Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” ) Gender violence is not just a fact. It is the constantly imposed normality of patriarchal suffocation. Daily femicides, countless rapes and abuses, insulting and ironic comments, questioning and bullying. And when these things receive … Continue reading Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Greece: Message from Thessaloniki Police HQ of resistance of the imprisoned anarchist Thanos Xatziagkelou

Message of resistance of the imprisoned anarchist Th. Xatziagkelou When the hours begin to count down to the complete loss of freedom from the teeth of confinement, each moment acquires its own distinct existential meaning. A smile, a touch, the warmth of a comrade’s voice in a cold phone call, the chants outside the interrogation … Continue reading Greece: Message from Thessaloniki Police HQ of resistance of the imprisoned anarchist Thanos Xatziagkelou

Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory (San Francisco, USA)

Actforfree notes: Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis his temporary release on parole on 14/6/2023 , and the anarchist Georgia Voulgaris  they free back to the streets! Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory On August 21 2023, approximately 20 people gathered in San Francisco to write letters in solidarity with imprisoned revolutionaries, liberationists, … Continue reading Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory (San Francisco, USA)

EN/FR/EL Greece: Resistance message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation Th. Chatzianggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

Thanos Chatziangelou ….and the ashes of the Bastille will spread to the furthest reaches of the earth “See, how their indifference is killing us” On a planet that increasingly resembles a slaughterhouse, there are people with steeled consciences, deeply buried in the concrete and iron of non-existence for their subversive intentions. People who have honoured … Continue reading EN/FR/EL Greece: Resistance message of the imprisoned member of the Anarchist Action Organisation Th. Chatzianggelou for the international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners

CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons July 11, 2023 Monica, Francisco, Joaquín, Juan and Marcelo Speak. – Our emphasis, challenges and urgencies: – 50 years after pinochet’s civic-military coup, his juridical legacy shamefully endures in the heavy sentences of the military court for comrade Marcelo Villarroel. -In the context … Continue reading CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Larissa court, Greece : Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision.

Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision. The hearing on 14 June began with the lawyers’ speeches. After a long break, the court found comrade P. Kalaitzis not guilty and comrades Gewrgia Voulgaris and Thanos Chatzianggelou guilty.

Athens, Greece: Commando attack in Koukaki area in Athens by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Commando attack in Koukaki area in Athens by Anarchists On Thursday 8 June, 23  in solidarity with the anarchist militant Giannis Michailidis, we carried out a raid on Veikou Street in Koukaki, destroying the facades of an elta, a realestate office, a vodafone shop, an s/m bazaar and 2 ATMs. The above attack … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Commando attack in Koukaki area in Athens by Anarchists

Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

Athens, Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists Comrade Giannis Michailidis is again putting his body as a barrage against the State revenge that he has been experiencing for almost a decade, choosing to fight for his freedom once again. Despite … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

(Berlin) Graffiti, Postering and Banner in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

(Berlin) Graffiti, Postering and Banner in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis Already on 12 /6 there were posters glued in Kreuzberg that spread the info about the hungerstrike of the anarchist prisoner. In Görlitzer Park there has been a bannerdrop and graffiti. Two other prisoners, Thanos Chatziagelou and Stergios Kalaitzidis have joined in the hungerstrike recently. … Continue reading (Berlin) Graffiti, Postering and Banner in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)

Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5), during the trial of the Anarchist Organisation Action on 25/5/23 In an era of political rot and the deadly rigidity of social competition, we have a duty to be the voice … Continue reading Statement of solidarity of the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action Th. Chatzianggelou to the struggle of the anarchist hunger striker G. Michailidis (from 12/5/23, (Larissa court, Greece)