Text – beginning of Anarchist prisoner V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

Text – beginning of V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis How sure are we that there is no death penalty in Greece? Remaining imprisoned for three years in solidarity, I directly experience the vengeance of the prosecuting authorities in the cells of the alt-right government! What we are experiencing today as an Anarchist movement … Continue reading Text – beginning of Anarchist prisoner V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

BREAKING: Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike

Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis is on hunger strike since 23/5, demanding his release. Today he completes 61 days of hunger strike without his request being accepted. His health condition has deteriorated greatly, as he has a very difficult time in getting … Continue reading BREAKING: Significant deterioration of the health of Giannis Michaelidis – 61 days of hunger strike

11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas in Greece. the text given out: FREEDOM TO HUNGER STRIKER GIANNIS MICHAILIDIS SOLIDARITY TO MIGRANTS IN GREECE Giannis Michailidis is an anarchist prisoner on hunger strike since 23/5. He has served 8.5 years in prison and, while he … Continue reading 11/07/22 Intervention at the Greek embassy in London for G.Michailidis and the struggle of the migrants in Elaionas (London,UK)

Νtinos Giatzoglou: Victory in the hunger strike of G.Michailidis (Greece)

VICTORY IN THE HUNGER STRIKE OF THE COMRADE GIANNIS MICHAILIDIS To raise the shield of solidarity and the sword of resistance to modern totalitarianism. To become the fist that will break the heads of the hydra of state terrorism. Not to allow the extermination of those who have irrevocably committed themselves to the anti-authoritarian and … Continue reading Νtinos Giatzoglou: Victory in the hunger strike of G.Michailidis (Greece)

Komotini, north Greece: Slogans and flyers for the liberation of G. Michailidis

In the continuation of the solidarity manifestations with the hunger striker since 23/05 Giannis Michailidis, yesterday Tuesday 05/07 we threw thousands of flyers at the courts, the town hall and in central points and neighbourhoods of Komotini. Also in the previous days slogans were written in and around the centre. Immediate release of the anarchist … Continue reading Komotini, north Greece: Slogans and flyers for the liberation of G. Michailidis

Greece: Freedom to G. Michailidis – Start of hunger strike of prisoner D. Hatzivassiliadis

The imprisoned comrade Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis started a hunger strike today in solidarity with the hunger striker Giannis Michailidis. The anarchist G. Michailidis has been on hunger strike since 23/5 to demand his rightful release from prison. He is already in his 51st day with the risk of permanent damage to his health. In this circumstance, … Continue reading Greece: Freedom to G. Michailidis – Start of hunger strike of prisoner D. Hatzivassiliadis

URGENT: Prosecutor’s proposal to the council for the release of G. Michailidis (Greece)

URGENT: Prosecutor’s proposal to the council for the release of G. Michailidis Today, Wednesday 6/7, the prosecutor’s proposal for the release of the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis, who has been on hunger strike since 23/5, was submitted to the council. The prosecutor’s proposal was rejected, so it now remains for the council to meet … Continue reading URGENT: Prosecutor’s proposal to the council for the release of G. Michailidis (Greece)


In the era of the normality of speciesism, of the normality of the exploitation of animals (human or non-human), of the normality of confinement and prisons, of the normality of the culture of deprivation of freedom and, essentially, of life itself, of the normality of poverty, misery, sadness and depression, one does not fight for … Continue reading GREECE: KOSTAS SAKKAS «VICTORY IN THE STRUGGLE OF HUNGER STRIKER G. MICHAILIDIS».

Greece: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis

BREAKING: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis Today 20/6 the Judicial Council of Amfissa rejected the request for release of fellow hunger striker Giannis Michailidis. The Judicial Council of Amfissa and the judges Konstantinos Mandavinos, Ioannis Gatzias and Smaragda Moraiti signed with their dirty hands … Continue reading Greece: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis

Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

The dictatorship of confinement is the mirror of democracy. It is the morbid representation of a tyranny that is not content with its military victories. It wants to see those who subjugate bend, sink into deprivation and decline. See in the faces of the captives that laughter disappears and misery occupies its place. Power builds … Continue reading Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis