List of Anarchist Fighters and political Prisoners hostages of the Greek state updates 2024

We send our solidarity and respect to all those around the world who fight in any way, inside and out of the walls, against this rotten system. Finally, we greet all comrades,and hope that soon we will be able to leave our computers and together with comrades old and new we will tear down the … Continue reading List of Anarchist Fighters and political Prisoners hostages of the Greek state updates 2024

Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons

To peoples, individuals, communities and territories in struggle and resistance. To those who revolt in the face of this present of oppression and misery. To our families, our friends, our accomplices, compas and loved ones, throughout the world. To everybody! Ideas without actions are worthless, they’re just theoretical shit, so idea and action have to … Continue reading Chile: Statement on End of Hunger Strike by Anarchist and Subversive Comrades in Chilean Prisons


19/04/2021 We express our Solidarity to the imprisoned comrades in Chile who as of March 22 2021 have launch a mobilization with the characteristics of a long-term hunger strike demanding the release of anarchist prisoners, of prisoners for subversive activity, of prisoners from the bloody uprising of 2019 as well as the prisoners from the … Continue reading SOLIDARITY TEXT BY THE MEMBERS OF REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE IN GREECE FOR THE IMPRISONED COMRADES IN CHILE

Athens,Greece: Update on the decision of the 2nd degree hearing of the 3rd trial of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle

via: ———————– 14/04/2021 Today after the lawyer’s speech and comrade Pola Roupa’s statement concerning the prosecutor’s proposal, the judge requested a suspension of 2 hours to issue the court decision. So, despite fact that this had not been planned, a decision was made on the appeal of P. Roupa, a member of Revolutionary Struggle, … Continue reading Athens,Greece: Update on the decision of the 2nd degree hearing of the 3rd trial of R.O.Revolutionary Struggle

IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Durante l’ultimo anno, l’opinione pubblica è stata raggiunta da sempre più racconti riguardanti momenti circoscritti di un fenomeno costante che è vecchio come l’esistenza dello Stato e dell’autorità. Il fenomeno della brutalità della polizia. Dagli omicidi di afroamericani negli USA, quelli in Myanmar a seguito del colpo di Stato, le rivolte a Parigi dopo il … Continue reading IT: Grecia: Testo dell’anarchica Dimitra Valavani sul processo per il prelievo forzato del DNA

Act for freedom now! Translations, Publications, Editions, Distro 2008 – 2024

================================ SOLIDARITY WITH IVAN! FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE! Repression and vehicle arson’s For reading For printing This zine comes from an informal and anonymous collective formed in solidarity with Ivan. This collective does not claim to be a reference support committee or anything official. We welcome all autonomous initiatives in solidarity with Ivan and/or any other … Continue reading Act for freedom now! Translations, Publications, Editions, Distro 2008 – 2024

Greece:Text by Anarchist comrade prisoner Dimitra Valavani,trial for the violent taking of my DNA sample by cops

Dimitra Valavani. Trial for the violent taking of my DNA sample by cops. Over the last year, more and more stories have reached the public about isolated moments of a continuous phenomenon which is as old as the existence of the state and authority. The phenomenon of police brutality. From the murders of Afro-Americans in … Continue reading Greece:Text by Anarchist comrade prisoner Dimitra Valavani,trial for the violent taking of my DNA sample by cops