Athens, Greece: Update from the trial of P. Georgiadis, E.M. and M.T.

On 2 March the trial of the imprisoned militant Polycarpos Georgiadis, accused of “illegal possession of explosives for the commission of a crime”, and of comrades M.T. and E.M., who were charged with misdemeanor charges, took place.
Dozens of comrades gathered on the 4th floor of the Loukareos building in solidarity, with the prosecutors putting on a show, allowing only a few of us to go inside the courtroom, or even in the lobby, on the pretext of the pandemic. They then tried, unsuccessfully, to bring back the issue of the OLA (Popular Fighters Groups) notice found on the P.G’s computer and present it as authentic.

The prosecutor admitted that the quantity of explosives was indeed far smaller than that originally stated. She insisted that the detonators and cartridges found pointed to the OLA (Popular Fighters Groups) and spoke of links between the militants and “terrorism” and the underworld. Finally, she recommended: M.T. guilty of simple possession of weapons, E.M. guilty only of insubordination and P.G. guilty of illegal possession of 2 kg of explosives.
Counsel for the comrades’ defence spoke of how there was no evidence for the charges to be pressed. He accused the bench of “legal activism” in its effort to make the evidence fit the “anti-terrorism” scenario of links to armed organisations. The defence counsel spoke about the media’s condemnation of our comrades all this time and asked for the acquittal of H.M. for both the gun possession, disobedience and refusal to give fingerprints.
Eventually, the comrade P.G. was released from prison, as the bench granted him a suspended sentence of 5 years’ imprisonment. Comrade M.T. was sentenced to 2 years suspended sentence for the misdemeanour of possession of weapons and Comrade E.M. was acquitted of all charges.
Translated by Act for freedom now!