Alfredo Cospito latest update on 4.03.2023 ( Italy)

Alfredo Cospito latest update



There are demonstrations all over Italy. In Turin there is a big solidarity march, with the main slogan ‘The Struggle Does Not End’, just as there were demonstrations in Milan. Florence, in the central piazza D’Azeglio, anti-fascist march with a group of demonstrators singing Bella Ciao and chanting slogans for the release of Alfredo from 41bis. We are talking about thousands of people (estimated at 20,000), including students, with a shining example being high school principal Annalisa Savino, who sent the message ‘Fascism was born out of indifference’.

This morning the standard medical examination was carried out by a trusted doctor of the choice of lawyer F.Rossi Albertini, according to which Alfredo’s health condition is irreversible.

After the decision not to revoke the 41bis, Alfredo – as he had said – automatically stopped taking the potassium supplements that he had to take just before the decision, in order to have time to hear it. He has lost another kilo, he has very noticeable muscle atrophy and abdominal cramps. The situation he is in is extremely painful. He is heading for a slow and painfully agonizing death. We are awaiting the results of the biochemical tests on a sample taken this morning. The doctor has requested that the next tests be done in the hospital, not at the prison hospital where he was rushed back last week. This is a critical week.

Let us not forget that the Italian government has now been invited by the UN to provide information on the conditions in which Alfredo is being held.

In addition to the demonstrations, the police have arrested and are currently holding 30-40 people from sweeping operations.
Old people have come out in the streets and are shouting about Alfredo and against the police.

TURIN, at this moment the chants of PASSION FOR FREEDOM, free Alfredo from the 41bis can be heard.


Translated to English by Anarchists from the anarchist project Act for freedom now!