Tag Archives: Italy

Genoa, Italy: Banners have been hung in solidarity for Anarchist prisoner Alfredo Cospito

Genoa, Banners for Alfredo

Banners have been hung in an abandoned building of Genova with the words:
Alfredo Cospito
out of 41 bis
For anarchy

Rome, Italy: Update on the trial for operation Bialystok


On 12 September at the Assize courtroom of the court of Rome one of the last hearings took place in the trial that started in the wake of the anti-anarchist repressive operation named Bialystok, in which 6 anarchists were accused of various charges including subversive association, bombing, arson, incitement to commit a crime, plus several ‘minor’ offences.

At the hearing the defence arguments of the lawyers of 3 of the accused comrades were heard. The next hearing will be on 15 September, during which the lawyers defending the remaining 3 comrades will be heard.

The verdict in this first instance trial is scheduled for Tuesday, 20 September.

Updates to follow.

We invite everyone to translate for the widest possible dissemination.

via:ilrovescio.info Translation by Act for freedom now!

Rome, Italy: Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Rome,Updates for Dayvid Ceccarelli

Dayvid, anarchist comrade arrested in Greece and imprisoned in Korydallos prison in Athens, was taken to Italy as soon as the judge denied the possibility to do his sentence in that country. He is now imprisoned in the prison of Civitavecchia.
To write to him:
Dayvid Ceccarelli
via Aurelia nord km 79,500, SNC
00053 Civitavecchia (Rome)

A reminder of the contact details of the solidarity fund:
Gaia Taino
Postepay numero 5333 1711 6663 2741
Iban IT38M3608105138230559830588

Dayvid Free
Everybody Free
Fire to the prisons

via:ilrovescio.infoTranslation by Act for freedom now!

Trento (Italy): solidarity attack against the military housing construction site

Trento : solidarity attack against the military housing construction site.

“Trento, night of August 2 to 3. Arson attack against the machinery on the construction site of new housing for the military in the south of the city of Trento. A tag “War on war” was left on the spot. Against the war between states, against the state and its war on those who still raise their heads, solidarity with Juan, Alfredo and Anna.”

[Translated from Italian by Il Rovescio, August 15, 2022]


via: sansnom
Translation by act for freedom now!

Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications

This writing stems from the need to explain to comrades what will happen after the Cassation ruling for the Scripta Manent trial issued on July 6.

Starting with the most serious convictions, the court requalified the explosive attack against the Carabinieri’s student school in Fossano(Cuneo) on June 2, 2006 and claimed by Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda / Federazione Anarchica Informale as a “political massacre” (art. 285 c. p.), referring the case back to the Turin Court of Appeals for a peggiorative recalculation of the sentence with the risk of life imprisonment for comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino.

In addition, all other convictions handed down in the Court of Appeals were upheld with sentences ranging from 2 years and 6 months to 1 year and 6 months for 11 comrades and acquittals for the rest of the defendants.

The convictions and acquittals as of now are final.

The need to throw down these two lines is due to the fact that I have realized that many comrades do not have a clear understanding of the situation in which some of us convicted Scripta Manent comrades find ourselves.
Continue reading Italy: Cassation Scripta Manent: some considerations and clarifications by Anarchist Gioacchino Somma

Italy: Statement of Juan Sorroche in front of the court of Treviso and against the telematization of the democratic inquisition.

In this umpteenth hearing in videoconference and after many requests, all denied, to appear and attend in person and not in absence to all the hearings of the trial that sees me charged, for the heavy and infamous accusation of massacre, I have to face the issue of videoconferencing, which enters, or to be more precise, was entering, in the infamous logic of the differentiation of the penitentiary circuits, in which the individual prisoner and accused is demonized and dehumanized by the said “considerable social dangerousness”. And I said that I was entering, because the videoconference, the trial in absentia, has been extended to all the prisoners in Italian prisons, who have been left without a real defense and with the marginalization that all this implies for all the defendants who suffer this imposition, through a liberticidal dynamic of the umpteenth emergency, this time for the Covid-19 emergency, which then became law. It is known, it is already evident and unmasked – and I am not only talking about the contradiction of this problem especially, or of one law or another – how the specific problem of the videoconference has reduced the defense to be a farce, annulling in fact the defendant within the trial.

This court will probably say that this has nothing to do with the trial taking place today.

But I believe it does, and what is more, I believe it is a fundamental issue. I am talking about the contradiction that the States possess by their own systemic nature, the fundamental problem is the disintegration and degeneration that dresses itself as emergentialism, and has the objective of breaking and directing the consolidated and ordinary legality at will, transforming it into another legality. We see it with the same dynamics of the perpetual emergency, and the specific plan of the videoconference is only an example of how the systemic authoritarianism liberticidal system expands in a capillary way. It is the exception, the emergency of today, that forges the law of tomorrow, reducing it more and more. The trials by videoconference, that is, in absentia, have been established by the continuous emergencies within the said social dangerousness, which is already the norm, such as the trial by videoconference for all the prisoners in Italian prisons. And it is not that this does not have repercussions on the real conditions of the entire trial, since it hinders the management of a real defense of the accused, creating a contradiction with what your own democratic and bourgeois law argues.
Continue reading Italy: Statement of Juan Sorroche in front of the court of Treviso and against the telematization of the democratic inquisition.

Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International

Source: Inferno Urbano
We receive and publish the editorial of the number 4 of the magazine BEZMOTIVNY, “We sabotage the war – triggering the International”, dedicated to the Ukrainian crisis
By the time readers hold these lines in their hands, the crisis in Ukraine may have reached paroxysm and unleashed in its dramatic precipitation. Or it may not. Some passages may have been overtaken or disproved by facts, or still awaiting verification. We are not concerned about a possible outdatedness of what we are writing, since these words can only be outdated. Faced with the war, anarchism has always maintained the same position that was Bakunin since the time of the Franco-Prussian conflict and the Commune. It is therefore appropriate to start from the obvious.
Our internationalism translates into an absolutely simple sentiment: the exploited, in Russia as in the United States, in the Ukraine as in Italy, are our sisters and brothers, their blood is our blood; the industrialists and the bosses of finance, the generals and the official lords, all governments, are our eternal enemies. Being moved by feelings of eternal hatred and love, our passions cannot but shy away from current events, from their opportunism, from a paracular evaluation of the conditions and propaganda of the moment.

Continue reading Italy: We sabotage the war – Triggering the International

Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

July 23-24-25, 2021
3rd International Meeting
at Altradimora, Strada Caranzano 72, Alessandria (AL), Italy
13.00 Lunch
15.00 Presentation of the meeting
15.30 Introduction by Resistenze al nanomondo
Immunity and the machine
Contribution by Sarajevo (Athens)
World-Laboratory: from the health emergency to the techno-sanitary dictatorship
Contra Toda Nocividad (Madrid)
As a result of the “health emergency” decreed practically all over the planet, our lives have been regulated and structured under the imperatives of health: social distancing, confinement, masks, “vaccines”, virtual relationships, etc. All these pharmacological and non-pharmacological measures have been taken from a sanitary-securitarian and authoritarian vision by the health technocracy. Measures that are solely and exclusively ideological and political and in no case show improvements in population health.
The catastrophic story of the media and authorities has meant the exposure to high doses of fear and terror of a large part of the population that has accepted this health dictatorship, we wonder if it would have accepted with the same submission a dictatorship of any other type. This catastrophic history has led us to a war scenario in which we have seen the invasion of space by the military and the acceleration of repressive measures and laws. In the course of this war against the ‘virus’ the enemy to be beaten are our own pathologized bodies and possible carriers of the ‘virus’, we will focus the discourse on the critique of this attack on our bodies and especially on our immune system that will involve pharmacological measures. Especially gene therapy, which is hidden behind mRNA “vaccines”, which will mean the expropriation of our immune system, the mechanization and conversion of our bodies into a drug factory at the service of the pharmaceutical industry and the cellular-genetic alteration of our bodies that will lead to a true epidemic of autoimmune diseases.

Continue reading Italy: Program Three Days Against the Techno-Sciences 23-24-25 July EN/IT

Updates on sardinian imprisoned deported anarchist Davide Delogu (Italy, April 2021)

We learn that Davide is still in solitary confinement since his transfer to Vibo Valentia. He also informs us that in this prison books can only be sent by parcel and not as ordinary mail. This is problematic because of the question of the total weight of the parcels we can send him each month.
So Davide explicitly asks for a massive mailing of postcards, press reviews, even old pamphlets and newspapers; in short, anything on paper sent by ordinary mail to make the mail pile up. Specifically, he asks that all mailings be concentrated in one week, perhaps between the second and third week of April.
To write to him:
Davide Delogu
C. C. Nuovo Complesso
Contrada Cocari
89900 Vibo Valentia
Italy – Italia
To support the Solidarity Fund for the Sardinian Imprisoned Deported Anarchist Davide Delogu: IBAN IT27E0306967684510327514549 | Accountholder: Laura Gargiulo | For more information and updates (in italian language): sardegnaanarchica.wordpress.com
Sempri Ainnantis! [“always forward!” in sardinian language].
Sardegna Anarchica
[Published in italian by sardegnaanarchica.wordpress.com, translated into english by malacoda.noblogs.org].