Athens,Greece: Text regarding the situation in Exarcheia .

Text regarding the situation in Exarcheia

Exarcheia finds itself in a moment of existential crisis. However, while most groups are focusing on the external forces that threaten the neighborhood, they are ignoring some of the internal conditions that have helped bring us to this point.

While gentrification proceeds apace and the police occupy the neighborhood, direct action and intervention in order to transform the material socio-spatial conditions of the neighborhood have been discarded for mere performative actions.

For example, despite ample foreknowledge that state forces were coming to the square, the slew of assemblies purporting to “defend” Exarcheia made no move to prohibit this act. Months before the event, the decision was made (with no hesitation) to simply surrender the square and then hold a demo. The discussions in the lead-up revolved mainly around organizational concerns, such as where to meet, what time to hold an assembly, etc. Once the metal sheets were installed and the police permanently stationed, members of the movement then engaged in a series of fruitless performative acts, including some that contained elements of self-indulgent martyrdom.
Continue reading Athens,Greece: Text regarding the situation in Exarcheia .

France,Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): incendiary sabotage of SNCF traffic

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): incendiary sabotage of SNCF traffic

Electric wires sabotaged in Toulouse during the night: the trains to Auch, Tarbes and Latour-de-Carol cancelled
April 24, 2023 (excerpt)

The firemen were alerted on Sunday shortly before 2 a.m. for an electric fire near the SNCF lines, impasse Alfred Rambaud, in Toulouse, between the districts Saint-Agne and Empalot. The fire was spreading on the cables which pass under the tracks.

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Larissa court,Greece: Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Hatziangelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation

Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Chatziaggelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation.

This trial is a political trial, a trial of subjects who are in the crosshairs of institutionalised terrorism, not only for their actions but for their political constitution and for taking the right side in the class war. No matter how great the attempt to decontextualize the content and selfless motives of the acts in the upcoming trial by talking about common crime, in reality the State is itself sealing the political character of the trial with its special laws, our exemption and surveillance status, security measures, interpretation of anti-terrorist provisions and a possible heavy sentence dictated by the anti-terrorist echelons.

And yet, instead of seeing people cowering in fear of prison and pervasive terrorism, you see each of us standing proud of the choices and values that define our lives. And that in defiance of the times and your monopoly of monopoly the greatest danger lurks, that this trial will override the evidentiary process and turn into a trial of intent.

In the face of a system that does not even have the courage to assume its political responsibilities, proudly and without a second thought I take political responsibility for my commitment to Anarchist Action, because my word of honour and commitment to the Revolutionary Cause left me no room to abandon the political substance and history of the form I participated in at your hands.

In an era of political apathy towards revolutionary action and the relativisation of tasks and demands in the face of one’s personal expectations and pleasures, the assertion of political responsibility is itself an aggressive move. My individual political constitution, my priorities, my loyalty and dedication to the tasks of the revolution do not allow me to treat my life lightly. I have assumed the political responsibility to be coherent first and foremost with myself and my comrades, alongside whom my commitment to Anarchy was, is and will forever remain a binding oath of complicity. To defend Anarchist Action against a slanderous narrative that would attempt to cut off actions from motives and historical context, for the requirements of the institutionalized and legally enforced violence of the State and its lackeys.
Continue reading Larissa court,Greece: Statement by the imprisoned member of Anarchist Action, Thanos Hatziangelou, on taking political responsibility, and the political substance of the trial of the organisation

30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

30/04 2023
Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Ivan, an anarchist who has been in pre-trial detention in France for some time, reported in a letter that French police were able to gain access to the contents of his laptop.1 The laptop in question had an encrypted Ubuntu Linux installed. Another device with Windows installed and encrypted with Bitlocker could not be accessed. Ivan explained in his letter that he had used a 20-digit password consisting of letters, numbers and special characters for the system.


No, the Linux disk encryption has neither been cracked nor is it “insecure”. The performance of the technology as well as the algorithms have evolved, so the encryption settings should be checked and updated if necessary.

Since then, there have been discussions on the web and in our environment about how this was possible, whether an outdated crypto algorithm in Ivan’s Ubuntu installation was to blame, and what this means for the security of other Linux systems. We even received claims that the encryption of the Tails operating system – which is also a Linux system – was not secure due to outdated algorithms. The topic of device encryption is not easily accessible to many, so we’d like to frame the discussion a bit with this post.
Continue reading 30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

In our experience, most of us in North America aren’t in the habit of thinking very much about DNA traces. Information about how DNA traces are created or prevented is limited to several myths that are passed around. That said, you can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. For example, an arrest was made recently for a Jane’s Revenge arson after DNA was recovered at the crime scene. We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind.

Although DNA is something we should always keep in mind when planning our participation in a riotous moment, we don’t want people to feel overwhelmed by this information. Actionable knowledge empowers us to avoid the dual traps of recklessness (acting as if DNA doesn’t exist) and immobilization (as if leaving traces and their analysis in a laboratory is inevitable).
Continue reading Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

Repression Can Be Expensive – Fire at Skoda in Leipzig, Germany


Last night, we went out and attacked several new cars of a Skoda dealer in East Leipzig with fire as a reaction to the house searches against antifascists last week. In doing so, we surrendered a total of 19 cars to the flames with simple means – 12 of them burned out completely, the rest were heavily damaged. Skoda proudly participates in equipping police units around the world.

On Wednesday, March 15 – of all days on the international day against police violence – the police stormed 5 apartments of antifascists in Jena and 3 in Leipzig with machine guns at the ready. In the same afternoon, a special task force attacked an entire house on the Eichendorffstraße in Connewitz and even shot(!) several doors open. As background, they named the attacks on neo-Nazis around an international fascist meeting in Budapest in February. Also in Karlsruhe, a house search took place, in which the pigs also proceeded with extreme brutality, background here were the protests against the AfD state party conference in Offenburg.

Continue reading Repression Can Be Expensive – Fire at Skoda in Leipzig, Germany

On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)

Generali is an Italian company and one of the pillars in Europe. Alfredo was for 180 on hunger strike, fighting against 41bis since 20.10.22 . Although Alfredo stopped his hunger strike, we decided to attack because he is still in jail and 41bis still exists. 41bis is a prison regime to which other 728 prisoners are also subjected.

Continue reading On the night of Wednesday, 24.04, in solidarity with Alfredo, we decorated the facade of the insurance company Generali with paint. (Bern,Switzerland)

Grenoble (Isère) France : cut off the juice and Internet at the university campus

Severed cables deprive the campus of power and internet network
April 24, 2023 (excerpt)

New blockades were momentarily set up by opponents of the pension reform on the Grenoble university campus in Saint-Martin-d’Hères, this Monday morning, April 24: in front of the Michel-Dubois building (housing the Human Sciences UFR) as well as in front of those of the Arsh (the Arts and Human Sciences UFR) and the DLST (Department of Science and Technology).

More seriously, when they arrived on campus, students, teachers and staff noticed that the electricity and Internet were cut off in many buildings, whose facades had been covered with tags. “One or more fiber optic cables were deliberately cut and electrical transformers were broken, cables cut and locks allowing access to facilities damaged,” confirmed the president of the University of Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Yassine Lakhnech.
Continue reading Grenoble (Isère) France : cut off the juice and Internet at the university campus

Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

P0rt0 Al3gr3 Bra$il

Sometimes anarchist presences are so few that more than once we have been predicted to disappear. Sometimes our fury is so intense that it provokes fear and long periods of internal explanatory purging. Sometimes many, sometimes few, but constantly and with great determination, we are always there for each other.

And that is why, more than once, the fire, the stones, the concentrations from Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Bolivia, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile …. illuminate different territories under the same intention: We are for you Alfredo, we hate all those who set you on fire and we support your struggle from outside.
Continue reading Porto Alegre, Brazil: Action Against the Italian Consulate in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade Alfredo Cospito

France,Laluque (Landes): incendiary sabotage of the SNCF traffic

Train traffic interrupted south of Bordeaux after an act of vandalism in Landes

 April 12, 2023

Train traffic was severely disrupted this Wednesday, April 12, south of Bordeaux due to an incident that occurred during the night in Landes, between Dax and Morcenx, at Laluque. Power cables and signalling devices have been damaged in Landes, between Dax and Morcenx, more precisely in the commune of Laluque. A deliberate fire was set in the middle of the night, around 1 am.

South of Bordeaux, all trains were cancelled for several hours, notably in Pau and Bayonne stations. These disruptions lasted for a good part of the day, as the SNCF indicated that the repairs would take time. Traffic resumed gradually from 16:45.

Continue reading France,Laluque (Landes): incendiary sabotage of the SNCF traffic