Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

On 8/2 in the early morning hours, comrade Thanos Xatziagkelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari were arrested on the occasion of an arson attack at the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection and in the afternoon of the same day, comrade Panos Kalaitzis was arrested with a unique connection between his friendly and comradely relations with … Continue reading Thessaloniki, Greece: Attacks in solidarity with the comrades of 8/2/22

Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison

Letter of Panos Kalaitzis On Tuesday 08/02 at 19.00 I was arrested by the anti-terrorist squad outside my comrade’s house in Ano Polis. The reason for my indictment was the arrest that same morning of Thanos Xatziagkelou and Georgia Voulgari accused of placing an incendiary device in the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection. I … Continue reading Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison

Greece Thessaloniki : Text of the two hostages comrades from the Thessaloniki Police HQ cells EN/IT

When the state of exception is legitimized around you, then you stand up, you take deep breaths because they are even timing the air, to go on to the end. Until victory. In the early morning hours of Tuesday 8/2, armed forces of the SWAT (EKAM) and anti-terrorist squads storm a house at 12 Alkinoou … Continue reading Greece Thessaloniki : Text of the two hostages comrades from the Thessaloniki Police HQ cells EN/IT

T.Chatziaggelou|A message of resistance to comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Greece)

Letter of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou to the anarchist prisoner Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, regarding the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners. These words travelled by your side from a cell very far from yours. They carry with them, the identically guilty thoughts that crush borders and walls. They carry the same … Continue reading T.Chatziaggelou|A message of resistance to comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Greece)

Athens, Greece: Political text by Anarchist Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos.

Political text by Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos. We are in a daily war, a war with the status quo, with every form of power that eats away at our lives, and in this war I realized where I belong. In a world where patriarchy rapes and kills us, where … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Political text by Anarchist Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos.

Responsibility claim for arson & incendiary attacks by Cells of Anti-Militarist Action – Another war is possible (Athens,Greece)

ANOTHER WAR IS POSSIBLE: CLASS, ANTI-STATE, REVOLUTIONARY. We take responsibility for the arson attacks that took place from March 2 to 14 in areas of Athens. Specifically At dawn on Wednesday 2/3 we set fire to and destroyed a company van of AKTORA in Chrysostomou Smyrnis Street in Vyronas. On 1/4/2021 in Evia, the bodies … Continue reading Responsibility claim for arson & incendiary attacks by Cells of Anti-Militarist Action – Another war is possible (Athens,Greece)