Attack with Fire for Thanos Chatzianggelou in (Berlin, Germany)

“The state is not something that can be destroyed by revolution, but it is a condition, a certain relationship between people, a mode of human behavior; we destroy it by entering into other relationships, by behaving differently.” – Gustav Landauer When we carried the spirit of solidarity to Berlin-Neukölln in the first hours of January … Continue reading Attack with Fire for Thanos Chatzianggelou in (Berlin, Germany)

Update on the health condition of the Anarchist comrade Thanos Chatzianggelou on hunger and thirst strike. (Greece)

Update on the health condition of the Anarchist comrade Thanos Chatzianggelou on hunger and thirst strike. 28/12/22 After today’s blood tests done by comrade Th.Hatzianggelou, the measurements are in a very bad place. The potassium and sodium levels are very high, which causes kidney failure and at any moment he could have a heart attack. … Continue reading Update on the health condition of the Anarchist comrade Thanos Chatzianggelou on hunger and thirst strike. (Greece)

Urgent update on Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou’s hunger and thirst strike (Greece)

Urgent update on Thanos Chatzianggelou’s hunger and thirst strike 26/12/22 We were informed that there has been a prosecutor’s order for forced feeding even with fixation, yet this has been communicated only orally. Doctors will follow this order if the striker falls into a coma. Thanos himself today refuses to have any examination and asks … Continue reading Urgent update on Anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatzianggelou’s hunger and thirst strike (Greece)

Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis A solidarity message from captive member of the Organization Anarchist Action to anarchist guerilla Alfredo Cospito, who is on a hunger strike against isolation regime 41bis. For some, the cohesion of comradeship is built on shared positions or philosophical opinions. In an empty dimension … Continue reading Θ.Χατζηαγγέλου|Ένα μήνυμα σαν βέλος για να τρυπήσει τα τείχη του 41bis-Thanos Chatziangelou,A message like an arrow tearing down the walls of 41bis. EN/EL

Another war is possible by prisoner anarchist Thanos Hatziangelou (Greece)

Another war is possible Political statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action on the necessary building of a revolutionary blockade against the imperialist movements of the warmongering transnational formations. In politics there are so many truths as there are lies. Statements and analyses built on the foundations of the subjectivity of the interests they … Continue reading Another war is possible by prisoner anarchist Thanos Hatziangelou (Greece)

Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Brussels, Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Th. Xatziagkelou and G. Voulgaris. On Sunday 7 August we organised an anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels. The event included anti-speciesism games, vegan food, information sessions and various musical performances. We believe that these days are important for people who are not familiar with … Continue reading Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

The dictatorship of confinement is the mirror of democracy. It is the morbid representation of a tyranny that is not content with its military victories. It wants to see those who subjugate bend, sink into deprivation and decline. See in the faces of the captives that laughter disappears and misery occupies its place. Power builds … Continue reading Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

Solidarity message of the imprisoned member of the Organization Anarchist Action to the unrepentant anarchist Claudio Lavazza, in response to the appeal of his 25-year-old sentence which is to be examined on the 17th of May. While being imprisoned in the most dystopian Hall of tyranny a combination of a few words on a piece … Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam.

Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam. Since the first day of my arrest, I have consciously chosen to keep a consistent position and refused to cooperate with the prosecution and interrogation authorities. Every time I spoke, I did it to claim certain historical and political responsibilities. Responsibilities towards … Continue reading Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam.

Thanos Xatziagkelou: Taking responsibility for participation in the Anarchist Action Organization( Koridallos prison,Greece)

Thanos Xatziagkelou -On the intransigent organization of Anarchist Action Every 10th of March time pins the minute markers to zero. There are no hours, only moments of reflection on the burden of responsibility that each and every one of us carries in the continuation of the revolutionary event. For the moral, political and militant duty … Continue reading Thanos Xatziagkelou: Taking responsibility for participation in the Anarchist Action Organization( Koridallos prison,Greece)