Besançon (Doubs): news from Boris
via: sansnom
A Good Wheelchair for Boris!
April 2020
Two relay antennas illuminate the confined night
While half of the world’s population was confined to their homes, an anarchist from Besançon was riding his bike to Mont Poupet in the Jura Mountains. It was at the top of these steep slopes that Boris lit up two large relay antennas with the flames of subversion on the night of April 10, 2020: those of four cell phone operators, but also of the police and the gendarmerie, causing nearly 100,000 euros worth of damage.
Identified by a trace of DNA found on site, the comrade was be incarcerated in the prison of Nancy and sentenced in April 2021 to four years in prison, two of which with no remission. In a public letter written from inside, he defended his act by his desire to oppose through direct action the increasing digitalization of our lives, with all the control, the environmental and social devastation that it implies. Unfortunately, while waiting for the date of the appeal, the comrade was seriously injured in August in a fire in the cell where he was, and the investigation on the origin and readiness of the screws to let him suffocate is still ongoing. It is thus with the medical power that Boris has been confronted for more than a year and a half. Continue reading Besançon (Doubs)France : News from Anarchist comrade Boris