Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Halle-on-Saale (Germany): fire at the offices of the municipal police

translated from German from chronik, 10 January 2022
(Tag24). Several vehicles of the municipal police (Ordnungsamt) in Halle were damaged on Sunday night.
At around 2 a.m., several cars were reported to be burning in a car park in Schimmelstraße, the police said on Monday morning. A total of eight cars were reportedly affected – partly also due to the spread of the flames. The amount of damage is not yet known.
The police explained that vehicles over than those of the authorities were damaged.
via: sansnom.noblogs
Translated by Act for freedom now!

Oberhaching (Germany): incendiary sabotage of the gravel pit
translated from German from chronik, 3 November 2021
(Süddeutsche Zeitung, 3 November 2021). Early Wednesday morning, a fire in a gravel pit in Oberhaching, a suburb of Munich (Bavaria), caused more than one million euros worth of damage. After arriving on the scene shortly after 5am, it took the fire brigade about an hour to extinguish the burning machinery and construction equipment. Due to the suspicion of arson, the criminal police are in charge of the investigation. Officials from Police Station 13, which is responsible for arson cases, have carried out extensive trace and evidence searches. In addition, possible links with other cases are being examined. For this purpose, police station 43, which deals with politically motivated crimes from the extreme left-wing movement, was called in.
In August, there had already been an as yet unsolved arson attack on a gravel pit in Planegg [also in the Munich district] with millions in damage. At that time, a 350-metre-long section of a conveyor belt was destroyed near the Kasten forest estate.

Continue reading Oberhaching (Germany): incendiary sabotage of the gravel pit 

UK, London : An Invitation to Deflate the System, Claim for Action by Anarchists

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An Invitation to Deflate the System
As the walls of control close in its hard not to feel a sense of despair. As an anarchist inside the Great British Prison Island, with apathy and inaction the main pillars of the anarchist ghetto, its hard not to feel deflated. Daily humiliations tend to extinguish your burning desire to attack the system. Every time you try to get a fire going another excuse puts it out. Too much risk for that action This action is inconsequential The atmosphere of trepidation is paralyzing.
You end up stuck between a fantasy of burning the whole edifice down and the reality of your limited abilities which seem to you to offer very little. But this is where you are wrong. You already have everything you need to begin. Besides, you can’t do anything with what you haven’t got. You can only do something with what you have got. Inabilities become abilities along the way but only if you take that first step.
Be realistic about your situation! The targets for attack are everywhere and within reach. The simple weapons needed can be found in shops on every high street. Alone or with others, all you need is the will to put one foot in front of the other. So what if you can’t get your hands on an Amazon server or some other privileged target yet? The infrastructure of control is also sustained by simple and unguarded technology. Continue reading UK, London : An Invitation to Deflate the System, Claim for Action by Anarchists

Limoges (Haute-Vienne), France: pandemic managers under fire

via: sansnom
Limoges : vehicles set on fire in the parking lot of the ARS
France3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, 18 January 2022
The fire was reported around 2am, this Tuesday, January 18. Neighbours gave the alert. The fire destroyed 3 vehicles before damaging a 4th car. The firefighters then quickly brought it under control.
The cars were parked in the parking lot of the ARS (Agence Régionale de Santé), and had to pass through a gate to access them. The fire also damaged the façade of the building.

Continue reading Limoges (Haute-Vienne), France: pandemic managers under fire

Mériel (Val-d’Oise), France : The village loses its electronic leashes

via: sansnom
Arson, outage… Internet and telephone are missing
The gazette of Val d’Oise, January 17, 2022
In Meriel, telecommunication rhymes with curse. First episode of this sad law: the outage occurred at the beginning of January on a Sfr cell phone antenna, rue de l’Abbaye-du-Val, and which is still depriving Mériellois of calls.
A new misfortune has befallen, Wednesday, January 12, 2022, this time on the Internet users of the town subscribed to the fiber optic. During the night, two connection cabinets located near the town hall were destroyed by a fire, probably of criminal origin.

Continue reading Mériel (Val-d’Oise), France : The village loses its electronic leashes

Mailbox of Fraternity Germania in flames (Kassel, Germany)

via: chronik.blackblogs
Mailbox of Fraternity Germania in flames
Kassel, January 2, 2022
Unknown individuals have set fire to the mailbox on New Year’s Eve at the house used by the fraternity Germania in Wolfsangerstraße. A resident had alerted the fire department at around 9:25 p.m. because of the burning mailbox, police spokeswoman Ulrike Schaake reports.
Despite the quickly initiated extinguishing work, the mailbox was completely destroyed. In addition, the facade was affected by soot. The damage is estimated at 1000 euro.

Continue reading Mailbox of Fraternity Germania in flames (Kassel, Germany)

England: antennas continue to burn

Gateshead (England), January 14, 2022
In Gateshead, a town of 90,000 inhabitants located in the North East England region, a 5G cell phone antenna was sabotaged on Friday, January 14, around 9:30 pm. Several teams of firefighters were sent to the site in the Leam Lane area, but were unable to save it and prevent the flames from cutting off communications to the entire area. The cops immediately referred to “an act of malice” and opened an investigation.
In Bradford, a city of 500,000 inhabitants located in West Yorkshire, a 5G phone antenna was deliberately set on fire on December 24 at dusk around 7:50 pm. The fire was set in Southfield Lane at the level
Bradford (England), August 16, 2021
of the electrical boxes located at the foot of the mast, before climbing up to its top. In order not to set too bad an example and to prevent it from collapsing, it was urgently dismantled the next day.

Continue reading England: antennas continue to burn

Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne): Christmas in the spotlight for the municipal councillor 

Villeneuve-Saint-Georges: the car of a deputy destroyed by an arson attack

27 December 2021

Nothing is going right in the municipal life of Villeneuve-Saint-Georges. A new elected official finds himself in turmoil. This time, the victim is the seventh deputy mayor, Naoual El Ouahta (SE), in charge of the Family, Social Cohesion, Women’s Rights and Family Life.

The evil spirits struck on Christmas Eve. On 24 December, at around 9.30pm, her car parked outside her home in a quiet street in Villeneuve was set on fire. Naoual El Ouahta was out. Her 18-year-old son was alone inside when he and some neighbours discovered the vehicle in flames. They immediately alerted the fire brigade, who managed to put out the fire before it spread. Continue reading Villeneuve-Saint-Georges (Val-de-Marne): Christmas in the spotlight for the municipal councillor 

Rome,Italy: as beautiful as a Carabinieri barracks in flames

via: ansnom
A fire ravages a Carabinieri barracks in Rome
15 December 2021
Flames have engulfed the historic Salvo d’Acquisto Carabinieri barracks in Rome. The fire broke out late in the morning of Wednesday 15 December, at around 12.25pm. It affected the upper floor of the building of the Ninth Carabinieri Regiment, the barracks that deals with public order.

Continue reading Rome,Italy: as beautiful as a Carabinieri barracks in flames

Poindimié, New Caledonia: Torching military vehicles in their lair

Vehicles set on fire in Poindimié : the prosecutor announces the opening of an investigation
In a statement sent on Thursday 16 December 2021, the prosecutor announced the opening of an investigation for “destruction and attempted destruction of property by fire or means dangerous to persons”. “Acts committed on two vehicles of the national gendarmerie in Poindimié on 16 December 2021 at 04:20”, said the prosecutor.

Continue reading Poindimié, New Caledonia: Torching military vehicles in their lair