UK: Letter from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone for comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno

Farewell, Alfredo

I heard today by telephone as the morning winter sun shone through grey clouds into the confines of my cell that our comrade Alfredo Bonanno passed away during sleep surrounded by the love of his close ones. I too send my incendiary embrace to all those who feel his loss and assert that a combative memory will remain.

Alfredo’s contributions to the anarchist movement are undeniable, critical, insightful, and prescient. One of Alfredo’s texts, ‘What are Anarchists?‘ had appeared in an investigation file against me for which I was accused of distributing. His booklet published under the title ‘Locked Up‘ by Elephant Editions is one of the most important documents on the topic of imprisonment in my opinion.

Alfredo’s writings for which he was investigated and incarcerated are never mere collections of words but emerge directly from lived experiences, his own and that of the comrades that participate in our struggle for freedom. Affinity groups, informal organization, direct action and the critique of technology and systems: these concepts form the most potent section of today’s Anarchy, let’s put them into practice!

“Hurry Comrade”

Toby Shone

12-12-2023 HMP Garth

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