Preliminary remarks by the authors
We are at the beginning of a new age of wars. Wars between transnational power blocs, wars between existing and nascent nation states and wars against both fleeing and rebellious populations. Wars over strategic resources, wars over food and water, wars over geostrategic power constellations and territorial claims. But no matter what the wars of the present and future may be fought over, we firmly refuse to join any party in them, as every war is directed exclusively against the exploited and oppressed of this world and only benefits the powerful in increasing their wealth and their domination over life. However, it cannot follow from this that we will passively watch as the rulers prepare the slaughter, commit genocides and massacres and bring destruction and misery upon people and life itself. While it is clear that we will never turn our guns on each other at the command of the MASTERS, nothing in the world will prevent us from fighting with our own weapons against the mere facilitation of war, against nationalist propaganda, the military-industrial process of progressive genocide, and not least the very infrastructure of war.
And it is precisely this infrastructure of war, or today’s modern “dual use” infrastructure of the “peaceful” exploitation and military destruction of people and nature, that we want to focus on in this article. We’ll use the example of the so-called Scan–Med corridor (Scandinavian-Mediterranean corridor), one of the EU’s most important infrastructure transport axes, as well as some of its current sub-projects for expansion and constructive reinforcement. In doing so, our aim is not to yet again demonstrate that the fight against war always includes the fight against the “peaceful”, i.e. frictionless exploitation and destruction, against the industrial and colonial project, but rather to make a small contribution to pointing out concrete points of attack in this fight. At the same time, we encourage people to carry out their own analyses of the military-industrial complex, its raw materials and its logistics, with nothing less in mind than its efficient sabotage. We feel the lack of such an analysis all the more sharply because we are of the opinion that our ability to fight domination (and its wars) is irrevocably dependent on knowing its infrastructures, understanding the mechanisms that make them function and, not least of all, possessing the necessary skills as well as a certain routine for attacking it at identified weak points. Continue reading TEN-T, Military Logistics, and Availability: Using the Scan–Med Corridor and Its Current Sub-Projects as an Example →