Category Archives: General

Athens,Greece: Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito.

Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito.


8.3.2023: An intervention took place in Syntagma Square on March 8, day of Remembrance and Resistance against the barbarity of patriarchy and mobilizations for the mass murder with responsibilities of State and capital in Tempe. Banners were unfurled, texts were distributed, and fliers thrown. Many people were interested in the comrade’s case. At the end comrades stayed on the steps of the square with the banner open for a long time, continuing to inform passers-by.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Summary of the previous days’ actions in Athens in solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker (since 20/10/2022) Alfredo Cospito.

Who wrote that? 2020 by Zündlumpen #76


A brief overview of modern forensic linguistics methods for determining authorship.

The following article tries to give an overview from a non-technical perspective and to make a corresponding evaluation. There are some academic publications on this topic that could be evaluated for a better assessment. However, my main purpose here is just to raise the issue, not to provide a sound and conclusive view so if you know anything more, publish it!

Avoiding traces that could be your undoing down the road – perhaps even after years or decades – is probably of interest to most people who occasionally commit a crime and come into conflict with the law. Avoiding fingerprints, avoiding DNA traces, avoiding shoe prints and textile fiber traces or at least disposing of clothing afterwards, avoiding surveillance cameras, avoiding tool traces, avoiding recordings of any kind, recognizing surveillance, etc. – all this should be a concern for anyone who commits crimes from time to time and wants to protect themselves from identification. But what about those traces that often arise only after a crime has been committed, out of the urge to explain one’s deed anonymously or even by using a recurring pseudonym? When writing and publishing a communiqué?

Continue reading Who wrote that? 2020 by Zündlumpen #76

Greece in turmoil and pain – 8 days of rage, protests and riots for the 57 dead of the train crash

Greece: a country in mourning, still in shock, following the death of 57 people in a train crash at Tempe, the deadliest in the country and one of the worst in Europe.

8 days later the dead passengers, mainly young students, are still being buried and people continue to protest against the crime executed by the neoliberal government and a private company, that chose to sacrifice passenger safety for profit, resulting in a passenger service train, carrying more than 350 people, ramming into a freight train, just before midnight on Tuesday 28 February 2023, after they ended up on the same track mainly due to the lack of technical equipment and the incompetence of the stationmaster, causing the front carriages to burst into flames. Ongoing revelations of staff shortages and substandard equipment have revealed the dangerous state of the privatized rail network. It was indeed an accident waiting to happen.

For 8 days now, almost all protests in Athens have been brutally attacked by the so-called “mourning” riot police, under the orders of Mitsotakis government that pretends to care, while they even close down all metro stations around a protest’s starting point to deter people from joining them. Such is the government’s sincerity and repentance for the blood of 57 people on their hands.

Just a few months before the parliamentary elections, the situation in Greece is unpredictable, with a criminal government employing cops to attack and crash mourning vigils, demonstrations and protests, in a place where there is no justice, nor peace.

* Most of the footage in this video has been shot on the 5th day of protests in Athens, on Sunday, 5 March 2023.

video of the Friday 3 March 2023, third day:

video:Thursday 2 March 2023, second day

Decomposition: For Insurrection Without Vanguards

Table of Contents:

  • Going in Circles: A Critique of “The Coming Insurrection” (A Corps Perdu #3)
  • Blanqui or the Statist Insurrection (Finimondo)
  • Blanqui in Venaus (Finimondo)
  • The Death of Rémi and Confrontations:
    The Radical Recuperators Come Out of the Woodwork
  • Decisions, Compositions, Negotiations (Hourriya #6)
  • Here Lies a Corpse (Storm Warnings #3)
  • A Composition

PDF (Print) | PDF (Read)

The writings of Tiqqun and the Invisible Committee have given rise to the emergence of an authoritarian insurrectionalist tendency that has been recruiting and building its ranks for about the past decade and a half. Although one of the trademarks of tiqqunism is its approach to “invisibility”, or not being legible as a distinct tendency, after so many years and some significant betrayals, tiqqunists have thoroughly revealed who they are and what they want, which is at direct odds with any struggle against authority.

While tiqqunism has crossed the pond from France and taken root across turtle island to some extent, the anarchist critique of tiqqunism has not. This reflects a general commitment to tolerance in the anarchist space, an unfortunate reaction against the ideological dogmatism that silos people in insular and stale subcultural enclosures. Thinking through the lens of this false dilemma comes at the expense of uncompromising clarity around how we relate to power, reformism, representation, and the mechanisms of politics. In short, this tolerance, even when motivated by a desire for openness and connection, blurs the lines which lie at the very foundation of autonomy and self-organization. Continue reading Decomposition: For Insurrection Without Vanguards

Greece: On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02/23 in Britain

via: athens.indymedia.Translated by Act for freedom now!


On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02 in Britain

TW: Transphobic violence, murder

On Sunday 12/2, 16-year-old trans girl Brianna Ghey was murdered after a targeted stabbing attack in a public park in England. Cops and mainstream media claim that the evidence is still not enough to call it a transphobic attack. Of course, how can a targeted murderous attack on a trans person not be transphobically motivated?
In the face of the killer we see the two 15-year-olds who have so far been accused of carrying out the vile act of hate, but we also see the mainstream media – true to their role – murdering Brianna again by erasing and concealing her trans identity from the public and using her deadname.

We see the State with its policies trying to pass-and passing-laws that exclude trans people. We see the ever increasing wave of fascism in England, we see the rise of the terfs population making the ground barren for an inclusive feminist solidarity. We see the chronic demonisation of the trans community, exclusion, marginalisation, loneliness, abandonment and disregard, hatred.
Testimonies from friends confirm her traumatic past experience as a transgender individual, as she had been subjected to years of verbal bullying (online and offline), up to physical bullying after being beaten up by a group of her classmates.

Continue reading Greece: On the murder of 16-year-old transgender Brianna Ghey on 12/02/23 in Britain

RUMOER #6 english/nederlands

We’re here again after this hot winter! Still a time of war, climate-struggle/destructivity/pessimism/idealism, repression, technology and an online mirror-world, farmers, arsonists and uprisings trough out the world.

Not all of this could be captured in this little big pocket-sized RUMOER, but some found its way in.
We do like to spread this zine for free, not just by mail or in social spaces, but also on the streets and
events. This does cost money…If you can, donate lots:

BIC: INGBNL2A NL75 INGB 0004253090 in the name of ITHAKA in Utrecht, in the description RUMOER.
You can order paper versions by sending an email to rumoer at riseup dot net.

Enjoy the reading and see you soon! XXX RUMOER

RUMOER 6-online-english

RUMOER 6-nederlands

On the request for annulment of the measure of 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito by the attorney general in view of the cassation hearing of 24th February (Italy)


Concerning the request for annulment of the measure of 41 bis for Alfredo Cospito by the attorney general in view of the cassation hearing of 24th February

The newspapers of the Agnelli [Fiat] family (la Repubblica and la Stampa) revealed in this morning’s editions (12 February) that the attorney general at the court of cassation had filed for the hearing of the 24th of February a request for annulment of 41 bis with regard to Alfredo Cospito. This is undoubtedly good news, but it should not be overestimated. Naturally because as anarchists we have no faith in bourgeois justice, specifically because it is not uncommon for the cassation to make more radical decisions than those demanded by the prosecution itself.

Finally, we cannot forget that Alfredo’s clinical situation is very serious and that February 24th could be too far off. the whole thing could turn out to be a terrible hoax.
We are persisting in our demand for the immediate declassification of our comrade, convinced that any result achieved will depend solely on the fight to the last breath that Alfredo has put in play and by the international solidarity movement that has emerged.

Who wrote that?

From Zündlumpen #76, via Counter-Surveillance Resource Center

Languages: German
Download: PDF (read, A4 booklet, letter booklet) • TEXT

A brief overview of modern forensic linguistics methods for determining authorship.

The following article tries to give an overview from a non-technical perspective and to make a corresponding evaluation. There are some academic publications on this topic that could be evaluated for a better assessment. However, my main purpose here is just to raise the issue, not to provide a sound and conclusive view so if you know anything more, publish it!

Avoiding traces that could be your undoing down the road – perhaps even after years or decades – is probably of interest to most people who occasionally commit a crime and come into conflict with the law. Avoiding fingerprints, avoiding DNA traces, avoiding shoe prints and textile fiber traces or at least disposing of clothing afterwards, avoiding surveillance cameras, avoiding tool traces, avoiding recordings of any kind, recognizing surveillance, etc. – all this should be a concern for anyone who commits crimes from time to time and wants to protect themselves from identification. But what about those traces that often arise only after a crime has been committed, out of the urge to explain one’s deed anonymously or even by using a recurring pseudonym? When writing and publishing a communiqué? Continue reading Who wrote that?

Haute-Vienne: four arrests for sabotaging wind measuring masts

Haute-Vienne: four people suspected of having damaged wind turbines under investigation
France Bleu/France 3 Limousin, 20 January 2023

Several measuring masts were vandalized in the department between July 6 and October 21, 2022. During these three and a half months, according to the statement of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, wind measuring masts (used for wind turbine implementation studies) collapsed after the cables supporting these masts were severed.

Continue reading Haute-Vienne: four arrests for sabotaging wind measuring masts

Storm Warnings # 57-58 (October 2022)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 57-58 (October 2022) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.

Storm warnings, issue 57-58 (October 15, 2022) :

For reading

For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

“Europe is overflowing with hundreds of billions of dollars for its economic recovery and rearmament plans, quite the opposite of a reduction in its electricity production centers seems to be in the making, with Germany, for example, having just reactivated all of its hundred or so coaland
lignite-based power plants (including the 27 that had previously been suspended in order to meet its carbon emission goals), and also extended the operation of its last three nuclear power plants, which were due to be shut down by the end of 2022. This grandiose combination of 19th century
coal with 20th century nuclear power to feed the devouring requirements of 21st century industry and digital technology is not surprising…”


Avis de tempêtes #57-58