian state decided to impose the 41 bis regime on him from 5 May, a prison within a prison where he will be in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, with one hour of pre-trial detention and meeting with other prisoners, who will be decided by the prison management, imposing full control over him, including which of his fellow prisoners he will associate with.

Continue reading Responsibility claim for the explosive attack on the house of the First Counsellor of the Italian Embassy – “Carlo Giuliani” Vengeance Cell (Athens,Greece)

Toby Shone from Parc Prison – Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito 2022 (UK)

Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito from anarchist comrade Toby Shone

“By observing the force of the rainfall, one can know the size of the dragon, and by observing the flourishing of the blossoms, one can know the depths of the pond.” Traditional saying

News has reached me of the isolation torture inflicted on Alfredo Cospito who has been hit with the 41bis regime of the Italian State and placed into the hell of the White Cells.

My heart aches to hear of the conditions he is suffering and I am in solidarity with his indefinite hunger strike.

Continue reading Toby Shone from Parc Prison – Declaration of Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito 2022 (UK)

Italy: Anarchist prisoner Juan Sorroche has gone on hunger strike in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Oct. 25, 2022: We learn from Terni Prison that anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche has also gone on hunger strike since midnight today in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.
Updates will follow.
