Greece: Sabotage at an Israeli hotel in Athens by Pro-Palestine saboteur

Sabotage at an Israeli hotel in Athens by Pro-Palestine saboteur

While Palestinians are dying of thirst, Israeli tourist businesses are doing golden business in Greek territory, such as Athens, where the squats that offered refuge to the persecuted have been replaced by luxury accommodation for tourists. It is another form of colonization and colonialism, in which Israeli businessmen are well versed. As a symbolic gesture of solidarity with the Palestinian people, we sabotaged the water supply to one of these colonial hotels in Exarcheia (Zoia) by cutting off the supply and cementing the clock. Israeli real estate investment company Zoia manages at least 19 buildings in Athens. Sagi Rubin, managing director of the company, places the investment as one of the largest in the Greek market.

Israel, in the context of the genocidal war it is waging in the Gaza Strip, controls the flow of water. It is obvious how this control constitutes absolute power over the life and death of the Palestinians on this piece of land.

Apart from the flow, it can also control the quality of the water, which is polluted. The sources of drinking water in Gaza were already limited even before the new outbreak of genocide. Drilling by neighbouring states such as Israel has almost drained the aquifer. After October 7 Israel cut off the water and electricity supply it controls. Within 5 months of the genocide Israel has leveled all the infrastructure necessary for survival. Now every day, apart from bombs and bullets, hunger and thirst are also killing.

It is a sadistic torture weapon that brings slow death. At least 25 people have died of dehydration and starvation in northern Gaza in recent days according to the Palestinian Authority.

For this crime, it is certainly not enough that some tourists are thirsty or go unwashed for a few days.

This crime calls for REVENGE

To sabotage the profitability of Israeli capital everywhere

To block the Israeli-Greek alliance

Freedom in Palestine

Other Zoia tourist accommodations of Israeli interests: Metsovou 25, Asklipiou 102, Sarantapihou and Kosmas Melodou and offices at 18 Omirou. streets.

Pro-Palestine saboteur

via: athens.indymedia translated by Act for freedom now!