Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE

2022/11/06 lanemesi Occupied the crane of the construction site of La Scala Theatre in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Juan Sorroche and Ivan Alocco on hunger strike against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole (Milan, Italy, November 6, 2022) Since the early hours of this morning, two comrades have been occupying the … Continue reading Anarchist Alfredo Cospito started a hunger strike (Italy, October 20, 2022) EN/IT/GR/ES/FR/DE


Explosive Attack against “Ricardo Flores Magón” Police Station in Mexico After midnight… On September 3, 2022, we set off an explosive artifact made with dynamite, gunpowder, ammonium sulfate, nitrates, phosphates and butane gas. This happened at approximately one in the morning at the Ricardo Flores Magón Police station located in Jaime Torres Bodet and Ciprés … Continue reading MÉXICO: EN/ES Explosive Attack against “Ricardo Flores Magón” Police Station in Mexico-REIVINDICACIÓN DE ATAQUE EXPLOSIVO CONTRA COMISARÍA «RICARDO FLORES MAGÓN».

Athens, Greece: By lighting an improvised incendiary device

 By lighting an improvised incendiary device The anarchist comrade Giannis Mihailidis already served 3/5 of his sentence 7 months ago. He has completed more than two months on hunger strike demanding his release. His health is in poor condition with the possibility of permanent damage almost inevitable. The judicial authorities consider that the period of … Continue reading Athens, Greece: By lighting an improvised incendiary device

Text – beginning of Anarchist prisoner V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

Text – beginning of V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis How sure are we that there is no death penalty in Greece? Remaining imprisoned for three years in solidarity, I directly experience the vengeance of the prosecuting authorities in the cells of the alt-right government! What we are experiencing today as an Anarchist movement … Continue reading Text – beginning of Anarchist prisoner V. Stathopoulos’ hunger strike for G. Michailidis

Patras, Greece: Paint attack and breaking of windows at courthouse in solidarity with anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

On Monday night 11/7 we attacked the Patras courthouse, painting the facade and breaking its windows, in solidarity with the anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis who is on hunger strike since 23/5, waging a struggle against state vengeance with his own body as a weapon. The comrade, having already served about 8.5 years in prison since … Continue reading Patras, Greece: Paint attack and breaking of windows at courthouse in solidarity with anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

Greece: EN/GR/ES/FR :A letter from the special cell of Lamia Hospital – Giannis Michailidis

A letter from the special cell of Lamia Hospital – Giannis Michailidis The scorpion is an insect that differs little from its ancestral species, which were among the first animals to walk on land hundreds of millions of years ago. It has been observed that individuals of this species, when trapped among the flames with … Continue reading Greece: EN/GR/ES/FR :A letter from the special cell of Lamia Hospital – Giannis Michailidis

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022

Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022 On 07/07/2022 at 04.00 we carried out a symbolic attack with two kilos of explosive material at the Tax Office of Maroussi in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Giannis Michailidis. The reasons for the hunger strike should already be known … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for the attack at the Tax Office of Maroussi area on 07/072022

Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos on the release of Korkoneas cop killer of Alexis Grigoropoulos.

On June 28, the Lamia Court of Appeal secured for the unrepentant murderer Korkoneas the mitigating circumstance which opens the way for his release for the second time. No thinking person was surprised by this decision, which was the logical continuation of the favourable criminal treatment of the cop-killers by the civil justice system. A … Continue reading Greece: Text by Nikos Romanos on the release of Korkoneas cop killer of Alexis Grigoropoulos.


24 czerwca – Międzynarodowy Dzień Akcji i Solidarności ze strajkiem głodowym anarchisty Giannisa Michailidisa 24 CZERWCA został ogłoszony Międzynarodowym Dniem Akcji i Solidarności z anarchistą Giannisem Michailidisem, który prowadzi strajk głodowy domagając się przedterminowego zwolnienia z więzienia. Wzywamy do działań, które pokażą Giannisowi i jego przyjaciołom, że o nim pamiętamy, że nikt schwytany w szczęki … Continue reading SOLIDARITY WITH ANARCHIST COMRADE GIANNIS MICHAILIDIS ON HUNGER STRIKE SINCE 23/5/22 (polish)

14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es

[EN] 5th Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis – The comrade returned to prison Today, the 23rd day of comrade Giannis Michailidis hunger strike, his morning measurements were as follows: Oxygen: 95 Pulse: 67 Pressure:10 and 7 Blood sugar: 61 Weight:62.6 kg (loss of more than 10% of his original body weight) The companion … Continue reading 14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es