Rhine coalfield (Germany): coordinated sabotage of three coal mines

Hot sabotage of cable ducts: cutting off the juice to RWE!

From de.indymedia, July 13, 2023

On the night of July 5 to 6, we carried out simultaneous acts of sabotage using incendiary devices on three cable ducts in the Rhine lignite mining area. The attacked cables supply, among other things, the coal silos in the Hambach and Garzweiler open-cast mines, as well as the coal silo in the Fortuna mine. The aim of the action was to interrupt the coal supply to the Neurath and Niederaußem power stations and possibly force them to shut down. Unfortunately, according to press reports, we didn’t use enough accelerant to cause serious damage. We’ll have more next time! Nevertheless, this action shows that fossil fuel companies like RWE are vulnerable. And who knows, maybe we indirectly contributed to the Hambach mine transformer fire on July 11, which paralyzed the entire mine.

In particular, coal silos are an important infrastructure for supplying power plants. Most of the power cables between substations and coal silos are open-air and easily accessible. Attached below are maps where the routes of the cables that supply these coal silos are shown in red.
Continue reading Rhine coalfield (Germany): coordinated sabotage of three coal mines

Manifesto of the October 18th Movement

Note: This communique was previously excerpted in “Triple explosive attack against critical infrastructure.”

To the people of Chile.

As a first point, as Movimiento 18 de Octubre we take responsibility for the three explosive attacks on capitalist infrastructure, sabotages carried out in Valparaíso by the Comando Mauricio Arenas Bejas, in Bío Bío by the Comando Lafkenche Pilmaiquen and in Ñuble by the Comando Luisa Toledo. The reasons are explained below.

A dark period is approaching in Chile, marked by an incipient fascism penetrating the masses, which today has positioned a conservative and backward right wing in charge of drafting the new constitution, which will govern the destinies of the country for the next decades or, failing that, will perpetuate the constitution emanating from the dictatorship. But how did we arrive at this scenario, less than four years after the beginning of the popular revolt that uncovered the structural abuses of this capitalist state, that mobilized millions in rejection of the AFP, the commercialization of health and education, the safeguarding of water for human life, the protection of the environment and the rejection of precarious work? Everything seems to be very well elaborated. Continue reading Manifesto of the October 18th Movement

Threat Library: Six Repressive Operations Added

Chile: 2019-2020 case against Mónica and Francesco

In 2020, anarchists Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested in Chile, accused of sending parcel bombs to a police station and an ex-Minister of Interior in 2019, and placing bombs in a park in an attempt to harm cops in 2020. Both were charged with attempted murder.

For techniques used during this repressive operation, visit CSRC.

Germany: Repression against Zündlumpen

In April 2022 and October 2022 several apartments and cellars, a print shop and a library were raided by cops as part of an investigation against the alleged editors of the German anarchist newspaper Zündlumpen published from 2019 to 2021.

During the April 2022 raid on the print shop, cops seized thousands of books, zines and newspapers, as well as all printing equipment and materials, seemingly in an attempt to disrupt the printing capacity of local anarchists.

For techniques used during this repressive operation, visit CSRC. Continue reading Threat Library: Six Repressive Operations Added

Spain: One Less Naturgy Car in Complicity with Monica and Francisco By Insolent Indomitables Provoking Anarchy

One Less Naturgy Car in Complicity with Monica and Francisco


The early morning of July 13, a group of insolent people stopped daily time for a few seconds to place an incendiary device in a car belonging to Naturgy in the neighborhood of Horta.

Naturgy unlimitedly exploits the resources of the earth and drives the machinery of the capitalist system creating rivers and rivers of blood; Blood of the people of the plundered villages, the workers – those who protest and those who do not – even those who pay them unbearable prices to amass their wealth. For every euro they earn: one car less! It only takes a few household materials and arming ourselves with our well-deserved thirst for revenge to go out one night to cause damage.
Continue reading Spain: One Less Naturgy Car in Complicity with Monica and Francisco By Insolent Indomitables Provoking Anarchy

Livadeia-Elikonas,Greece: Sabotage vol 3 by Eliconian wolves.



We decided once again to make a symbolic gesture and throw a wind mast in the Laka batheti deep position next to the Motsara peak of the helicon. We note that this installation is added to a series of about 50 wind turbines (some of them can be seen in the video).


Eliconian wolves


via: athens.indymedia.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

(Chile) words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.

Words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.
July 16, 2023

In the next few days will begin the culminating phase of this long judicial process that has kept us in prison for the last 3 years. This oral trial should not take very long insofar as Francisco assumed responsibility for the actions, politically vindicating each one of the attacks. However, everything indicates that the prosecution will spare no effort and resources to achieve all possible aggravations, making this instance the precise moment in which Power will come down with all its brutality.

These 3 years have meant the strengthening of ties of affinity and solidarity with various anarchist spaces of this territory and other distant ones, as well as being part of the coordination of anarchist and subversive prisoners raising multiple initiatives of struggle together with a clear anti-prison perspective. In short, these years have meant facing life in prison with dignity, never ceasing for a moment to be an active part of the informal anarchist galaxy, constantly trying to break with the exclusive role of “prisoner” to which Power tries to delimit us.

Continue reading (Chile) words by Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar at the beginning of the trial.

(Spain) Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva July 16, 2023

Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva
July 16, 2023

Dear comrades: as incredible as it may seem to you, I have as yet had neither the desire, nor the ability, nor the will to sit down in front of a machine to (re)-announce my (re)-return to this frenetic world… in any case I have the will to share these brief words.

Be that as it may, finally the truth prevails, and their gray state officials should have recognized that they have kept me KIDNAPPED for many more years than what their “democratic” laws and rights commonly and ordinarily announce.
Continue reading (Spain) Words From Comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva July 16, 2023

CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

July 11, 2023

Monica, Francisco, Joaquín, Juan and Marcelo Speak.

– Our emphasis, challenges and urgencies:
– 50 years after pinochet’s civic-military coup, his juridical legacy shamefully endures in the heavy sentences of the military court for comrade Marcelo Villarroel.
-In the context of the beginning of the trial of power against comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, domination does not cease to take vengeance against those who go on the offensive attacking their untouchable impunity.
Since we constituted ourselves as a space of collective affinity, 3 years ago, among comrade prisoners of the social war in struggle and resistance inside the prisons of the Chilean state, we defined that our priority was and is to seek freedom as a point of rupture with the daily normality of the existant and its prison society that locks us up as punishment for our unrenounceable decision to fight for total liberation.

In this journey and indissoluble encounter of anarchists and anti-authoritarian subversives, who are the living reflection of revolutionary struggle through practices of minority violence in Chile in the last decades, we have faced our long stay behind bars in the different moments and places we have had to pass through with fortitude and conviction. That is why, with the necessary clarity demanded by our position of life in struggle, today we want to share our unavoidable urgencies and from here we call for permanent mobilization, active solidarity, and Insurrectionist complicity.

Continue reading CHILE: Words of Anarchist and Subversive Prisoners in Struggle in the Chilean Prisons

Words of Comrade Lucas Hernández 6 Months After the Arrests for the Gendarmería Case (Chile)

Words of Comrade Lucas Hernández 6 Months After the Arrests for the Gendarmería Case

June 26, 2023

“For me, there was no alternative to freedom except death. I didn’t conceive of the term prison or jail as anything but a synonym for death…” Juan José Garfia

Months go by without much of anything new, inserted in this stronghold of the underworld, which is silenced and hidden. It is difficult to understand that your movement is guarded and limited at every moment. It is easy to nourish myself with hatred if my eyes see daily officials, abuses, bars and uniforms in this implanted and repugnant routine, which overwhelms and suffocates.

But that does not paralyze or torment. Neither their punishments nor their decorated clothes make me doubt my ideas and position towards this system of domination. In this process I have had the good fortune to live and experience political imprisonment with various comrades. Supporting each other, but we will not always be together, nor close, nor prisoners. Anti-prison solidarity has brought us together.
Continue reading Words of Comrade Lucas Hernández 6 Months After the Arrests for the Gendarmería Case (Chile)

A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

Greetings from nowhere.

“Freedom is secured not by the fulfillment of one’s desires, but by the removal of desire.”
– Epictetus

My journey into clandestinity began 7 years ago today. It was July 10, 2016, the sun was heating up the city and for most of the people I met that day it was just another Sunday. For me, that day was both an end and a beginning. Giving up my old and beloved reality of life, replaced by the great unknown variable. Leaving the old behind me, welcoming the new. A painful and overwhelming start of the journey… From then on I was confronted with the unknown every day, resembling a person who has lost their sight from one day to the next and now has to focus on their other senses.

I wandered around, looking for anchor points, and after long months, with patience and persistence, finally regained my bearings. My life was back on track, or so I thought… What had to come was coming. The next big shock hit me and once again life held its instruction manual in front of my nose; leave the old behind, welcome the new. Clandestinity is a rigorous study full of hardships, but the fruits of it will be a lifetime harvest for me.
Continue reading A dance with time. Greetings, year seven