Tag Archives: Greece

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for attack two branches of Lidl

On 8/4 and 19/5 we chose to attack two branches of the multinational company Lidl. These targets were not chosen at random. A few months before, in an attempt by an elderly woman to squeeze, without paying the price of products for her living, she was bullied by security guards – protectors of the bosses’ profits. In a period of constant impoverishment of the lower classes of the population, and over-inflation of the bosses’ profits, the class gap seems to be constantly blurring. The poor are getting poorer and the rich are getting richer.

The steady decline in wages and the simultaneous increase in the cost of living (food, electricity, rent, fuel) leave us with no other answer than to attack the devaluation of our lives.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for attack two branches of Lidl

Panhellenic day of action 2nd June for hunger strike Giannis Michailidis Greece,Thessalonik)

From the gathering in solidarity with the hunger striker, Giannis Michailidis, on hunger strike since 23/5 /22
As part of the nationwide day of action, a solidarity gathering for Giannis Michailidis was held in Thessaloniki with the participation of more than 70 comrades.

During the intervention, Tsimiski Street was blocked several times at the level of Navarino street and hundreds of texts were handed out to passing drivers and residents of the area.


via: athens.indymedia

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Nowadays, the state apparatus and its minions think they are immune. They act against all those who do not accept the miseries they impose on us and who dare to stand up to the vindictive regime. Cops, investigators, prosecutors and journalists have created a regime alliance with the sole aim of repression and the disappearance of dignity. This must stop immediately and these scum must understand that their actions will have the expected consequences. We can come into your homes, your businesses, and attack whenever and however we want without you being able to stop us. Get this through your heads.

We take responsibility for the explosive device in the house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis in Melissia, who was the head of the ΟΠΚΕ team, on 18/3/22, during the transfer of our comrade Fotis Tziotzi to the interrogation room, after his arrest for the bank expropriations in Athens this summer. This cop, after the adventure with the attempted snatching of his gun by the comrade that happened outside the interrogator’s office, ran to testify against the comrade, thus charging him with additional charges. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for explosive attack at house of 2nd Lieutenant Evangelos Kaisis of the ΟΠΚΕ police unit by Group “Revenge Guerrillas”

Greece: Giannis Michaildis – Announcement of a hunger strike for my release

After 8.5 years in prison, after all these arbitrary actions against me, I decided to put an end to my 11 years of suffering, by putting a stop to the practice of pre-trial detention, or the additional punishment of escape through legal loopholes. After 5 more months of pre-trial detention, I start a hunger strike for my release. This choice, with the deep motivation of the much desired freedom, I intend to support it with the same consistency that I have supported my choices so far and for which I am being persecuted.

“Woe to those who will accept prison as a condition of life, and from the brightest sunlight, the smallest ray” – The rallying cry of the Alikarnassos prison uprising

For 11 years I have experienced state vengeance against choices in line with my values and ideas. The difficult journey, from which I choose to share some blatant vengeful acts of arbitrariness against me, began in the distant 2011, when an arrest warrant was issued against me for the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case, for which I was eventually acquitted as there was not the slightest connection between me and the charge against me. It was the incrimination of a relationship of solidarity with wanted anarchists that put me in their place when they were arrested.

After 2 years of being on the run, I too am now walking through the heavy doors of prison, as the existence of a warrant that entails a decade of incarceration has led to certain choices and consequent mistakes. The comrades who were arrested at the time in the bank robbery in Velvento, Kozani, were tortured by the police, which is common, and then the Ministry of Public Order published photos of our swollen faces, provoking a public reaction. Of course, no police officer was accused of this by the blind Greek justice system. Continue reading Greece: Giannis Michaildis – Announcement of a hunger strike for my release

Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

Solidarity message of the imprisoned member of the Organization Anarchist Action to the unrepentant anarchist Claudio Lavazza, in response to the appeal of his 25-year-old sentence which is to be examined on the 17th of May.

While being imprisoned in the most dystopian Hall of tyranny a combination of a few words on a piece of paper could never vividly describe the ideal of revolutionary intransigence. How could anybody fit a moment a life of disobedience, complexly devoted to the relentless struggle without leaving out any important detail.

Until today, there are only few people who wholeheartedly attempted to build a bridge filling the gap between a life and survival. These people who devoted their whole existence to the bright direct actions of the revolutionary base against the fierce doctrine of tyranny for the “end of history”, laid down their lives in the wholehearted hostilities of the revolutionary base. They enlisted sternly and unyieldingly on the fractious front of subversion, bled while comrades were perishing in battle, but imprisoned in the face of the danger of repentance and legitimacy, they chose ironclad pride. Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatziaggelou – ‘Don’t ask if we will win or if we will be defeated – Just fight!’

About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia (Greece)


Republished from a counter-information website. “About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia On May 26, 2022, the court case for the incident that happened about 3.5 years ago, on December 26, 2018, in Evia, concerning a dispute with a hunter, will be heard at the Single-Member Court of Appeal for Felony Cases in Chalkida. The persons brought on trial are two.

For reasons not at hand, however, both this text and the political opening of the case is now being done only by the signator. What happened in December 2018 was a spontaneous attempt to prevent a hunter from pursuing his killing hobby and kill an animal. After being asked repeatedly to stop to no avail, tension ensued, the result of which was that his shotgun was thrown somewhere in the woods. With the hunter in a furious state the end of the incident came with our departure from the scene. The hunter called the police and as a result we were stopped on the route by a number of their vehicles and arrested us.

The charges held against us were robbery (for the shotgun) which is a felony and theft (of a cell phone) which is a misdemeanor. At the same time, a restrictive condition to leave the country was imposed, which is still in force today. More about the incident and the statements, role and attitude of the hunting clubs on the case can be found in the previous text published here (editor’s note: this text can be found translated inside the blog here). Continue reading About the upcoming trial regarding the incident of 2018 with the hunter in Evia (Greece)

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the political office of Development Minister Adonis Georgiades by Proletarian Cell Dimitris Christoulas

“The occupying government of Tsolakoglu literally annihilated my possibility of survival, which was based on a decent pension which for 35 years I alone (without state support) had been paying for it. Because I am of an age that does not give me the individual possibility to react (not excluding of course if a Greek would take the kalashnikov the second would be me) I find no other solution than a decent end before I start to look in the trash for my alimony. I believe that the young people with no future will one day take up arms and hang the national traitors upside down in Syntagma Square, as the Italians did to Mussolini in 1945 (Loreto Square in Milan)” Dimitris Christoulas*
We take responsibility for the incendiary attack on the political office of Adonis Georgiades, the representative of capital, politician responsible for the poverty and misery suffered by the people through poverty.
From the economic crisis of 2009 from which the country never came out, to the socialization of the losses of capital from the pandemic Covid 19, the latest increases in the price of electricity, fuel and almost all essentials are added to the already unbearable cost of survival of the working class and the people, to the pre-existing queues of the ΟΑΕΔ (Employment Insurance) , to the pension cuts, to the crumbs of the basic wage. The “development” invoked and evangelised by the domestic bourgeoisie is reflected physically and materially in people who die trying to keep warm, who look in the garbage for food, who commit suicide for economic reasons. It is reflected in workplaces that are graveyards for people of our class, where dozens of workers do not return home because a few extra euros were not “wasted” for the safety of the workers. Their growth translates into slow death in the corridors of hospitals. To the nearly 27,000 deaths from Covid 19, to the blockade of care in public hospitals amidst the increasing privatisation of the ΕΣΥ (National Health Service). Their deployment amounts to a daily battle for the survival of the next day for the majority of society at the same time as a handful of industrialists, shipowners and contractors continually speculate on our backs, reap the rewards of the toil and slavery we produce, extract surplus value from our starvation wages, continually devaluing the value of our labour power. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the incendiary attack on the political office of Development Minister Adonis Georgiades by Proletarian Cell Dimitris Christoulas

Berlin, Germany : Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners

Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners
Wednesday night, March 23, we set fire to a car of the company SPIE in Prenzlauer Berg. SPIE participates internationally in the construction and operation of prisons and other facilities for the purpose of total surveillance and control. Educational institutions, parks, transportation infrastructure, and consumer strips become places of discipline under the electronic eyes and sensors of a mix of private and state security systems. Where people could organize and shape their own lives, where they could resist and simply take what they are not granted under capitalism, companies like SPIE are contributing to the technological assault. Too little is opposed when it comes to the enemies of freedom. Let’s burn down their cars, let’s paralyze their infrastructure!

Continue reading Berlin, Germany : Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners

Responsibility claim for arson & incendiary attacks by Cells of Anti-Militarist Action – Another war is possible (Athens,Greece)

We take responsibility for the arson attacks that took place from March 2 to 14 in areas of Athens. Specifically
At dawn on Wednesday 2/3 we set fire to and destroyed a company van of AKTORA in Chrysostomou Smyrnis Street in Vyronas. On 1/4/2021 in Evia, the bodies of 3 dead workers were found hanging on the DEI poles and thrown lifeless on the ground at an AKTORA construction site. The murdered workers of the class war are not included in any official statistics, many times they do not even have a name, nationality, age. They are mere fuel and legalized collateral damage. Only proletarian organization and revenge can keep alive the memory of the murdered workers and our class hatred against their murdering bosses. Giannis Carlatiras, 43 years old, George Toskas, 55 years old, and Alex Brouka, 45 years old. stand next to the names of Antonis Dellios, Stamatis Diplaris, Giritlis Tzihat and many other local and migrant workers, all of them murdered on AKTORA construction sites, in our own accounts, in our own memory.
Let us realize that the organization of class revolutionary anti-violence was not, nor is it, a secondary dimension of workers’ action. It is on organised proletarian counter-violence, on the destruction of capital’s proletarian elements and the targeting of its cadres, on the wildcat strikes, that not only any “bargaining power” of the exploited masses is based, but also their very unity in the fields of class warfare. It is the resistance and attack of the workers against the bosses that unites the Class, not the bargaining for the material conditions of its simple survival.

Continue reading Responsibility claim for arson & incendiary attacks by Cells of Anti-Militarist Action – Another war is possible (Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson attack on a company vehicle of UNISON Facilities Management in Exarcheia

Regenaration, development, gentrification. Concepts that have become embedded as spikes in the discourse and action of the antagonist movement, must be seen as another aspect of the attack of the ruling classes against the oppressed class. Capital aims at subordinating the whole of life to its exploitation and reproduction, and therefore organizes more and more aspects of human activity in this logic.
The process of enclosing community/public spaces for the purpose of capital’s reproduction is a process as old as capitalism. In recent decades we have experienced the long deconstruction of social democratic management, with the mediation of the state receding, giving more room for the defensive subordination of activities of social life to capital. In this sense, a concerted attack has been launched in recent years on public spaces, squares, parks in the metropolises, transferring their management from the state to private individuals, with the aim of creating new fields of profitability for capital.
This is exactly the condition of the sale of a series of public green spaces by the Municipality of Athens to the company UNISON Facilities Services, such as the hills (Strefi, Filopappou, Lycabettus, Turkovounia), squares (Protomaya, Victoria, Kypseli, Attiki, Ameriki, Drakopoulos, Agios Panteleimon), parks (Platonos Academia, Kyrpo, Patision, Goudi) and pedestrian streets (Agia Zoni, Fokionos Negri). UNISON (formerly ISS), belongs to a category of a new type of company that, through contractor privatisations, is simultaneously financed by state-taxed, collectively produced surplus value, and at the same time intensifies the exploitation of its workers through miserable wages, flexible working hours and violation of workers’ rights.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson attack on a company vehicle of UNISON Facilities Management in Exarcheia