Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna by Anarchists

Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna

On the night of October 19, we placed several incendiary devices on the exposed cable bundles at the foot of the telecommunications antenna in Herzbergstraße, Berlin-Lichtenberg. On a trailer, we tagged the reason for our appearance there: Switch-Off.

Attacking the structures that maintain this technologized nightmare world opens up possibilities for the instinct to rebel. It’s not so much analyses and theories, let alone ideologies, that drive us, but rather desires and aspirations, especially for something that even we, as anarchists, sometimes fail to say, or downplay, for fear of seeming ridiculous. It’s about freedom. Of our individual freedom and that of our fellow human beings with whom we want to live. If anything prevents us from experiencing freedom today, it’s not just material conditions, borders or alienation, but also the extensive smartification of life in favor of technologies, which unleash bloody wars for resources and claims to power, while leaving people paralyzed in front of their screens. All this serves to maintain domination and social order, from which many benefit. Yet it is in technology itself, which enslaves us and has until now been the greatest tool of the powerful, that its Achilles heel lies, and that we are attacking it in a targeted manner.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): incendiary attack on a telecommunications antenna by Anarchists

Munich (Germany): sabotage of geothermal energy construction site

Munich : sabotage of geothermal energy construction site

On the evening of Monday October 23, a new energy infrastructure site was targeted in the Munich area. Green capitalism advocates be damned, after the triple arson attack on a geothermal power plant under construction in Polling (some 50 km east of Munich) on the night of October 2, this time it was the large pipes of another geothermal line that were attacked south of the Bavarian capital.
Continue reading Munich (Germany): sabotage of geothermal energy construction site

Ames, Iowa United States: 15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game

15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game – Ames, Iowa

September 15, 2023

A 25-year-old Des Moines resident is facing more than a dozen felony charges stemming from their alleged role in vandalizing several law enforcement vehicles last weekend in Ames.

The Iowa State University Police Department reported that 15 vehicles from the Iowa State Patrol and Story County Sheriff’s Office were damaged during the Sept. 9 Cy-Hawk game between Iowa State University and the University of Iowa.

In an email to the Ames Tribune, the ISU PD said the vehicles were “gashed” and, in some cases, “caused extensive damage.”

Continue reading Ames, Iowa United States: 15 cop cars damaged during Cy-Hawk game

Yet Another Brent Scarborough Machine Destroyed (USA)

On the night of October 1st, the Brent Scarborough site across from the penitentiary was visited for a third time and an excavator was burned.

They still have overnight security but we didn’t run into them. We know people are afraid. We are afraid too, but we move through fear by taking action. Hearing a machine explode as you walk away is actually really freeing.

The upcoming mass action has set us a deadline. We have from now until November 13 to stop the “movement’s next phase” from being defined by NVDA. We honor our dead by following their struggle through to the end. Start making your way to Atlanta or take action where you are.

Submitted Anonymously Over Email

via: scenes.noblogs

Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona (Spain)

Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona

“Pla Endreça” is a demonstration of power through which the government of Collboni intends to erradicate all forms of expression that escape state control. Looking at the past years, this is nothing new: The same techniques as the Colau – increasing the number and weapons of the local police and more repressive methods – only that this time they do it openly, vindicating it in the name of the citizenry.

We loathe a society of citizens who are loyal to capital and obedience, loyal to the peace constructed out of cameras and fingers pointing at those who break the authoritarian schema. We want nothing of this structure, its tyrants, nor its followers: we don’t want order. This is why we attack where it hurts, at a headquarters of false promises of a nonexistent good life.
Continue reading Disturbing the Windows of Barcelona (Spain)

Chignin (Savoie) France : Tesla barbecue

Fire on the parking lot of a Tesla dealership: 14 electric cars burned
Le Dauphiné/Numérama, October 6, 2023 (excerpt)

“I was awakened by the sound of an explosion,” says Michel Ravier, mayor of Chignin. The fire broke out at around 3 a.m. on October 6, 2023, in the parking lot of the Tesla Chambery Center on Route Nationale 1006 in this quiet village of around 1,000 inhabitants. The mayor immediately arrived at the Tesla dealership, shortly after the first sounds of an explosion and just before the firefighters, who quickly worked to extinguish the blaze. Le Dauphiné Libéré reports that 45 firefighters took part in the operation. In all, 14 Tesla cars were destroyed by the flames, before the fire was brought under control by the fire department.

Continue reading Chignin (Savoie) France : Tesla barbecue

Seyssinet-Pariset (Isère): fire at the high-voltage power line pylon (France)

Electrical pylon fire in Seyssinet-Pariset: a possible deliberate act

Le Dauphiné/France Bleu/France3,
September 25, 2023

The alarm was sounded at around 3 a.m. on Monday September 25 in the commune of Seyssinet-Pariset (Isère), on the outskirts of Grenoble, when large sparks were visible from afar, particularly from the other side of the Drac river.

The fire department then responded to a blaze on an electricity pylon supporting two high-voltage lines, on the Chemin de la Digue in Seyssinet. The fire raised a number of questions, given the difficult accessibility of the pylon. However, the fire is not thought to have affected the power supply to homes in the area.
Continue reading Seyssinet-Pariset (Isère): fire at the high-voltage power line pylon (France)

Berlin (Germany): two excavators set on fire at a Strabag construction site

Two Strabag excavators go on climate strike – Switch Off

de.indymedia,  23 September  2023

It’s gratifying to see that attacks on the companies and infrastructures that fuel ecological catastrophe are currently multiplying. Even if they’re just a drop in the ocean, they’re an expression of the fact that not everyone is content to make demands of politicians or look on with resignation as the world goes to shit.

On the night of Monday September 18, we added two excavators belonging to the Strabag company to the list of targets attacked under the slogan “Switch Off”. Unfortunately, we were able to extinguished before they definitively disappeared, but it was enough to bring the construction site on Köpenickerstraße in Berlin’s Mitte district to a standstill.

Continue reading Berlin (Germany): two excavators set on fire at a Strabag construction site

(Chile) Demo and Arson Attack at the PDI Barracks at the Christian Humanism Academy University

Demo and Arson Attack at the PDI Barracks at the Christian Humanism Academy University

August 23, 2023

The night of August 17, barricades were raised and molotovs were thrown at the Carabineros (COP). At least three of these molotovs were thrown at the front of the Human Rights Unit of the PDI (Investigations Police), steps from the UAHC. No one was detained and pamphlets were left declaring support for mapuche prisoners and claims for the 50 year anniversary of the coup.

The following are some records:

Translated by Act for freedom now!