Category Archives: General

France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

here:First night of riot ,after police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th of June.2023


[This second night of riot in a row after that of yesterday following the police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th June, expanded to many more cities, multiplying also the number and type of targets.. Beyond clashes with police and burnt cars, below is a non-exhaustive review of burned buildings, looted or attacked across the country, from cop stations to town halls, from social centres to media libraries, from supermarkets to metro stations and trams, not forgetting the entrance of the prison of Fresnes or the court of Asnières-sur-Seine…]

Some numbers
2377 fires were recorded on the public road during the night of 28 to 29 June, according to a police source cited by Le Parisien. Of these, 609 vehicles and 114 buildings were affected. 27 attacks on national police premises were also reported (damong which 7 by fire), 4 gendarmerie barracks, 14 municipal police stations (including 10 burnt). At least eight town halls burned or damaged, 6 schools and six public buildings. 133 members of the police forces were injured, including 123 policemen and 10 gendarmes.

For pleasure…

* Airparif writes this Thursday that « significant levels of particulate matter (PM10 + PM2.5) were observed in the air tonight and this morning » in Île-de-France, and that this « increase in the region is mainly related to emissions related to riots». This kind of pollution can be due to the many fires that took place at night.

Public transport in Ile-de-France

Two trams were burned in the Hauts-de-Seine. One of line T6 to Clamart, at the Georges Pompidou stop. « The catenaries burned, the tram is embedded in the tracks. We’re going to disengage the train this afternoon (Thursday) but the work will take weeks», explained a manager. The other train that was set on fire was the T10 tram, which had just been inaugurated last Saturday at Châtenay-Malabry.

Continue reading France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

Ile-de-France, France: Riot rage spreads following police assassination of Nahel

Riot rage spreads following police assassination of Nahel

Scenes of riots, mortars and fires marked the night from Tuesday to Wednesday in the department of Hauts-de-Seine, but also more sporadically in other departments of Île-de-France after the death of Nahel, 17 years old. The teenager was killed on Tuesday morning 27th June in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) by a police shooting [at point-blank range in the chest], the latter justifying his act by a refusal to comply. The policeman responsible for the fatal shooting, aged 38 years, is being questioned by the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN) as part of the investigation for intentional homicide opened by the Nanterre prosecutor’s office.
In addition to the 31 arrests during this first night of riots, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin speaks of « 24 police wounded » and of « about forty vehicles burnt ». Today Wednesday 28th June, 2,000 police and gendarmes will be deployed in Paris and its inner suburbs.

A Nanterre même, Urban violence has been concentrated in the neighbourhoods of Vieux pont where Nahel was from, but also Zilina, Berthelot, Pablo Picasso and Damades. The police were targeted by projectiles, fireworks mortars and sometimes Molotov cocktails. Approximately vehicles and garbage cans – often erected as barricades – were destroyed in the municipality. Fires were also lit along the rails of the RER A, between Nanterre and Rueil-Malmaison. Several administrative buildings (Public finances, community centre, two school groups) were also damaged by fires. « Various public and private buildings, among which some schools, have suffered significant and unacceptable degradation, sometimes irreparable », the mayor Patrick Jarry laments.
On the side of the authorities, 20 police were slightly injured, among which 18 CRS and two BAC officers of Gennevilliers. Ten police vehicles and a fire engine of the Paris fire brigade (BSPP) were also damaged.

Nanterre (92), le 28 juin 2023

Continue reading Ile-de-France, France: Riot rage spreads following police assassination of Nahel

FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)

Communiqué du S

Salut tout le monde,

Je m’appelle Serge et j’ai été gravement blessé, comme beaucoup d’autres, à la manifestation contre la mégabassine de Sainte Soline du 25 mars 2023. J’ai été atteint à la tête par une grenade, probablement tirée en tendu par un gendarme équipé d’un lanceur de grenade cougar. J’ai subi un grave traumatisme crânien qui m’a mis en situation d’urgence absolue, situation aggravée par le blocage de ma prise en charge par les secours durant la manifestation. Après un mois de coma artificiel et six semaines en réanimation, j’ai été transféré dans un service de neurochirurgie, puis en centre de rééducation. A l’heure actuelle, je ressens d’énormes progrès dans ma faculté à bouger, manger et tout simplement échanger et réfléchir. Le chemin va être extrêmement long mais je suis déterminé à tout donner, à me battre pour récupérer ce qui me constituait, tant physiquement que mentalement. Je le fais évidemment pour moi, mais aussi parce que je pense que refuser d’abdiquer, refuser d’être écrasé par la machine répressive est une nécessité politique, à l’heure où les Etats font le pari de la terreur et de notre passivité.

Je tiens d’abord à remercier celles et ceux qui, dans ce champ de mines, m’ont porté, tenu la main, protégé, promulgué les premiers soins (ralentissement de l’hémorragie, massage cardiaque, intubation etc.) et m’ont tout simplement permis de rester en vie. Je tiens également à remercier les soignants qui, à chaque stade, ont pris soin de moi et m’aident encore aujourd’hui à reconquérir mon corps et ma tête. Je ne peux que vous faire part du bien fou que j’ai ressenti à ma sortie du coma devant la solidarité massive qui s’est exprimée : assemblées, textes, tags, dons, musiques, actions et messages divers de camarades de par le monde. L’écho de vos voix et des rugissements de la rue nous a aidé, mes proches et moi, à ne rien lâcher. Pour tout cela, je vous dis à toutes et tous un grand merci. Vous avez été énormes.
Continue reading FR/EN/DE/SP/GR : A Message from S on June 17/ 23 was seriously injured, at the demonstration against the Sainte-Soline mega-basin on March 25, 2023 (France)


Unravel is a counter-information project with an insurrectional perspective that aims to connect acts of negation and attack in the so-called USA. Those in power want our acts to remain disparate and disconnected, the spark that drives each of us shielded from the other’s view. By weaving together the threads of action, this project hopes to draw throughlines in the struggles that anarchists engage in, in order to broaden and amplify shared projectualities.

Domination and authority cross us in a tangled and knotted web of ever more interconnected systems; unraveling this network at one point has the potential to create a cascade that throws everything into disarray, opening spaces for freedom. This website is explicitly anarchist, and accepts/reposts communiques, reportbacks, analysis, calls to action, events, and mass media articles about unclaimed acts of vandalism, sabotage, arson, or destruction.

Actforfree receive and spread.

Greece: Announcement concerning hunger striker anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

Update urgent information: After so many days’ delays by the judicial authorities to respond to his requests, on June 9th our Anarchist comrade decided to stop drinking water and has also started a thirst strike.


Cardiff (Wales, UK) : a riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance


Cardiff:A riotous night of vengeance, rage & defiance

22/5/22 – A night of rioting in Ely, Cardiff after two teenagers 15 and 16 years old…, pursued by police, were killed in a crash on their electric bike/scooter. Crowds fought the police with stones and fireworks, smashed and burned cars, and other burning barricades until erly morning ours of 23/5/23.
Continue reading Cardiff (Wales, UK) : a riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance

Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

[Hamburg-Germany] Tracking-Technik an Motorroller entdeckt

Im Sitz eines Motorrollers wurde in den vergangenen Tagen ein
sogenanntes „AirTag“ der Firma Apple gefunden. Der Roller wird genutzt von einer Hamburger Anarchistin, die in der Vergangenheit bereits von Überwachungs- und Ermittlungsmaßnahmen betroffen war.

Das kleine, flache Gerät von einem ungefähren Durchmesser von 3
Zentimetern und einer Höhe von weniger als 1 Zentimeter wurde durch einen augenscheinlich mit einem Cuttermesser oder ähnlichem angebrachten
Schlitz ins das Sitzpolster des Motorrollers gesteckt.
Die Vermutung, dass eine Ermittlungsbehörde oder der Verfassungsschutz für die Platzierung verantwortlich ist liegt nahe.

Apple vertreibt die AirTags ursprünglich zu dem Zweck, Gegenstände wie
Schlüsselbund, Brieftasche oder ähnliches in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des eigenen Smartphones zu orten. Es funktioniert über Bluetooth und hat zunächst eine unmittelbare, maximale Reichweite von ungefähr 100 Metern im Freien.
Continue reading Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

Ears and Eyes moves to the CSRC!


Starting today, the Ears and Eyes project is now hosted by the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). The present website will not be updated anymore. The new address is:

This new website has a modern design, is easier for us to update and brings advanced search features to our database, allowing you to filter and search through our 100 cases of surveillance devices hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Feel free to check out CSRC’s other projects, including their database of resources on targeted surveillance and their Threat Library (a threat modeling tool for anarchists).

As usual, you can get in touch with us if you have feedback, criticisms or information to give us. We also welcome translations in any languages. You can now contact us at CSRC’s email address – – or use our old address if you prefer.

30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

30/04 2023
Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Ivan, an anarchist who has been in pre-trial detention in France for some time, reported in a letter that French police were able to gain access to the contents of his laptop.1 The laptop in question had an encrypted Ubuntu Linux installed. Another device with Windows installed and encrypted with Bitlocker could not be accessed. Ivan explained in his letter that he had used a 20-digit password consisting of letters, numbers and special characters for the system.


No, the Linux disk encryption has neither been cracked nor is it “insecure”. The performance of the technology as well as the algorithms have evolved, so the encryption settings should be checked and updated if necessary.

Since then, there have been discussions on the web and in our environment about how this was possible, whether an outdated crypto algorithm in Ivan’s Ubuntu installation was to blame, and what this means for the security of other Linux systems. We even received claims that the encryption of the Tails operating system – which is also a Linux system – was not secure due to outdated algorithms. The topic of device encryption is not easily accessible to many, so we’d like to frame the discussion a bit with this post.
Continue reading 30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

In our experience, most of us in North America aren’t in the habit of thinking very much about DNA traces. Information about how DNA traces are created or prevented is limited to several myths that are passed around. That said, you can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. For example, an arrest was made recently for a Jane’s Revenge arson after DNA was recovered at the crime scene. We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind.

Although DNA is something we should always keep in mind when planning our participation in a riotous moment, we don’t want people to feel overwhelmed by this information. Actionable knowledge empowers us to avoid the dual traps of recklessness (acting as if DNA doesn’t exist) and immobilization (as if leaving traces and their analysis in a laboratory is inevitable).
Continue reading Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.