HONOR for Ever to anarchist fighter and member of R.S. Lambros Foundas. (Greece)

No matter how many years pass, the comrade Lambros, is a bright example for the continuation of the struggle and the revolutionary perspective. The 10th of March has been indelibly written in the history of internal as well as international revolutionary and class struggle. His life, action and death are – for the anarchist/anti-authoritarian and … Continue reading HONOR for Ever to anarchist fighter and member of R.S. Lambros Foundas. (Greece)

EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

On January 30, we placed an incendiary device under a car with the number plate of Greece’s diplomatic mission in Germany. The action took place in the Rosenthaler district in Berlin. The action is not directed against a specific person but against the relations between two racist and murderous states and those responsible for them. … Continue reading EN.DE.FR.ES, Germany: Claim of Responsibility for the Incendiary Attack Against a Greek Diplomatic Vehicle in Berlin

Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

25/12/2023 Prison of Sanremo This is not a communique. You will not read reflections on my arrest or concerning this new prison experience, or about other political questions. These will come at the appropriate moment, that is, when I consider some personal matters settled, and some reflections have matured over these first months of detention. … Continue reading Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

$hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

“Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel On December 16, 2009 I was expelled from Argentina after 21 months of confinement in different units of the province of Neuquén to be at the disposal of the Chilean state and it has been 14 years since then. In 2014 I was sentenced to 14 … Continue reading $hile: “Words from the confinement, necessary letters” by Marcelo Villarroel

Text of N. Maziotis convicted for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle for the 4th rejection of parole (Greece)

Text of N. Maziotis convicted for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle for the 4th rejection of parole The last board of misdemeanors of Lamia (29/9/2023) rejected my request (for the 4th time) for parole on the same grounds as the 3 previous ones, i.e. the disciplinary records for which I have been punished in … Continue reading Text of N. Maziotis convicted for the action of the Revolutionary Struggle for the 4th rejection of parole (Greece)

Athens, Greece: Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

Athens, Claim for molotov attack on OPKE On Thursday 16/11 we chose to attack the platoon of the notorious OPKE group (Crime Prevention and Suppression Groups, Ομάδες Πρόληψης και Καταστολής Εγκλήματος) at the junction of Navarinou and Charilaou Trikoupis streets. The result of the attack was the burning of the vehicle and the injury of … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim for molotov attack on OPKE

Lausanne, Switzerland : En|Fr|Gr/ 29/6/23, Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

En|Fr|Gr : 29/6,Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US) Nous sommes des camarades anarchistes voulant montrer notre solidarité avec les membres du groupe Lutte Révolutionnaire. Nous voulons contribuer à la campagne de soutien financier pour Pola Roupa et Nikos Maziotis ainsi que leurs familles afin … Continue reading Lausanne, Switzerland : En|Fr|Gr/ 29/6/23, Political event for R.S. members (at pornodiesel-Lausanne canton Vaud) and concert with Wretched of the Earth (US)

Fallen in the Struggle for Anarchy and Social Revolution: LAMBROS FOUNDAS, PRESENT!

13 years ago, the anarchist comrade Lambros Fountas, an armed guerrilla member of  the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle, was murdered by a state guard’s gun during a preparatory action of the Revolutionary Struggle.  in the Daphne area of Athens in the early hours  of 10/3/2010. Solidarity to the comrades of R.O. Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa and … Continue reading Fallen in the Struggle for Anarchy and Social Revolution: LAMBROS FOUNDAS, PRESENT!

EN/EL/Greece : Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense

Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense Statement_of_D._Chatzivasileiadis_-_For_internationalist_solidarity_.pdf Τοποθέτηση_Δ._Χατζηβασιλειάδη_-_λόγος__διεθνιστικής_αλληλεγγύης_στη_δίκη_για_ΟΕΑ.pdf 5/1/23 FOR INTERNATIONALIST SOLIDARITY There are moments when silence is an invitation to crime. There are moments when silence is complicity. Georges Ibrahim Abdallah You are guilty not only when you commit … Continue reading EN/EL/Greece : Statement of comrade Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis – speech of internationalist solidarity in the context of the trial of the Organization Revolutionary Self-Defense

Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)

Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy. Until the demolition of every prison. For the anarchy in action. Because for those who love life, to react when life and death are at stake is an act of duty. Anna Beniamino Alfredo Cospito, an anarchist … Continue reading Call for a gathering in solidarity with the anarchist revolutionary hunger striker Alfredo Cospito, at the Italian embassy(Athens,Greece)