Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Greece: Message from Thessaloniki Police HQ of resistance of the imprisoned anarchist Thanos Xatziagkelou

Message of resistance of the imprisoned anarchist Th. Xatziagkelou
When the hours begin to count down to the complete loss of freedom from the teeth of confinement, each moment acquires its own distinct existential meaning. A smile, a touch, the warmth of a comrade’s voice in a cold phone call, the chants outside the interrogation are the flames which burn your heart, reminding you that nothing ends. Battles have casualties. The war itself has casualties. But nothing was given to us, nothing was given to us bloodlessly because we extended our hand. Nothing was won through prayers.
“This inhuman, insidious white of your empty eyes reminds me of the armistice in battle…”
In this life, everything is won through faith and dedication to the field of social antagonism. With consistency in the battles and a relentless tension, a persistence on the offensive horizon. Through my small contribution to the evolution of the class struggle, beyond my contradictions and mistakes, if there is something that characterises me it is social consciousness and the commitment to the revolutionary duty. These are the two things that, on some evenings, become a noose around your neck and do not let you sleep. Screams, sobs, and even silences awaken, and they anger you, they enrage you, they arm you. Responsibility, comrades. We have responsibility. For all those restless nights I feel proud, because all of those nights I chose for my eyes to look at the stars. I remain unyielding, unrepentant, and angrier than ever, because I defend my proud captivity against the dead freedoms of decay.
“These a bit roughly, for the restoration of the black.”
All my thoughts, love and support remain adamantly on the side of these two people that are imprisoned next to me, giving the most important struggle of all of us. The struggle against the absurdity of repression. As for me, I will remind you that the revolution against tyranny is an account that remains open. And revolutionary violence ought to be a non-negotiable, one-way street.
Comrades, until we meet again on the battlefields, let us not compromise with anything less than everything.
Down the state, long live Anarchy
Thanos Xatziagkelou, Thessaloniki Police HQ
Thursday, 10/2/22.
original translation in English

Μήνυμα αντίστασης του αιχμαλώτου αναρχικού Θ. Χατζηαγγέλου
Όταν οι ώρες αρχίζουν να μετράνε αντίστροφα για την ολοκληρωτική απώλεια της ελευθερίας από τα δόντια του εγκλεισμού, η κάθε στιγμή αποκτάει το δικό της ξεχωριστό νόημα ύπαρξης. Ένα χαμόγελο, ένα άγγιγμα, η ζεστασιά μιας συντροφικής φωνής σ’ένα ψυχρό τηλεφώνημα, οι φωνές έξω απ’τον ανακριτή είναι οι φλόγες που σου καίνε την καρδιά, θυμίζοντάς σου πως τίποτα δεν τελειώνει. Οι μάχες έχουν απώλειες. Ο ίδιος ο πόλεμος έχει απώλειες. Όμως τίποτα δεν μας χαρίστηκε, τίποτα δεν μας δόθηκε αναίμακτα επειδή απλώσαμε το χέρι. Τίποτα δεν κερδήθηκε με προσευχές.

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Chile: Anarchist Comrades Luis and Ignacio Avaca are released from prison!

Comrades Luis and Ignacio Avaca are released from prison!
 Publicacion Refractario
In November 2020, an explosive package explodes in the Talca police station, slightly injuring a policeman. The action is claimed by “Entes sin Rostro, nada ni nadie que ustedes conozcan” (Faceless Entities, nothing and no one you know).
In May 2021, in a large operation, the police managed to capture Luis and Ignacio Avaca, after the investigation carried out by OS-9 personnel and the South Prosecutor’s Office. The comrades – twin brothers – were taken to the Talca prison and then transferred to Rancagua while the investigative process was underway.

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Chile: Words from Ignacio and Luis Avaca. We are responsible. About our participation in the fact that we are accused and taking political responsibility

“I deny the right to judge me to all those who do not understand the voice of my longing, the howl of my needs, the veils of my spirit, the pain of my mind, the emotion of my ideas and the anguish of my thought.
But only I understand all this. Do you want to judge me? Well then! But you will never be able to judge my true self.
Instead, you are going to judge the “I” that you yourself have invented. When you think you have me in your hands to crush me, I will be high above, laughing in the distance.”
-Renzo Novatore
We have testified before the old prosecutor…It was not easy at least for us who faced a process like this for the first time. We recognized the authorship of the fact that we are accused and we have expressed our political and ethical motivation.
The act itself we have seen as a step from words to action in demonstration of our destructive criticism of the institutions that exercise violence in the name of the State.

Continue reading Chile: Words from Ignacio and Luis Avaca. We are responsible. About our participation in the fact that we are accused and taking political responsibility

Greece: Panhellenic day of actions on 4th February 22, for anarchist comrades Vangelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis

Panhellenic day of actions on 4th February 22, for anarchist comrades Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis
In the case of the anarchists V.Stathopoulos and D. Chatzivasiliadis, we see both solidarity and consistent revolutionary action being struck. For our part, we categorically state that we defend both. That we will stand up to the criminal extermination of the two militants and that we will not give in to the new normality that they want to impose on us.
We support the call for a microphone gathering meeting at the Propylaia center of Athens , on Friday 4 February at 17:00, as part of the nationwide day of action for the anarchists V.Stathopoulos and D.Chatzivasiliadis, as well as at the Court of Appeal in Loukareos Street, on Wednesday 9 February at 9:00, where they will be tried in the second instance.
Solidarity with anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos
Solidarity with anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasiliadis
No one alone in the hands of the state!
Solidarity call poster  by  Solidarity Assembly for imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted militants and by General Solidarity assembly for Vagelis Stathopoulos

Greece: Message of comrade prisoner Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis in response to yesterday’s demos 30.1.21,at the prisons of Domokos and Larissa

Solidarity Gathering, 30/01/22 at  Domokos prison  and Larissa prison for anarchist comrades V. Stathopoulos and D. Hatzivassiliadis


via: athens.indymedia
Hello comrades,
The most important issue of the trial scheduled for February 9 is the release of comrade Vangelis Stathopoulos, against whom social solidarity on the front line of the revolutionary struggle is being brutally attacked. I, defending the revolutionary struggle, the guerrilla and widespread armed social resistance, have long been committed to the cause of social solidarity, freedom and equality. Today I stand in a position of political counter-attack against counter-revolutionary terrorism, based on the current political agendas and the movement strategy of the Organisation for Revolutionary Self-Defence, for direct all-embracing confederal social self-management.

Continue reading Greece: Message of comrade prisoner Dimitris Hatzivasiliadis in response to yesterday’s demos 30.1.21,at the prisons of Domokos and Larissa

Solidarity with anarchist comrades V. Stathopoulos and D. Hatzivassiliadis (Greece)

via: athens.indymedia
On 8/11/2020 anti-terrorist cops arrest the anarchist militant V. Stathopoulos, implicating him, through an anonymous phone call, in the armed robbery of the ΟΠΑΠ store in Cholargos (expropriation of a local state casino store in athens).
 In this robbery, the comrade D. Hatzivassiliadis was injured, and sought and received medical assistance from V. Stathopoulos.
Without wasting a moment, the anti-terrorist police dubbed the robbery a “terrorist” action of the “Revolutionary Self-Defence” organization and drew up a heavy indictment against V. Stathopoulos, whom they presented as a member of the organization, even though the comrade was imprisoned during most of the action of this organization. From the very first moment, he denies his involvement in both the robbery and the organisation in question, and insists that his only involvement in the case was in trying to provide first aid to the injured comrade D. Hatzivassiliadis.

Continue reading Solidarity with anarchist comrades V. Stathopoulos and D. Hatzivassiliadis (Greece)

Athens koridallos prison, Greece : Comrade Charis Mantzouridis is again in solitary confinement from last Monday 24/1/22

Comrade Charis Mantzouridis has been in quarantine again since noon last Monday, on the pretext that he came into contact with a confirmed case in the ward of the Korydallos psychiatric prison.
The comrade had been found positive on 30 December and theoretically should have been issued a certificate of illness. The management of the Korydallos Prisoners’ Psychiatric Hospital, having medical records proving both his preventive isolation on his admission to the prison and his illness (positive tests carried out by a doctor, etc.), proceeded to isolate him without even carrying out a medical examination.

Continue reading Athens koridallos prison, Greece : Comrade Charis Mantzouridis is again in solitary confinement from last Monday 24/1/22

UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL

Even though the cops couldn’t prove their terrorism case against him after a four year investigation, anarchist prisoner Toby Shone is facing a Serious Crime Prevention Order that will legally sanction the criminalisation and total surveillance of him and everyone around him for years to come after his release.
In November 2020, a series of co-ordinated raids against one of the alleged administrators of the website was executed by counter-terrorism cops in the UK as part of “Operation Adream”. Several properties in the southwest of England were searched and one person, Toby Shone, was arrested at gunpoint in the Forest of Dean and charged under the Terrorism Act. This was the first time the British State attempted to prosecute an anarchist under modern terrorism legislation and the first time that somebody was prosecuted for being suspected of running an anarchist website.
Toby was originally charged with providing a service enabling others to access terrorist publications, with fundraising for terrorist purposes, and with two counts of possession of information likely to be useful to a terrorist. He pleaded not guilty, the cops weren’t able to produce any evidence, and the prosecution was forced to drop these charges on October 1st 2021. In the end, Toby Shone was sentenced to 3 years 9 months in prison for 8 drug offenses on October 13, 2021. The ‘drugs’ were psychedelics and medicinal plants found at two of the four properties raided in November 2020, all collective spaces. He served 8 months of this sentence on remand at HMP Wandsworth and is currently held in HMP Bristol. He is due for release sometime between August and December 2022.
Continue reading UK: About the total surveillance order facing anarchist comrade Toby Shone. EN/ IT/FR/ES/PL