Category Archives: Solidarity Means Attack

Castelldefels (Spain) – More street vendors, fewer cops

Castelldefels: More street vendors, fewer cops

More street vendors, fewer cops: attack on the Castelldefels Vigilance Service

On the night of August 20, the premises of the Vigilance Service in the Playafels district were attacked with spray paint and a hammer. This local has been built recently, for the purpose of helping the municipal police of Castelldefels [Note of Attaque: commune south of Barcelona] to do their favorite work, which consists of cracking down on street vendors in the area.

The Parti populaire in Castelldefels is following the same path as Collboni [Note of Attaque: the new socialist mayor of the regional capital] in Barcelona, with the Pla Endreça: increasing the number of cops, monitoring and limiting individual freedoms, to transform the city into a system of control where repression intensifies as it becomes more difficult to slip through the net.

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EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

Actforfree receive anonymous and translated to English.


CARE AND THE SWEET SMELL OF DYNAMITE! Communique year 1. Number 1.

“Women, slaves of the slave: encourage your comrades to shake off the yoke that oppresses us all equally. Reject the lies and deceit of the vestmented executioners: throw their “relics” and their ridiculous suits to the pigs and swell the ranks of the libertarian women who, united with the rebels, make propaganda with the pen, the word, and also with the rifle or dynamite, destroying the dens where the wolves of power, money and religion dwell. Forward libertarian women!”

Francisca J. Mendoza

¡Tierra! #481

December 28, 1912

At approximately 10 p.m. on September 9, 2023 we placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, Campeche, with the intention of sabotaging the war that the Mexican government is waging against the jungle with the construction of the so-called “Mayan train”.


It is a project of destruction by territorial reordering that intends to establish a model of “development poles” leading to the expansion of fully capitalist relations in the Yucatan peninsula, which will provoke proletarianization, forced displacement, generalized contamination, dispossession and destruction of our ways of life. WE DO NOT ACCEPT IT.
Continue reading EN/ES : Communique claim for placed an explosive device made with dynamite and butane gas in a cargo truck on 31st Street in Escarcega, (Mexico)

(Chile) Incendiary Attack at Instituto Nacional for Monica, Francisco and Against Safe Classroom, Repressive Laws and Anti-squat Laws

 Incendiary Attack at Instituto Nacional for Monica, Francisco and Against Safe Classroom, Repressive Laws and Anti-squat Laws

On Thursday, August 17, banners, pamphlets, barricades and molotov confrontations were deployed against the presence of the carabineros (COP), between Alameda and Arturo Pratt.

Banners and leaflets read: “Organized students mobilize against repressive laws. No to the anti-squat law, safe classroom and trigger happy law. Delinquents forever”, “kick a narco, become anarco” and “Faced with the trial against the comrades, unleash solidarity with Monica and Francisco”.

via:informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

Tesla in flames -Switch Off – the system of destruction! (Frankfurt, Germany)

Tesla in flames

The International Motor Show (IAA) was held in Munich last week. At this summer show, all manner of multinationals were once again able to show off their gleaming, beautiful cars and congratulate themselves on their economic success in their air-conditioned conference rooms, limousines and exhibition halls.

At the same time, this summer has once again been full of fires. In Rhodes. In Portugal. In Maui (island of Hawaii). At the same time, many people’s homes were flooded. In Slovenia and Austria.
Many people’s lives were shattered. These deadly catastrophes have many causes, and the IAA is just one of them. We say Switch off the system of destruction!

So we torched a few new Tesla cars this evening in Frankfurt. In salute to the Munich protests. One of many attacks on the destructive automotive industry.

Continue reading Tesla in flames -Switch Off – the system of destruction! (Frankfurt, Germany)

A CALL TO WAR AGAINST THE PIPELINE (so-called virginia, United States)


a fortnight ago, by the light of the full moon, a small group of friends set fire to a large excavator and a second small machine that were being used to build the mountain valley pipeline near teels creek.

we came prepared to burn up to six machines but unfortunately found only two at the site we chose. mvp has dozens or possibly hundreds of unattended machines on their construction sites on any given night; they are working at a breakneck pace in an attempt to complete the pipeline by the end of the year. a map of the pipeline showing incomplete water crossings can be found at

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A Recipe for Leaving No Trace

We were thrilled to read about the rail sabotage during the last week of action, and the proposal for it’s proliferation. We also appreciated that operational details were made explicit, though we have some concerns we want to bring up about how what is described may leave traces.

When starting a fire, the goal should be that everything that you must touch will burn, if possible. Here is a simple recipe that can enable that:

  • a plastic (PET) bottle that is square – this allows the bottle to be placed on it’s side without rolling. Bottle size can be determined by the size of the signal box.
  • gasoline in the bottle, with enough air space left for fumes, so as to avoid leakage. Motor oil can be added to help prolong the burn, which is helpful for the cabling within a signal box.
  • an individually packaged fire cube as the igniter

The accelerant bottle is placed on its side. The fire cube is then placed on top of the bottle. The fire cube is then lit with a storm lighter, being careful to not pierce the bottle by mistake. Once alight, the fire cube will pierce the plastic bottle and gravity will drop it into the accelerant. Mischief managed.

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Balan (Ain), eastern France : Sabotage at the petrochemical plant

Balan (Ain): Sabotage at the petrochemical plant

Code name: Operation cold sweat
Objective : Paralyze the petrochemical plants in Balan (Ain)
Location: South-east of Dombes, 3.5 km from the plants
Action window: Rising moon, last week of May 2023
Method used: Sawing and then knocking down a pylon of the high-voltage line (63 kv) supplying the target site.

Anticipated risks :
– Dangers associated with this type of sabotage action (consult manuals for details).
– Plants classified as SVESO (industrial risk): any power cut triggers an automatic shutdown and the intervention of firefighters stationed on site.
– Close to the Gendarmerie and the Valbonne military base.

Continue reading Balan (Ain), eastern France : Sabotage at the petrochemical plant

Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)

Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever

With the blue supermoon in Pisces illuminating our liberatory path, a squad of real ones ran up on the Walgreens where Banko Brown was murdered; we glued every single lock shut and painted the entire storefront with his name.

The militant momentum generated by collective outrage at the murder of Banko Brown had been successfully co-opted and quelled—not directly by the state, but by one of its most powerful co-conspirators: liberal counter-insurgency. Instead of riots, we got Pride parties, political parties, and non-profit fundraisers; in place of radical action, we saw protests at City Hall with members of the pro-police political aristocracy on the mic as well as liberal demands to “jail killer cops” and furnish video of the murder that we did not need to see in order to know that what was done to Banko demands of us nothing less than to fight back with everything we have.

Continue reading Walgreens Redecorated; Banko Forever San Francisco (USA)

Olympia, USA : Night Time Attack on Cop City Funder Subsidiary

Olympia: Night Time Attack on Cop City Funder Subsidiary

On the night of September 9th a small band assembled to carry out an attack on an Arby’s in Westside St̕č̓as (so-called Olympia). The crew convened in the shadows near the target. Anxious at first, a shooting star blesses our action and we don the black masks. We briskly walk to the target, confirm we are still in, set a thirty second timer, tag it and smash the windows and disperse. In, out, no arrests.

This target was chosen as CEO Paul Brown of its owning and franchising company, Inspire Brands LLC, sits on the board of directors of the Atlanta Police Foundation (APF) who are behind the funding and political push for the urban warfare training ground and mass deforestation project known as Cop City. We take this small action against Cop City and its world and send love to those resisting the beast of police militarization in ATL.

Also, just in general, fuck Arby’s.

Targets are everywhere, take aim and strike.
And remember, It’s Easy to Attack!


submitted anonymously on pugetsoundanarchists

Claim of Responsibility for Asheville Arson (United States)

Claim of Responsibility for Asheville Arson

there were a lot of so-called anarchists at the acab bookfair but we’re not sure what you nerds do besides read books. we dont know how to read so instead we burned those cop cars. even though they were parked right behind the police/fire station nobody noticed until it was too late and the cars were “completely destroyed.”

we were just gonna leave it unclaimed because it seemed funnier that way, but we were just thinking about how cool march 5th was and we remembered theres a whole movement about it! there were 200 of us there that day, what are the rest of you up to? theres freakin pigs everywhere and their cars are extremely flammable. burning a cop car might be the easiest thing you’ve done in your life, it was for us.

-march 5th movement

Submitted Over Email
