Storm Warnings #42-45 (June – September, 2021)

Storm warnings, anarchist bulletin for the social war, issue 42 (June 2021), 43-44 (August 2021), and 45 (September 2021) came out. It is the full English translation of Avis de Tempêtes.
Earlier issues and translations in different languages are available for reading, printing and spreading on the website
 Storm warnings, issue 42 (June 15, 2021) :
For reading
For printing (A4)
For printing (Letter)
“Since its beginnings, the management of the covid-19 epidemic by the authorities has been logically characterized in our latitudes by a predominance of economic imperatives and the preservation of the social order, which even the constantly-invoked medical rationale of the State no longer manages to conceal.
But what is also striking is that the infinite forms of self-organization that could have arisen from different individuals to face the virus, and continue to act in spite of it, were immediately paralyzed by the quicksand of contradictory recommendations and staggering figures: mortality and lethality rates, positivity rates, incidence rates, emergency room and intensive care unit occupancy rates, persistent antibody rates, reinfection rates… and so on. This highlights once again that by starting from the politics of large numbers rather than from oneself – with one’s doubts as well as one’s burning desires – reflection generally ends up being mired in a managerial logic, where productive calculation quickly takes the place of life and its expansive excesses.
To break the very model that presides over any statistical reduction of human complexity, to make uniqueness exist beyond averages and to recreate diversity by dismantling the aggregates of data, there are no thirty-six solutions.
It is the very terrain where each individual is summoned to bow to a collective superior interest that must be refused. It is one’s own sensitive relationship to life, to death, to illness, to taking risks, to mutual aid, to the stars, that one has to defend in the face of the social requirement to sacrifice it on the altar of quantity. Whether the latter is called the homeland, economy, common good… or even collective immunity.”
 Storm warnings, issue 43-44 (August 15, 2021) :
For reading
For printing (A4)
For printing (Letter)
“Carahue is located 60 kilometers north of Temuco, capital of the Araucania region located in the heart of Wallmapu, a “belt of lands” inhabited by Mapuche communities and dominated by the Chilean state. On Friday, July 9, 2021, at approximately 5:00 pm, a group of weichafé (Mapuche “warriors”) from the  Lafkenche-Letraru Territorial Resistance Organization, armed local organizations that are part of the Coordinadora Arauco-Malleco (CAM), entered the Santa Ana-Tres Palos estate.
The estate is operated by the forestry company Forestal Mininco, a subsidiary of the cellulose giant CMPC. The assailants threatened the personnel present, injured a defiant employee and set fire to a minibus, a skidder and a tanker. The carabineros assigned to guard the site then sounded the alarm. As they retreated, the weichafé came across one of their patrols, which opened fire. One weichafe was shot in the head and died on the spot. The next day, the CAM claimed its dead weichafé: Pablo Marchant, “Toñito”, 29 years old, ex-student in anthropology who had joined the Mapuche struggle five years earlier.”
 Storm warnings, issue 45 (September 15, 2021) :
For reading
For printing (A4)
For printing (Letter)
“Reality has never taken the imagination hostage to such an extent as it has in these last days. Our desires and our wildest dreams are dominated by an invisible catastrophe that threatens and confines us, tying our hands and feet to the shackle of fear.
Something critical is being played out right now around the unfolding catastrophe. Ignoring the few Cassandras who have been issuing warnings for decades, we have now moved from abstract ideas to concrete facts. As the current emergency with all its prohibitions demonstrates, what is at stake is not only the possibility of survival, but something much more important: the possibility of living.
This means that the catastrophe that affects us today is not so much imminent human extinction – to be avoided, we are reassured from above and below, thanks to an absolute obedience to the experts of social reproduction – but rather the invasive artificiality of an existence whose  omnipresence prevents us from imagining the end of the present.