Category Archives: Sabotage, Arsons Attacks

Chile: Triple explosive attack against critical infrastructure.

Triple explosive attack against critical infrastructure

Los Álamos (Chile), June 9, 2023. The pylon of the high-voltage power line failed to withstand the shock of the attack.

In the course of one long weekend, three explosive attacks hit various critical infrastructures in Chile. On Friday June 9, 2023, two high-voltage pylons were hit first. One at dawn in the municipality of Placilla, some ten kilometers east of Valparaíso, where Chile’s largest port and industrial facilities are located. The second, at around 11 p.m., took place in Los Álamos (Bío Bío region), home to the special forces bases of the Carabineros and the Navy, one of the centers of Chile’s repressive policies. While the first pylon, with two of its four support bars damaged, remained standing, the second collapsed to the ground, cutting off power between Cañete and Tirúa in the Los Álamos area.

The third attack occurred at around 3am on Tuesday June 13, on the railway bridge over the Itata river in the Ñuble region. The bridge, whose sleepers were blown up and rails shattered by the explosion, is used for freight trains, and in particular for the movement of raw materials such as the thousands of industrial eucalyptus trees destined to supply the Nueva Aldea pulp mill of the Arauco company (Angelini Group). Owned by Chile’s national railroad company (EFE), the line was operated by Ferrocarril del Pacífico (Fepasa), the main rail freight company in the south-central region of the country.
Ñuble region (Chile), June 13, 2023. The pulp industry’s railway bridge no longer functions

Continue reading Chile: Triple explosive attack against critical infrastructure.

Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting (France)

Following the police assassination of Nahel in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) Tuesday morning, a first, a second, then a third night of rioting took place throughout the country; destructive riots on which we have published long lists here. And finally, a fourth was not long in coming this last night of Friday 30th to Saturday 1st July.

via: sansnom Translated by a comrade for Act for freedom now!

[Summary of regional and national press, July 1, 2023]

Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting

What marked this fourth night of riots, in addition to clashes with the police around the country, was new cities joining the fight (small or medium -sized), the beginnings of the use or theft of firearms (Lyon, Marseille), and looting for which hundreds of youths have been able to show up (including in the day or early evening: according to the Minister of Finance, the summary so far is that 200 large retail stores were attacked and looted, along with 250 tobacconists (newsagents), 250 banks, and a dozen shopping centres — 700 in all).

Regarding the targets – which we concentrate more willingly, while the journo-cops filter them more – it remains everything that embodies local state and institutional domination (from town halls to schools, socio-cultural centres, social landlords, or the post office) which were most burnt this night.

Some figures

The Ministry of the Interior identified last night from June 30 to 1st July, 2,560 fires on the public highway (against 3,880 in the night From Thursday to Friday), 1,350 vehicles torched (against 1,919 at night previous) and 266 burnt or damaged buildings, including 26 town halls, 24 schools and 5 justice establishments (against 492 the previous night). In addition, 58 cop dens were attacked (31 commissariat-type stations, 16 municipal police stations. and 11 gendarmerie barracks). 1,311 people were arrested that night across France. A total of 79 police officers and gendarmes were injured.

[AFP, July 1, 2023, very toned-down map, as we can see below…]

North-Eastern France

In Mont-Saint-Martin (Meurthe-et-Moselle), after several attempts, thirty people burst into the town hall where they found two private security guards.
Continue reading Everywhere: 4th night of riotous revolt, it’s still burning and looting (France)

Everywhere : 3rd night of riotous revolt, looting and fires à gogo [Re-MàJ] (France)

via:sansnom.Translated by Act for freedom now!

[Following the police murder of Nahel in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) on Tuesday morning, a first (in english) then a second night of riots (in english) took place all over the country,  destructive riots which we have published large illustrated reviews of here. And finally, a third night from Thursday 29 to Friday 30 June— despite the announced deployment of 40,000 police officers, four times more than the day before, despite the arrival of the RAID (in Toulouse, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier, Bordeaux, Strasbourg), of the BRI (Nanterre) and the GIGN (in Evry, Savigny le Temple, Nantes, Toulouse, Tours and Avignon) in anti-riot mode, in spite of the night curfews, in spite of the cessation of urban surface transport in the Ile-de-France and elsewhere from 9pm, in spite of the circling of gendarmerie helicopters and police drones, and despite the prefectorial prohibitions of carrying and transporting pyrotechnics as fuel.

What marked this third night of riots, in addition to clashes with the police across the country, now affecting more than a hundred cities (including small ones), has not only been a fine constancy in burning public transport, but also in multiplying looting of all kinds (sometimes during actual raids in the city centre, but also in Darty, Decathlon or shopping centres), with several destructions of businesses and temples of merchandise. And with a single common language, which goes without any claim or dialogue with power or its mediators: Fire!
Note that today, June 30, the first looting of the day has already begun, such as at the Apple Store and Lacoste in the centre of Strasbourg, the Spar supermarket in Reims or the major shopping centres of Rosny 2 and Créteil Soleil in the Paris region… ]

A few figures
The Ministry of the Interior recorded that during the night from 29 to 30 June 79 cop lairs are attacked (39 national police premises, 24 of the municipal police and 16 of the gendarmerie), and 119 public buildings are targeted, including 34 town halls and 28 schools. In addition, 917 people were arrested last night all over France, including 408 in Paris, in Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne (and 170 in police custody). A total of 249 policemen and gendarmes were injured last night.

Today, June 30, Elisabeth Borne declared from the police station of Evry-Courcouronnes (Essonne) that «all hypotheses», including the establishment of the state of emergency, are envisaged by the executive for «the return of republican order», For its part, the Elysée palace stressed that Emmanuel Macron was ready to adopt the “no taboo” policing system… For a start, the gendarmerie’s 18 new Centaur tanks will be mobilized tonight, and all surface transit across the country has been shut down by the ministry of the interior. Continue reading Everywhere : 3rd night of riotous revolt, looting and fires à gogo [Re-MàJ] (France)

The War In Front Of Us

Retrieved and put on paper by some unafilliated admirers.

PDF is here

This is an afro-pessimist militant’s challenge to the Stop Cop City movement.

There is a tension stewing right now, not simply between differing tactics but with the outright acceptance of the position we are currently in, that of a social war.

The third day-long descent on the Atlanta City Council has again hammered home that legalistic attacks and appeals to the political machine are going to keep failing. Despite that being so overwhelmingly evident, the more progressive-inclined elements of the struggle continue to insist upon a peaceful endurance, one that refuses escalation and actual conflict for their safe, faux-radical abolitionism. We have been locked in this social war since the rebellion and the terrain needs to be read as such.

Continue reading The War In Front Of Us

Brent Scarborough Machines Sabotaged.

Dear Brent Scarborough,
I Bet You Thought You Were Safe With All The New Security Measures You Put In At Your Headquarters Site! We Saw The Empty Lot Where You Used To Store Machines… And The Big One Right Next Door.
We Saw The Bright Lights, Tall Fence, And Trees Clear Cut Twenty Feet From Every Edge Of The Lot. It Was A Quick Walk From The On Ramp Of Exit 41. A Row Of Trucks Obscured Our Car So We Only Had To Carry Our Supplies About Half A Mile.
You Ought To Pay Your Security Guard More… He Was Asleep On The Job! We Climbed Over The Barbed Wire Fence With A Ladder And A Carpet Square & Taking Note Of The Machines Fifty Feet From The Fence And Cameras On Every Pole. Sneaking Between Equipment And Around The Useless Security Truck, We Finally Reached A Row Of Many Large Machines. Each Of Us Carried A Gallon Of Muriatic Acid, A Substance You Should Know About If You Don’t Already. We Poured The Corrosive Acid Into The Oil Tanks Of Three Machines. Have You Found Which Ones Yet? If Not, You Will Soon.

Continue reading Brent Scarborough Machines Sabotaged.

France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

via: sansnom Translated by Act for freedom now!

here:First night of riot ,after police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th of June.2023


[This second night of riot in a row after that of yesterday following the police assassination of Nahel (Hauts-de-Seine) on 27th June, expanded to many more cities, multiplying also the number and type of targets.. Beyond clashes with police and burnt cars, below is a non-exhaustive review of burned buildings, looted or attacked across the country, from cop stations to town halls, from social centres to media libraries, from supermarkets to metro stations and trams, not forgetting the entrance of the prison of Fresnes or the court of Asnières-sur-Seine…]

Some numbers
2377 fires were recorded on the public road during the night of 28 to 29 June, according to a police source cited by Le Parisien. Of these, 609 vehicles and 114 buildings were affected. 27 attacks on national police premises were also reported (damong which 7 by fire), 4 gendarmerie barracks, 14 municipal police stations (including 10 burnt). At least eight town halls burned or damaged, 6 schools and six public buildings. 133 members of the police forces were injured, including 123 policemen and 10 gendarmes.

For pleasure…

* Airparif writes this Thursday that « significant levels of particulate matter (PM10 + PM2.5) were observed in the air tonight and this morning » in Île-de-France, and that this « increase in the region is mainly related to emissions related to riots». This kind of pollution can be due to the many fires that took place at night.

Public transport in Ile-de-France

Two trams were burned in the Hauts-de-Seine. One of line T6 to Clamart, at the Georges Pompidou stop. « The catenaries burned, the tram is embedded in the tracks. We’re going to disengage the train this afternoon (Thursday) but the work will take weeks», explained a manager. The other train that was set on fire was the T10 tram, which had just been inaugurated last Saturday at Châtenay-Malabry.

Continue reading France – Everywhere : 2nd night of riotous rage following the police assassination of Nahel 29/06/2023

Paillaco (Chile): trucks for the future wind farm burned to the ground.

Paillaco : trucks for the future wind farm burned to the ground

At dusk on Friday June 16, 2023, in the Chilean commune of Paillaco (Los Ríos region), a small hooded and armed group broke into the construction site of a wind farm. After neutralizing the guards, they set fire to the 14 cement-trucks and a front-end loader on site.

The future Caman wind farm, where the multinational Mainstream Renewable Power (with Norwegian, Japanese and Irish capital) intends to build no less than 44 industrial wind turbines with a capacity of 150 Megawatts in Mapuche territory, had already suffered an incendiary attack on January 16, when the first truck went up in smoke. In August 2022, in the municipality of Angol (La Araucanía region), another construction site for an industrial wind farm also saw its machinery go up in smoke. And in July 2022, in the municipality of Arauco (Bío Bío region), the two technical maintenance buildings of a wind farm that is operational went up in flames.
Continue reading Paillaco (Chile): trucks for the future wind farm burned to the ground.

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction

This is the first issue of the bilingual anarchist paper Antisistema,
which will be published irregularly. The paper gives space for anarchist analyses, discussions and documentations of attacks on structures of domination.
From now on we will upload the PDFs of the paper in german and english and want to encourage decentralized printing, distribution and discussion.

Contact: anti-sistema at

– Editorial
– For more cheerful daring
– For a determined struggle against the industrial destruction of the
– Combining the question of social revolution with the question of
– Defence is not the best attack
– Words are followed by actions
Continue reading ANTISISTEMA – Paper for anarchy and passionate destruction 2023

Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany

Attack on the Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin – Sabotage as Strike – Life as Sabotage

Le enviamos saludos de apoyo, solidaridad y libertad. We send you greetings of support, solidarity and freedom. No estáis solos: ¡juntos liberaremos la Tierra! You are not alone – together we will liberate the earth! Give back the earth! ¡Devuelvan la tierra!

Our action is a powerful salute in support of the Indigenous struggles in Colombia against coal mining and a sabotage of the German climate and industrial policies. In response to the eviction of Lützerath, this action is a belated receipt, and a declaration of solidarity with the “Last Generation”.

This morning, on 12.06.2023. we glued an incendiary device to the Reuter coal power plant in Berlin and set it on fire. At the scene we didn’t leave behind any superglue but in the early morning hours we ignited a large incendiary device. With this we wanted to hit the Reuter coal-fired power plant in the industrial and commercial area around the “Wiesendamm” and the “Freiheit”: We did not find any Wiesendamm (meadows) or Freiheit (freedom) there, only an excavation pit about three to four meters deep, in which more than ten power cables were exposed. To set the fire, we descended with a ladder into the shaft, which was about two by two meters wide.
Continue reading Incendiary Attack Against the Reuter Coal-Fired Power Plant in Berlin, Germany

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France : sabotage at the metro construction site

Toulouse (Haute-Garonne): sabotage at the metro construction site

Two cranes threaten to collapse on the Minimes metro worksite in Toulouse, act of vandalism suspected
La Dépêche/France 3, June 2, 2023

Hot news in Toulouse in the Raisin district along the Canal between Les Minimes and Faubourg-Bonnefoy. Around 3 a.m. on Friday June 2, some fifteen firefighters responded to a crane fire on avenue François Collignon. The site was the third metro line.

The fire was quickly brought under control, but the structure of the crane was threatened by the fire. The second crane had hydraulic leaks on its cylinders. Both of which jeopardized the balance of both machines. The police and experts have arrived and the area has been neutralized: vehicles can no longer circulate on avenue François Collignon and chemin du Raisin. A security perimeter has been set up with barriers.
Continue reading Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), France : sabotage at the metro construction site