A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

Greetings from nowhere.

“Freedom is secured not by the fulfillment of one’s desires, but by the removal of desire.”
– Epictetus

My journey into clandestinity began 7 years ago today. It was July 10, 2016, the sun was heating up the city and for most of the people I met that day it was just another Sunday. For me, that day was both an end and a beginning. Giving up my old and beloved reality of life, replaced by the great unknown variable. Leaving the old behind me, welcoming the new. A painful and overwhelming start of the journey… From then on I was confronted with the unknown every day, resembling a person who has lost their sight from one day to the next and now has to focus on their other senses.

I wandered around, looking for anchor points, and after long months, with patience and persistence, finally regained my bearings. My life was back on track, or so I thought… What had to come was coming. The next big shock hit me and once again life held its instruction manual in front of my nose; leave the old behind, welcome the new. Clandestinity is a rigorous study full of hardships, but the fruits of it will be a lifetime harvest for me.

A year ago, I stood again in this clearing to call out to you. To let you know that I am well. To let you know that I sincerely love you and carry you in my heart day after day. Today, one year later and 7 years after the beginning of the journey, I am somewhere else, as I will be tomorrow. But the bond between us remains. I had to leave you behind physically. But spiritually and emotionally you have been my silent companionship for 7 years. Thanks to you I always find the strength and courage to welcome new things into my life. To then, when the time comes, leave it behind me again.

Still on the run, mentally ready for the task of securing freedom –

With love and in solidarity
Your friend and comrade from nowhere