Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners
[En Español]
As time moves on and the seasons change, we approach once again the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners. Another year has passed, and many of our dear comrades remain captives of the state, subject to its daily subjugation, isolation, and brutality. June 11th is a time to stop the ever-quickening rush of our lives and remember.
Remember our imprisoned comrades. Remember our own histories of revolt. Remember the flame – sometimes flickering, sometimes blazing – of anarchism.
With June 11th, we desire to deepen a critique of prison that challenges the distinction between prisoner and supporter. For us, these differences are conditional: we, as anarchists, see ourselves as potential prisoners. Some of us have been, some of us will be. This is the basis of our solidarity – a recognition of ourselves in the plight of those in prison.

Continue reading June 11, 2022 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

Bristol, UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s SCPO was rejected by the court!

To the wild celebrations in the public gallery, the presiding judge rejected the application for anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s Serious Crime Prevention Order, declaring there were no grounds for it to be applied under the circumstances. Shouts of ‘Not one step back!’ were responded to with Toby shouting ‘The Revolution is inevitable!’

The result of the court means that comrade Toby will now be released at the earliest in August of this year, if his application for electronic tag is permitted. It is highly likely that it will be refused. If refused, he will be released on December 28th 2022 on automatic halfway release. The extreme conditions of surveillance and control, that would have led to him not only being cut off from his comrades, but his family, friends and partner. It would have restricted his way of living, his ability to fuction as an anarchist, with many conditions that have been listed before, such as his use of electronic devices through to him having to declare who visits his residence. It would have lasted 5 years and could have been renewed. If it had been broken by Toby it would have led to him serving 5 years in the hellholes of the UK prison system. Continue reading Bristol, UK: Anarchist comrade Toby Shone’s SCPO was rejected by the court!

Belarus: Anarchists convicted in ‘Pramen case’

On April 22,2022 the verdict was pronounced in the so-called “Pramen case”. Aliaksandr Bialou, Jauhen Rubashka, Artsiom Salavei were sentenced to 5 years in prison, another Artsiom Salavei – to 4.5 years. The gravamen is unknown, since the trial was held in camera.

Aliaksandr and Jauhen were arrested on July 29, 2021 and charged with participation in the 2020 protests. Two activists named Artsiom Salavei (namesakes) were detained a week later. While the investigation was going on, the anarchist media collective Pramen and its website and social networks were recognised as an extremist formation. The guys were accused of promoting extremist activities on behalf of the collective.

In 2020-2021 all of the defendants had already been detained for various protests and arrested for short terms.
via: abc-belarus

UK: Two statements from anarchist prisoner Toby Shone

First of May 2022


As a minimal gesture I refuse to eat from the prison servery to mark the Revolutionary 1st of May, to join in the demonstrations around the world using my body as a means of solidarity and to protest the denial of my correspondence by the security company G4S. I will not be isolated from my family, friends and comrades and I continue to define my anti-political convictions. Honour and dignity to all those who have fallen.

Remember Haymarket.

Toby Shone
G4S Parc, UK.

Statement for J11 International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners

We will have to go to sea and embark on a journey into the unknown. It is up to us to choose the course from the march. We are free to make mistakes.” Gustavo Rodriguez – ‘Brief Informative Report About The Weather’.

An embrace of life, fire and complicity to all imprisoned anarchist comrades for this June 11th. I have been invited to participate by the comrades in North America, for which they have my thanks and agreement. Whilst I am not condemned to a particularly long sentence, I faced well over a decade at my trial last October in “Operation Adream” and next week I will go to trial again in Bristol on the 6th of May. This time the “anti-terrorist” prosecutors demand up to five years house arrest and special surveillance, which could see me returning to prison frequently. It also has a precedent for the rest of the anarchist space in the UK if the State is successful. International mobilisations are essential for learning about and combining our shared struggles. Opening a space for discussion and praxis enables us to escape the walls and barbed wire which divides and isolates us. I’m locked up for 23 hours a day in a solitary cell, subject to enhanced monitoring and censorship, categorised as “high risk” and placed on the “escape list”. I could not care less. I will leave this place without stepping back one millimetre.

One who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” – F. Nietzsche.

There are storms gathering on the horizon.

Toby Shone

Written on the eve of Revolutionary 1st of May, 2022. G4S Parc, UK.

via: darknights.


Send letters to Toby :
Toby Shone
HM Prison Parc,
Heol Hobcyn John,
Coity, Bridgend CF35 6AP
South Wales,


El 6 de mayo, un juez decidirá si concede o no la Prevención de la Delincuencia Organizada Grave (SCPO) contra el anarquista encarcelado Toby Shone. Declarado inocente de los cargos de terrorismo en relación con una supuesta participación en, fue encarcelado en cambio por posesión de medicamentos psicodélicos, entre ellos psicocibina y LSD. La policía intenta vengarse de su incapacidad para presentar un caso político contra él debido a la falta de pruebas, solicitando una orden que pondrá las finanzas de Toby, el uso de dispositivos, los movimientos, la vivienda, el empleo y sus amigos y familiares bajo una intensa vigilancia y control por parte de la policía durante por lo menos los próximos 5 años. La razón que da la policía para justificar esta SCPO es el «estilo de vida alternativo y las creencias» de Toby.

Para mostrar tu apoyo a Toby, acude al Tribunal de Crown de Bristol a las 8.30 horas el 6 de mayo.

Demostración de solidaridad en el Tribunal de Crown de Bristol el 6 de mayo de 2022, a las 8.30 de la mañana.

Athens, Greece: Letter of the prisoner anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022

Letter of the anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos
read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022 by the Assembly of Refugee Squats (SY.KA.PRO) at the Self-managed Canteen of Law university in Athens


I greet the comrades who organized and participated in this event.
I would like to refer to the question of social solidarity. Solidarity is a relationship-concept that inspires the broader movement, it is a basic component to build a world against the exploitation of man by man, a common practice of subversive movements worldwide. Practical solidarity is not a position, it is an attitude of life, it is a matter of consciousness, it becomes an experience in our lives. It is the practical critique against social cannibalism. By expressing it each and every one of us in our personal lives, we grow with it, giving it practical and meaningful significance. Solidarity is an experience, we hold it in our hands and distribute it generously when needed.

Practical solidarity is an idea, it defines our conscience, it is a code of values, it is the act between people without the mediation of money or power, and it is based on selflessness and characterises the human condition. It is our history and our future. It is the choice to remain human. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Letter of the prisoner anarchist Vanggelis Stathopoulos read at the event SOLIDARITY IN THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TODAY & THE NEED FOR A FEDERATED MOVEMENT held on 10/04/2022

Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam.

Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam.

Since the first day of my arrest, I have consciously chosen to keep a consistent position and refused to cooperate with the prosecution and interrogation authorities. Every time I spoke, I did it to claim certain historical and political responsibilities. Responsibilities towards my individual and collective path in the acts of revolutionary violence, as well as towards two of my comrades, on whose names from the very first moment the anti-terrorist unit tries to personify the lost pieces of the puzzle of the so-called deracination of Anarchist Action.

In this case, beyond what is objectively true and what is a lie, the greatest danger lies behind the political goals of the anti-terrorist unit. So, what are the shocking pieces of evidence of the service, infamous for its methodical lies: A ridiculous anonymous phone call that names me personally as the one responsible for a set of arson attacks in the region of Thessaloniki (a phone call whose number I assume is going to be missed in the trial by the hackers of the service), surveillance of ambiguous quality and origin taken from my personal daily life, my arrest together with my companion Georgia Voulgari in the house of Panos Kalaitzis, where I had in my possession a set of confiscated items that are named as “arsenal” and two clear political statements: the common responsibility claim of one and only arson attack at the FNRC from me and my companion and my personal responsibility claim of being a member of the Anarchist Action. Continue reading Greece: Text by anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou: During a witch hunt, pride is hidden in the fire beam.

Barcelona, Spain – 27F [27th February]: Playing havoc with freedom

Barcellona 27F – Lo scempio della libertà PDF
Barcelona 27F – Playing havoc with freedom
As of 27th February 2021 four comrades have been held in the prison of BRIANS 1 in Martorell (BC). Initially the arrests were 8. They are accused of attempted murder and of forming a criminal group following their participation in a demonstration in Barcelona where the side of a municipal police van burned for 30 seconds. There was a guard inside who got out calmly.
Clearly a frame-up. Plotted by the State in order to break off the demonstrations that in full COVID confinement agitated the main Spanish cities. In solidarity with rapper Pablo Hasél, still also a prisoner, for crimes of opinion.

Continue reading Barcelona, Spain – 27F [27th February]: Playing havoc with freedom

Necessary clarifications concerning political imprisonment in Chile

Necessary clarifications concerning political imprisonment in Chile in the face of opportunistic liberal denialism dressed up as solidarity and support groups.
1. Political imprisonment in Chile has always existed because it is inherent to the authoritarian world and the logic of domination and did not begin on October 18, 2019 with the so-called “social explosion”.
2. From 1990 to date, continuously, there are people who have been part of different expressions of anti-capitalist combat who have fought insistently against the State and on that path have encountered prison, clandestinity or death.

Continue reading Necessary clarifications concerning political imprisonment in Chile