Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Athens, Greece: Poster – Solidarity Demo at Korydallos Prison Saturday 26 February 2022

Call of Solidarity Demo at Korydallos Prison Saturday 26 February 1pm
“Battles have casualties. War has its casualties. But nothing is given to us, nothing is given to us without bloodshed because we reach out our hand. Nothing is won by prayers.”
Thanos Hatziangelou

On Tuesday 8/2, two comrades were arrested following an operation by the “anti-terrorist police”. The reason was the arson at the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection”. In the house where they were arrested, “incriminating” evidence was found which, under the Terror Law, acquires a “criminal” character. Later, another comrade was arrested. All 3 were remanded in Korydallos prison, prosecuted under the Terror Law (187a) for their participation in the “Anarchist Action Organization”, arson at the “Foundation for National and Religious Concern” and other charges. Comrade Thanos Hatziangelou claimed responsibility for this particular arson and the findings in the house, Comrade Georgia Voulgari defended her choice of having a supporting role in carrying out the action, and Comrade Panos Kalaitzis, whose only connection to the case is his relationship with the house and his comradely, friendly and collegial relations with Th. Hatziangelou, denied all charges.
The war against the state and capital is unceasing, unrelenting and multifaceted. The struggle for equality, freedom and solidarity may have losses, but it will be victorious because justice is on our side.
Solidarity assembly for the imprisoned, fugitive and persecuted militants
Translated by Act for freedom  now!via:  athens.indymedia

Update about the trial on 14/02/22, of comrades P. Georgiadis, E.M. and M.T.(Athens,Greece)

On 14/2 the trial of comrade Polycarpos Georgiadis, comrade E.M. and comrade M.T. started. The first trial started with the witnesses-parody of the anti-terrorist police, continued with the witnesses of the defence of the three comrades and ended with their “apologies”.
The trial was postponed until Wednesday 2 March, 2022 when the court’s decision is expected.
More than 100 comrades joined the solidarity gathering inside and outside the court, sending the message to the state mechanisms that no comrade is alone in their hands and that their methods will always be answered by the world of struggle.
We call once again for a solidarity gathering at the Court of Appeal (Loukareos) on Wednesday 2 March, at 9am.


On October 29th, 2018 two anarchist comrades from Madrid were arrested accused of a fire sabotage to a Bankia ATM on April 13th of the same year. They have recently received the news that their trial has been dated for April 7, 2022.
The Prosecutor’s Office together with Bankia and Mapfre (the bank’s insurer) are asking for 3 years for Damages and 17,000 euros in Civil Liability. In the police statement, the fact is related to a statement uploaded to counterinformation websites in which the action was vindicated in solidarity with Lisa, sentenced to 7 years (now in third degree) for a bank robbery in Aachen (Germany). They also say that the comrades are recognized anarchists, mentioning identifications at rallies, poster-attachments or arrests in evictions. All this rhetoric is used to justify the ideological aggravant since the comrades, being anarchists, hate the banks, and Bankia in this case would be a victim of this “ideological hatred”.


Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )
Gender violence is not just a fact. It is the constantly imposed normality of patriarchal suffocation. Daily femicides, countless rapes and abuses, insulting and ironic comments, questioning and bullying. And when these things receive the divine blessing of the civilized obscurantism that the church is reaping, uncompromising rage takes shape, takes to the streets and seeks a voice. Revolutionary violence is taking responsibility.
On 21/01, yet another piece is added to the puzzle of the cultural rot that dominates social and political life. A 37-year-old priest child rapist is accused of systematic indecency against an 11-year-old girl who attended the catechism of the religious pack of pimps in Patisia(Area of Athens). Sadness, disgust, anger but above all responsibility. Responsibility not to bury yet another incident of so many repulsive events that make up the stench of the sacred mafia. Responsibility to leave nothing unanswered. And responsibility, if not translated into action, is lost in the maelstrom between acceptance and resignation.

Continue reading Greece: Political position of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Hatziangelou on the attack on the IETF (“Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” )

Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison

Letter of Panos Kalaitzis
On Tuesday 08/02 at 19.00 I was arrested by the anti-terrorist squad outside my comrade’s house in Ano Polis. The reason for my indictment was the arrest that same morning of Thanos Xatziagkelou and Georgia Voulgari accused of placing an incendiary device in the Foundation for National and Religious Reflection. I was taken to the General Police Directorate of Thessaloniki, where hours later I was informed of my arrest on felony charges and membership of the Anarchist Action organization. I remained in custody for two days in the basements of the GADTH, on Friday 11/02 I passed through the interrogator and the prosecutor where I was notified of my pre-trial detention.
Being now in the throes of a comic process that is taking place against me, I declare myself unequivocally and categorically innocent of all the charges against me. I am currently in custody without a shred of evidence linking me to any participation in the charges against me, without a single mention of my name in the statements of the anti-terrorist police in connection with the activities of the organisation. The only attempted connection is through the house I rented next to the shop I ran with my associates as well as next to my comrade’s house (where I actually lived), which I reserved as a quarantine and recovery space from covid-19. Continue reading Greece: Letter of Panos Kalaitzis from Korydallos Prison

Greece Thessaloniki : Text of the two hostages comrades from the Thessaloniki Police HQ cells EN/IT

When the state of exception is legitimized around you, then you stand up, you take deep breaths because they are even timing the air, to go on to the end. Until victory.
In the early morning hours of Tuesday 8/2, armed forces of the SWAT (EKAM) and anti-terrorist squads storm a house at 12 Alkinoou Street in the Upper City (Άνω Πόλη)  and arrest us. This was preceded by the arson of the IETP (Foundation for National and Religious Reflection), an action for which we have not abdicated responsibility from the first moment to the extent that each of us is responsible. With hoods on our faces and chains on our hands we were kept for 28 hours in isolation in the offices of the anti-terrorist police and then we met the first comradely glances in the courts. Chained between people with no faces, with our heads held high and smiles brimming with pride for what we are, for what they are persecuting us for.

Continue reading Greece Thessaloniki : Text of the two hostages comrades from the Thessaloniki Police HQ cells EN/IT

Spain: Legal developments since last public statement on Gabriel Pomba Da Silva (April 2021)

With this communiqué we want to inform about the current legal situation that continues to prevent the release of our anarchist comrade, despite the fact that 2 years have passed since his arrest (we remember illegal). It is evident the will of the executioners in robes to continue kidnapping Gabriel. With any means that their (almost) unlimited powers allow them, they abuse demonstrating their will to continue turning time into a weapon.
The sadness of the legal message (which we use in a synthetic and cold way) becomes strength knowing that our comrade is in very good health and spirits, despite this situation, and despite the discriminatory treatment he has been suffering for months after having refused the anti-Covid “vaccine” (he is not allowed to have vis-a-vis and can only receive visits by telephone). As always, he is investing his time (in his hands, as in ours, time can also become a weapon) reading books, receiving and writing letters, dedicating himself to translations and physical exercises and to freedom projects that we hope will materialize as soon as possible. The communication interception has been retroactively annulled (before last summer the Provincial Court, with a firm sentence, established the “non-dangerousness of the inmate”). Continue reading Spain: Legal developments since last public statement on Gabriel Pomba Da Silva (April 2021)

Belarus: The case of anarchist Alexander Zaitsev

In December 2021, we received information that Aleksandr Zaitsev, who declared his commitment to the anarchist movement, was in pre-trial detention in Volodarka. It took us quite a while to verify this man’s story and get to the bottom of it.
In 2020, Zaitsev actively participated in protests against the regime and was detained at least once in November under “people’s” article 23.34. While in detention, Zaitsev met a man who introduced himself as Dmitry Sergeenko. Comrades from the Pramen team found the real name of this man – Dmitry Akulich, who had been working for many years with the Interior Ministry as a provocateur and prison agent. Akulich actively begins “developing” Zaitsev and by summer both are already planning a radical action: they want to set fire to Sukalo’s dacha. To paint a pretty picture of the investigation, Akulich says that he got in touch with the group “Stork fly” and they paid for him to buy two five-liter bottles of gasoline.

Continue reading Belarus: The case of anarchist Alexander Zaitsev

Greece: Freedom to P. Georgiadis! No prosecution of comrades E.M. and M.T.!

On February 14, the imprisoned comrade Polycarpos Georgiadis, accused of aggravated possession of weapons, as well as comrade M.T. and comrade E.M. are being tried on misdemeanour charges.
On September 23, 2020, the anti-terrorist police proceeded to arrest the comrade after an anonymous – of course – phone call and a search of a warehouse he keeps in Koukaki. The broad findings of this search (a quantity of explosives, detonators and bullets) would, under normal circumstances, constitute misdemeanours of simple possession of explosives and ammunition.
Without any further evidence, however, the charges were upgraded to felonys and were linked by the media to the actions of armed revolutionary organisations. Two important moments of this unfortunate connection were first the attempt to present a proclamation of the O.L.A. organization found on a usb stick of the comrade as an original, a scenario that came to light a few days later, and then the association of bullets found in the warehouse with actions of the organization in A. This scenario also runs up against the fact that the comrade was in prison at the time.
The scenario is well known: an anonymous phone call leads to the arrest of a militant, with a crudely prepared indictment and the media filling the monstrous gaps in the case with anti-terrorist hysteria. Our duty, also familiar: to stand by the comrade, putting the brakes on another operation to eliminate the enemy within.
Microphone Gathering, 11/2 Thessaloniki 19:00
Rally-March, 12/02, 20:00,  Exarchia Square
Solidarity call , 14/02, 09:00,  Court of Appeal in Athens
Translated by Act for freedom now!


This text was written on the occasion of the 2nd degree trial that will be held on February 9th ,2022 , for the case of Vanggelis Stathopoulos and Dimitris Hatzivassiliadis. In the first instance, the former was sentenced to 19 years’ prison for his practical solidarity with the wounded Hatzivasiliadis and the latter was sentenced to 16 years’ prison for the Revolutionary Self-Defence case. Previous writings of the assembly mention the targeting of the comrades and their political persecution. Here we are focusing on and attempting to highlight the role of DNA in the recent targeting of militants.
Over the past 15 years we have increasingly seen political persecution and even detention on the pretext of finding DNA or a DNA mixture. It has begun to be used sparingly and methodically in cases of militants, with the aim of establishing itself alongside other flimsy police guilt-construction papers, such as anonymous phone calls, cooked evidence and fabricated statements. In terms of the past most prevalent, we heard it in the case of Aris Sirinidis in 2009, later in the case of Irianna and Periclis in 2017, then in the  Tassos Theofilou case in 2012. Continue reading A DNA MIXTURE THAT COULD BE ANYONE’S, EVEN YOURS! (GREECE)