Tag Archives: Organization Anarchist Action

Greece: Thanos Chatziangelou|…firm steps to the end

Don’t stop me. I’m dreaming.

We’ve lived bent over centuries of injustice.

Centuries of loneliness.

Now don’t. Don’t stop me.

Now and here and forever and ever and everywhere.

I dream of freedom…

I dream because I love.

Big dreams in the sky

Don’t ask. Don’t stop me.

It’s now to restore

the supreme act of moral right.

To make a poem of Life.

And Life into action.

It’s a dream that I can I can I can


And you don’t stop me I don’t dream. I’m living.

I’m waiting! I’m waiting for those looks, those looks, those looks, those looks, those looks, those looks, those looks. Fearful faces behind the robes of blind justice. Sons and daughters – the genetic children of Themis – critics of justice, who steel their filth with the law of silence. And in their path, the fates of men dragging against the earth like a ragged rag.
Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatziangelou|…firm steps to the end

Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

Message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation, Thanos Chatziangelou, on the strategic diversion of the Palestinian Resistance in the heart of the imperialist centres.

Car bomb attack of Red Army Faction at the HQ USAFE and HQ 4th ATAF parking lot of Ramstein Air Base in 1981

The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war in the Western metropolises

“A sacrifice today for tomorrow

the numbers suck their blood

Good morning, you’ll say good morning to me again on Saturday.

wrapped in a shroud.”

The Zionist atrocity of the Israeli occupation forces and the Western allies is growing day by day. Invoking the provocative narrative of the rules of war, they baptize entire migrant camps, hospitals, churches, playgrounds and entire urban centres as Hamas bases and operational centres in order to legitimize the exemplary massacre of the Palestinian resistance for communication purposes. Israel’s war crimes are officially underwritten by the North Atlantic Alliance, with bilateral military support and the legitimisation of Israeli interventions by Western media propaganda. The Western narrative cuts off the practical popular resistance of dozens of Palestinian organizations from the Palestinian right to self-determination and independence, wanting to criminalize and drown in blood any attempt at liberation defined by the popular base, moving outside and against the imperialist Western centers.

Continue reading Greece: Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou ‘The Palestinian Resistance as a reference point for the declaration of the anti-imperialist civil war’

We take responsibility for the attack with an incendiary device with gaseous explosives at the EFKA building in Zografou by Anarchist Attack Group. (Athens,Greece)

We take responsibility for the attack with an incendiary device with gaseous explosives at the EFKA (Health center of Zografou ) building in Zografou area which resulted in damage to a State vehicle of EFKA as well as to the building.

We would like to begin by emphasizing that we do not intend this text to speak more than our action. An attack on the State, on an institution we think speaks for itself. Let these few words be a necessary companion and political defence of the flame of our attack.

We have chosen this target as it is a State institution created by the former Minister of Labour Hatzidakis and now under the authority of this ministry, and responsible for pensions, insurances and labour insurance. In other words, everything that constitutes modern capitalist Christianity. To put it more simply. I have worked for 40 years hoping for a pension to ”live my life” as it comes, and if, and with as much money as the government of the day decides. We even know that this particular body has deliberately delayed the payment of thousands of pensions. But we are not here to beg the State to give the pensions to the ‘poor people’ who have forcefully made sure that they have re-elected their oppressors. We are here to remind the State that any attack on the lower economic strata will involve an attack on itself.

Continue reading We take responsibility for the attack with an incendiary device with gaseous explosives at the EFKA building in Zografou by Anarchist Attack Group. (Athens,Greece)

Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

Solidarity message of the imprisoned member of the Organization Anarchist Action to the unrepentant anarchist Claudio Lavazza, in response to the appeal of his 25-year-old sentence which is to be examined on the 17th of May.

While being imprisoned in the most dystopian Hall of tyranny a combination of a few words on a piece of paper could never vividly describe the ideal of revolutionary intransigence. How could anybody fit a moment a life of disobedience, complexly devoted to the relentless struggle without leaving out any important detail.

Until today, there are only few people who wholeheartedly attempted to build a bridge filling the gap between a life and survival. These people who devoted their whole existence to the bright direct actions of the revolutionary base against the fierce doctrine of tyranny for the “end of history”, laid down their lives in the wholehearted hostilities of the revolutionary base. They enlisted sternly and unyieldingly on the fractious front of subversion, bled while comrades were perishing in battle, but imprisoned in the face of the danger of repentance and legitimacy, they chose ironclad pride. Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

On 8/2 in the early morning hours, comrade Thanos Xatziagkelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari were arrested on the occasion of an arson attack at the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection and in the afternoon of the same day, comrade Panos Kalaitzis was arrested with a unique connection between his friendly and comradely relations with the former. In the following days the charges were upgraded to formation and membership of the Anarchist Action Organization and on Friday 11/2 the prosecutor ordered their pre-trial detention.
As a reflexive and minimal response we proceeded with coordinated attacks with hammers on :
1 atm in Agia Sofia Street in the Centre
2 atm on Agios Dimitrios Street in the Centre
1 atm in Triandria
1 atm at the War Museum
1 bank in Neapoli
1 supermarket and 1 atm in Neapoli
For us it is known that the state suppresses the internal enemy when it returns a share of the violence of power and criminalizes friendly and comrade connections.

Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22