City of Patras,Greece: Taking responsibility for the burning of a vehicle of AB Vassilopoulos in solidarity with the anarchist G. Michailidis by Anarchists

Patras- Taking responsibility for the burning of a vehicle of AB Vassilopoulos in solidarity with the anarchist G. Michailidis by Anarchists We take responsibility for the burning of a vehicle of AB Vassilopoulos, (supermarket chain) a gesture of solidarity with the anarchist comrade G. Michailidis, who has been on hunger strike since 12/5/23 and thirst … Continue reading City of Patras,Greece: Taking responsibility for the burning of a vehicle of AB Vassilopoulos in solidarity with the anarchist G. Michailidis by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

Athens, Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists Comrade Giannis Michailidis is again putting his body as a barrage against the State revenge that he has been experiencing for almost a decade, choosing to fight for his freedom once again. Despite … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Intervention at central offices of general newspapers in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5 /23  G.Michailidis

Athens, Intervention at central offices of general newspapers in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5 /23  G.Michailidis Today, June 6/23, as the anarchist comrade Giannis Mchailidis is on his 26th day of hunger strike, we are holding an intervention at the offices of “Εφημεpίδa suntaktwn “. We threw flyers, hung a banner and … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Intervention at central offices of general newspapers in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker from 12/5 /23  G.Michailidis

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5), during the trial of the Anarchist Organisation Action on 25/5/23 In an era of political rot and the deadly rigidity of social competition, we have a duty to be the voice … Continue reading Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)

Greece: Some news in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis

 In solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis Our comrade, in the name of dignity and freedom, chooses again the same torturous path that has already created irreparable, as it seems, health problems. In this struggle, however, he has exposed and continues to expose the true face of the judiciary; all that remains is … Continue reading Greece: Some news in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis

Greece: Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/GR.)

Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/ΕΛ) The anarchist comrade and prisoner of the Greek prisons, Giannis Michailidis, is on a new hunger strike since 12.05.2023. Exactly one year ago, on May 25, 2022, he had announced the start of another hunger strike demanding his release, which after … Continue reading Greece: Call for actions internationally in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (ENG/GR.)

Athens, Greece: Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito , by Anarchists

Athens, Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito by Anarchists With this text we take responsibility for the fire of 3 refrigerator-trucks of Davoutis SA, in Nea Ionia, Athens. All three trucks, which were parked next to the main shop-slaughterhouse of the company, were completely destroyed by … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Explosive attack on meat industry – Signal of solidarity to G.Michailidis and to Alfredo Cospito , by Anarchists

Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués

Porto Alegre, Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church Our gentle hand for those who struggle, our hostile hand for those who seek to oppress us. This is not a spectacular action that’s at the level of the struggle of our anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis, this is barely a small … Continue reading Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués

Athens,Greece: Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument

via:athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now! Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument Good evening comrades, I am taking the opportunity to say a few words on the occasion of today’s event. It is a day to recall the past, to remember, as the … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text by Giannis Dimitrakis at the event during the week of restoration of the Alexander Grigoropoulos monument