We were informed that there has been a prosecutor’s order for forced feeding even with fixation, yet this has been communicated only orally. Doctors will follow this order if the striker falls into a coma. Thanos himself today refuses to have any examination and asks to go back to Nigrita’s prison, also due to the police presence in his room-cell in the hospital.
His doctors and nurses treat him as if he is just a patient and not a person on hunger and thirst strike with specific requests asking him whether he finally wants to be given a serum or not.
He is quite overwhelmed, he cannot fall asleep since the cops are loud, they eat in front of his face and this, as a result, affects his psychological condition.
If anything happens to our comrades, we are aware of who is to be blamed.
Forced feeding is torture.
Direct grant of Thanos Chatzianggelou’s requests.
Take your rotten hands off our comrades.
The greek anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou is in danger of force-feeding
There is information that the greek government via a greek prosecutor’s order, wants to force-feed the anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou, being on hunger and thirst strike for 6 days now, since the 19th of December for the violent and unreasonable transfer of him from the Korydallos (Athens) prison to the Nigrita’s one (northern greek prison). His main demand is to be transferred again to his original prison. Thanos is being imprisoned since the 8th of February of 2022, while accused of participation (he has taken the responsibility for) in the anarchist urban guerilla organization “Anarchist Action”.
For the moment, the anarchist comrade is hospitalized in the Seress’ hospital since the 25th of December, and he is totally isolated, being guarded by several policemen, who provocatively eat in front of him and make constant noise. This means that the comrade is impossible to sleep and rest, a thing that is very important concerning his health and mental situation. Thanos himself refuses any medical action or examination and asks to be transported back to the prison against any police presence in his room, and doctors have admitted that they will force-feed them if he gets into a coma situation.
Also, doctors and nurses face him as any other ill person in the hospital, and not as a person on a hunger and thirst strike who has certain demands and they ask him if he wants to be drip fed.
Both this type of hospitalization and the force-feed order are violations of basic human rights and if something happens to our comrade, we surely know who is responsible for this situation.
Force-feed is globally recognized as torture and can lead our comrade Thanos to death, doctors should never admit an action like this.
We ask for direct approval of Thanos’ demands.
Hands off our comrades.
International solidarity call to support the struggle of our comrade Th. Chatziaggelou, on hunger and thirst strike since 19/12
Victory to the hunger and thirst strike (since 19/12) of our comrade Th. Chatzianggelou
During the early hours of Monday 19/12 prison snitches/guards inform our comrade Th. Chantzianggelou about his transfer from his cell to the 4th wing of the hellhole called the “penitentiary detention center” of Korydallos.After our comrade’s refusal to cooperate with them, the “well-known” hooded prison guards took over and tied him up and began his transfer to the prisons of Nigrita, after his declaration that from that moment on he would be on hunger and thirst strike until he was informed of the reason of his transfer and his immediate return to his cell in Korydallos prison. For hours our companion was unable to contact anyone, not even his lawyer. In the evening of the same day, he remains at the Sub-Directorate of Transfers in Thessaloniki and is now in the hellholes-prison of Nigrita Serres. On 25/12, comrade Thanos was admitted to the Serres hospital where he is held under the suffocating presence of police in a room-cell, violating every human right.
In the same way, on 22/12, the anarchist Kostas Dimalexis, prisoner of the 5th Wing of Korydallos, was transferred to the Trikala’s, another smaller city in central Greece,prison.
Continue reading International solidarity call for actions to support the struggle of our comrade Th. Chatziaggelou, on hunger and thirst strike since 19/12 (Thessaloniki Greece) →
Intransigence is a contract of life and death.
During these times there is only one and unique thought – the gravity of our words. For some people words are just a complex of letters without essence. Scattered words that they are doomed to be sold as cheaply as possible from their very first moment of their existence since they were born in dirty mouths. Like stars that fade away when they fall, without the shine. Just darkness. For other people, on the other hand, words are the imprints of actions. Consistency, responsibility, dedication, loyalty, straight-forward words that work as life commitments. A life that needs to be a sum of rebellious moments and war. A life that if you don’t offer it to what you believe in, you are already dead.
A subject’s greatest confrontation is the one between itself and its consciousness. A perpetual silent dialogue, where human weakness stands before the revolutionary tasks and obligations. If you want be called “human”, you have to learn how to walk with your head held high without looking back. To count your steps, as if your words were nailed deep into the ground. Every step is a commitment. Let’s go forward, only forward. Let’s not take a single step back.
Continue reading Th. Chatzianggelou | Intransigence is a contract of life and death. (Greece) →
On 22/11/2022 he was kidnapped and arrested on a trumped-up charge of state security, comrade Costas Dimalexis, a resident of the neighborhood and member of the Community of Squatted
Prosfygika of L. Alexandra. His arrest and prosecution were used as an alibi for the invasion of Prosfygika, which was and still is the real target of the operation and the attempt to criminalize our
community and our neighborhood. The indictment itself lacks of any serious evidence, was based on the fabrication of promises and with its promotion by the establishment media. The repression did
nothing but to repeat a practice that is familiar to them. Create tanks of suspects and sometimes uses them to hit and tie up cases, producing repressive politics. Countless cases over the years that fighters have been dragged into trumped-up trials, movements targeted and struggles suppressed, in order to end up into solemn acquittals or convictions that even make embarrass this bourgeois justice system itself.
At the same time, these cases are the other side of the same coin. The ever greater diversion of the Greek justice system into a regime mechanism of political persecutions, protection of the criminal elites (case Ilioupolis, the cases of Lignadis, Filippidis, Fourthiotis, Greek Mafia, etc.), terrorizing the society and imposing a totalitarian regime similar to that of the states in Africa and in Latin America.
Taking responsibility by Anarchists
Without further words, we want to take responsibility for an incendiary act. On the night of December 18th, we tracked down and burned a Cosmote van(telecommunication company) in Kaisariani area.
Revenge for Kostas Fragoulis and all those murdered, beaten and tortured by the uniformed bastards of democracy.
Power to the 4 comrades for the case of the Piraeus traffic police, power to the hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and Thanos Hatzianggelou, who started a hunger and thirst strike on 19/12.
Translated by Act for freedom now!