Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News


Actforfree received by email and distribute :
From January 7, 2022, a period of solidarity with anarchist comrade Claudio Lavazza will begin. Claudio was first imprisoned by the Spanish then by the French State, and has already served over 25 years in detention. Although the doors of prison should have already opened last December 11, the prosecutor of Mont de Marsan – the emissary of State vengeance that is following his case – continues to keep him behind bars.
To raise awareness about the solidarity needed for our comrade, a poster with an international scope has been printed (at the moment in Italian, Spanish, English and French). Those who share it and wish to spread it, can request copies and more information at this email address:
inattuali (at) riseup (dot) net
It is very important to not leave Claudio alone in this moment and to not make him look isolated to his captors. We here publish his new address, as we think it is essential that he receives letters:
Claudio Lavazza
n. ecrou 11818, CD 1 cellule 5, 1D
CP de Mont-de-Marsan
Chemin de Pémégnan
BP 90629
40000 Mont de Marsan (FRANCE)
Solidarity and freedom for Claudio Lavazza!
Freedom for all!
Some anarchists in solidarity.

Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Important notes: The anarchist comrades from the they did a correct translation for the Spanich text and the anarchist comrades from the attaque they did a correct translation for the French text.
My name is Toby Shone, and I’m an imprisoned anarchist held in Bristol prison who was kidnapped at gunpoint by the anti-terrorist unit, as part of Operation Adream in the UK. The repression was aimed to target the anarchist group of critique and practice, 325 collective and the website Operation Adream is an attack by the British State in conjunction with European partners against anarchist direct action groups, counter-information projects, prisoner solidarity initiatives and the new anarchist critique of the technological singularity and the fourth and fifth industrial revolution. Operation Adream is the first time that anti-terrorist legislation has been used against the anarchist movement in the UK.
I was taken hostage by the regime on the 18th of November 2020 by a team of tactical fire arms cops after a car chase through the remote Forest of Dean, which is on the border with South Wales, one hour north of Bristol. At the same time coordinated raids took place at five addresses in the Forest of Dean against collective living projects, hangouts and a storage unit. I was taken under armed guard to a nearby police station where I was held in incommunicado and interrogated many, many times. I refused to speak during the interrogations and I did not cooperate with the murderers in uniform.
Continue reading Bristol UK: Toby Shone speaks from the dungeons of Bristol prison, explaining his case. en/gr/ it/ es/ fr/ German/ polish/ Russian

Update from the gathering at Korydallos prison on New Year’s Eve (Athens,Greece)

On the eve of New Year’s Eve, following the call of the assembly of solidarity with imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted militants, about 200 comrades gathered outside Korydallos prison to bring in the New Year, joining our voices with those of the prisoners.
We stayed outside the prison for about an hour with fliers, slogans, smoke bombs and fireworks, briefly blocking Grigoriou Lambraki street, where we stayed for a long time exchanging words and slogans with the prisoners of the women’s prison of Korydallos.
Images from Athensindymedia

Athens,Greece: Information on the transfer of comrade Charis Mantzouridis to the Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Korydallos Prison

On 24/12, comrade Charis Mantzouridis was discharged from the psychiatric hospital in Dafni and transferred to the Prisoners’ Psychiatric Hospital in Korydallos prison. He was immediately placed in “quarantine”, where he will remain from 4 to 7 days (it is not certain exactly how many).
The conditions there are deplorable, which reflects the general conditions of detention in the prison in the midst of a pandemic. He is kept in a very small room with three other prisoners, and new ones are added every day, which increases the actual chances of catching covid. The window is broken, so it is very cold, the mattresses are ripped, broken glass, blood and excrement on the floor, food is thrown away by all the prisoners, the possibility of communication with his own people is minimal.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Information on the transfer of comrade Charis Mantzouridis to the Psychiatric Hospital for Prisoners in Korydallos Prison

Rebel prisoner Andreas Krebs is dying..(Italy)

Time is running out!
We take it for granted that Andreas Krebs is a terminally ill prisoner in Italy (Naples).
In recent weeks, Andreas was officially told by a German-speaking doctor that he was in the last phase of his cancer.
Shortly afterwards, the prison management (Centro Penitenziario di Secondigliano) advised Andreas to apply for transfer to Germany (Berlin). According to his wife Jutta Krebs, he did so on 10.12.21.
Apparently, the Secondigliano prison does not want to have the body within its own walls. That would be news again about the prisoner who had not received medical treatment for years. But it is nevertheless also in the prisoner’s interest to be near his wife and his supporters in his last hours, weeks or months.

Continue reading Rebel prisoner Andreas Krebs is dying..(Italy)

Chile: Further extension of the trial period in the case against anarchist comrades Mónica and Francisco

Publicacion Refractario Monday 20 December 2021
Today, 20 December 2021, in a new hearing by video conference, it was decided to extend the investigation period in the case against the compas Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero.
The court agreed to two more months’ investigation, pending the gathering of new information in the case of the explosive packages sent to the 54th police station and to the former Minister of the Interior Hinzpeter and the double explosive attack in the  neighbourhood of the rich. We remind you that the compas have been in prison, in the jails of Rancagua and San Miguel, since 24 July 2020.
Solidarity and complicity with Monica and Francisco !
Freedom for the subversive and anarchist prisoners!
via: attaque translated by Act for freedom now!

[Chilean Prisons] Taking responsibility. Excerpt from the declaration of anarchist comrade Francisco Solar

Original Published December 22, 2021 Translated by Act for freedom now!
Received 12/21/2021:
Extract from the judicial declaration of anarchist comrade Francisco Solar taking responsibility for sending explosive packages to the 54th station of the carabineros [Federal Police of Chile] and against the former Minister of the Interior, Rodrigo Hinzpeter in July 2019, action claimed by “Cómplices sediciosos/Fracción por la Venganza” [Seditious Accomplices/Vengeance Faction] and for the double attack on the Tánica building on February 27, 2020, in the midst of the revolt, action claimed by “Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta” [Armed Affinities in Revolt].
(…) In November 2017, our idea was to move away from the big cities, mainly Santiago, because of its frenetic way of life, and to start a self-sustaining project. Although I opted for that way of life, I did not stop thinking that the most appropriate way to fight against an overpowering system based on authority and predation is through violent revolutionary action. Only from this is it possible to achieve moments of destabilization that, even if they are fleeting instants, reveal the vulnerability of power
In the middle of 2018 I decided to start pursuing that kind of action (…) Once I made that decision I started to think about some target, being clear that if I was going to take a great risk, the action had to be powerful. I thought of carrying out an action as a response, as revenge against people linked to repression and business power. Both criteria were fully met by Rodrigo Hinzpeter, who in 2019 was manager of the Quiñenco group, whose president is Andronico Luksc. Hinzpeter had also been Minister of the Interior under the first government of Piñera, leaving a trail of repression that will be difficult to forget. He harshly repressed social and student mobilizations, trying to pass a law marked by prohibitions of all kinds, known as the Hinzpeter Law. As Minister of the Interior he was politically responsible for the murder of young Manuel Gutiérrez, harshly repressed the social mobilizations in Aysén and Freirina, militarized the Mapuche territory, resulting in hundreds being wounded, many of them children, and countless prisoners.

Continue reading [Chilean Prisons] Taking responsibility. Excerpt from the declaration of anarchist comrade Francisco Solar

18 to 20 years’ imprisonment for Belarusian anarcho-partisans

The sentence was announced today for a group of anarcho-partisans who held a series of direct actions against the dictatorship about a year ago. In an attempt to isolate the activists, the trial was held in camera and only the pronouncement of the sentence was made public.
  • Siarhei Ramanau – 20 years
  • Ihar Alinevich – 20 years
  • Dzmitry Rezanovich – 19
  • Dzmitry Dubousky – 18 years
Enormous sentences for symbolic actions are an example of the dictatorship’s fear of anarchists. So far, these sentences are the longest in the history of political repression in the country.

Spain : Prison of Brians I: updates on the anarchist comrades arrested on 27th February

Some people decide to stay inside
Alberto Frisetti – Albo to his friends – refuses to get out of jail on bail, or rather by paying a ransom of 45,000 euros to the Spanish State, in line with the common declaration made by the 27th February Prisoners following Jeanne’s release: “Either all or none”. Albo refuses this compromise despite the generosity of his father who would have paid the disproportionate amount of ransom.
The frame-up against them accusing them of attempted murder has collapsed, but the judge who has been holding them in jail for 9 months and who for a long time had concealed a fire brigade report exonerating them from the serious charge, contrived this latest obscenity of exorbitant ransom, a blatant attack on the Presos del 27F beyond any criminal charge, thus revealing the true highly political face of this trial: laws are only bludgeons to strike the enemy.

Continue reading Spain : Prison of Brians I: updates on the anarchist comrades arrested on 27th February

A letter from prison by Toby Shone (UK)

Act for free received by email 18.12.21
I didn’t know I was Harry Houdini
Today I was taken from the cells of G-wing, Bristol prison to the City Hospital under a security escort. This was to detect any reoccurrence of cancer in my abdomen and pelvis. In the reception area of the prison, I had the usual strip search, and I was forced to change out of my own clothes into prison-issue clothes.
This offended my dignity as even when I was being held in Wandsworth prison in London under “antiterrorist” conditions I could at least go to the hospital in my own clothes. Whilst I was waiting for the screws to finish the paperwork, I got a glance of my cover sheet at my file – “escape list” marked in red. I was shackled to a screw with an escort and another two and I was driven by four screws in an unmarked van to the radiology unit. Along the way and back, of course, I was a witness to the pathetic, belittling ,racist, misogynistic “chats” of the screws who consider themselves experts of all aspects of life. At the radiology unit there were discussions between the medical staff and screws with some referral to their superiors, as, without any foresight on the screws part, they hadn’t realised that I couldn’t be shackled inside the MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) machine. Despite the MIR machine being within a sealed room with a single door, I was forced to wear a pair of plastic zip tight cuffs which were tightened so tight they cut into my wrists.

Continue reading A letter from prison by Toby Shone (UK)