Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

USA: Trial in a week! And words from Eric King

Trial in a week! And words from Eric

“There’s something happening here, something special for certain.
It begins with trees and bugs and grows into communities built on trust.
it revolves around the idea that we can cause their destruction with our growth.
it starts with love and grows with the flowers. Ands with the stars burning us all to dust


March 14th “

Continue reading USA: Trial in a week! And words from Eric King

Greece: In Honour for ever of Comrade Lambros Fountas ,text from Imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle Members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis

As long as there are states, war will break out,
as long as there is capitalism there will be bloodshed.
On 10/3/2010, our comrade Lambros Fountas was murdered by a guard of the state during the preparation of an action by Revolutionary Struggle and within the context of a struggle to prevent the imposition of anti-social measures to save the economic and political system of power from the crisis, to prevent the advance of the memorandum policies.
12 years after the death of our comrade, we have moved even further along the same destructive path that the system of capitalism and the state has set for humanity and the planet, passing from one catastrophic crisis to another.
Without the economic systemic crisis having been overcome, but lying dormant waiting for sparks to ignite it, the coronavirus pandemic has broken out, reminding us how close to the extinction of the human species capitalism and the destruction of nature that accompanies its development has brought us. And without the pandemic being over (who expects the threat of viruses to end?), a new global threat is emerging, that of war, which is a genuine child of capitalism and states. The fear of a nuclear war, a disaster for all humanity, has been awakened by the war in Ukraine, reminding us that as long as there are states, as long as there is competition for their domination and expansion, the danger of a world war will always be present.

Continue reading Greece: In Honour for ever of Comrade Lambros Fountas ,text from Imprisoned Revolutionary Struggle Members Pola Roupa and Nikos Maziotis

Moscow Anarchist Black Cross updates, March 2022

War in Ukraine has already increased the level of repressions in Russia, but there are not yet any new criminal proceedings against anarchist or anti-fascist activists. In this new exceptional situation, we are channeling some of our resources to humanitarian needs which go beyond our usual narrow focus of supporting repressed anarchists and anti-fascists.
In picture: action of Left Bloc activists against FSB.
Plenty have been arrested in demonstrations and fined, or slapped with an immediate 15 day prison sentence. More serious charges may be pressed anytime soon. But until then, we are following up on anarchists and anti-fascists who have already been facing repression before the war.
But the good news first.
Chelyabinsk anarchists released
This is already old news, but on 24th of November the court of appeal revoked the sentence of two Chelyabinsk anarchists, Anastasia Safonova and Dmitry Tsibukovski, who were given prison sentences of 2 and 2.5 years respectively for ”hooliganism”, after they hung a banner with the text ”FSB is the main terrorist”. Their criminal case was returned to the local court, so a new sentence is possible. It is extremely unusual that political sentences in Russia are overturned through an appeal. Until the new process, Safonova and Tsibukovski are under several restrictions.

Continue reading Moscow Anarchist Black Cross updates, March 2022

EN/ES/IT/DE/,HMP Bristol UK: Statement from G Wing Prisoners Committee against Racist screw Senior Officer (SO) Dawes.

Statement Against Racist Staff Culture at HMP Bristol
Prisoners have set up a Prisoners Committee on G Wing HMP Bristol in order to empower inmates, exchange experiences, and to show support and solidarity with each other as they try to confront abuses by the rotten staff culture at Bristol’s inner-city prison. Despite the diverse ethnic make-up of Bristol City itself, staff at HMP Bristol are disproportionately white and are either ignorant of, disrespectful of or actively antagonistic towards the people of colour in their care. The following statement was written by the mixed ethnicity Prisoners Committee on G Wing. The reference to “Asian brothers” is a term of
friendship rather than familial.
HMP Bristol UK – Statement from G Wing Prisoners Committee against Racist screw Senior Officer (SO) Dawes.
On February 22nd, the Asian brothers from Landing 2 wanted to go out to the yard for exercise with Landings 3 and 4, and asked SO Dawes (BL0461) if they could also go outside. SO Dawes took a belligerent approach towards them, saying they could (we are all on 22 hour bang-up), but “if anything happened they would get a Negative.” This means they could lose
their jobs and ability to leave their cells, attend activities etc. One
of the Asian brothers wanted to go to the gym and then get some fresh air on the yard, but he was refused even though this is frequently allowed. The Asian brothers went to the yard and during that mere hour outside, a parcel was thrown over the wall onto the yard. Straightaway SO Dawes started staring in a hostile way at the Asian brothers, even though they didn’t take the parcel and were nowhere near it. Continue reading EN/ES/IT/DE/,HMP Bristol UK: Statement from G Wing Prisoners Committee against Racist screw Senior Officer (SO) Dawes.

EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars Imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone has refused to attend any more workshops run by right-wing Senior Officer Steven Sollars at HMP Bristol due to the constant provocations, insults, denigration and threats. He was confined to his cell for 23 hours a day for two weeks following his refusal.
Ex-military and a screw at Bristol prison for the last 11 years, SO Steve Sollars is well known amongst prisoners as a politically motivated bully and bigot. He boasted to prisoners that he was part of a counter-protest that “protected” the cenotaph in June 2020 during the Black Lives Matter protests in Bristol. He gloated about the long sentences given to Kill the Bill protestors, particularly Ryan Roberts.
He publically fantasised about re-introducing chain gangs, saying that he would shoot prisoners in the face with a shotgun if they rebelled.
Sollars threatened to kill Toby and blame it on another prisoner. He made derogatory remarks about Irish rebels in the run up to the Bloody

Continue reading EN/ES/IT/DE: Solidarity with Toby Shone in the face of threats from Fascist Screw SO Steven Sollars (UK)

Hunger strike of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis 11-18/3,in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece and Turkey

Actforfree receved by email:
We wish to inform you about the hunger strike the imprisoned anarchist Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis is doing from 11/3 to 18/3, in solidaritywith political prisoners in Greece and Turkey, on the occasion of the visit of Greece’s prime minister to Istanbul on 13/3. Please spread this news through your networks.
Here follows the announcement in Greek, English and Turkish:
Απεργία πείνας του Δημήτρη Χατζηβασιλειάδη 11-18/3 : Αλληλεγγύη με τους πολιτικούς κρατούμενους σε Ελλάδα και Τουρκία Στις 13 Μάρτη θα συναντηθεί ο Μητσοτάκης με τον Ερντογάν. Η κυβέρνηση Μητσοτάκη πριν 2 χρόνια ακριβώς, στις 19 Μάρτη 2020, φυλάκισε 11 επαναστάτες από την Τουρκία, ως αντάλλαγμα για το κλείσιμο των τούρκικων
συνόρων στους μετανάστες. Οι 11 συναγωνιστές καταδικάστηκαν από ελληνικό δικαστήριο αποκλειστικά με βάση την ευρωπαική λίστα «τρομοκρατίας», συνολικά σε 333 χρόνια φυλάκισης. Στην προηγηθείσα συνάντηση του Τσίπρα με τον Ερντογάν, στις 4 Δεκέμβρη 2017, η ελληνική κυβέρνηση δώρισε στο τούρκικο φασιστικό καθεστώς, τη φυλάκιση 9 αγωνιστών που βασανίστηκαν κατά τη σύλληψή τους και απελευθερώθηκαν μετά από 18 μήνες. Το ελληνικό και το τούρκικο κράτος είναι καλοί συνεργάτες ενάντια στην επαναστατική πάλη των λαών. Το ελληνικό και το τούρκικο κράτος είναι συνέταιροι στην πρώτη γραμμή του ΝΑΤΟϊκού ιμπεριαλισμού. Η τούρκικη στρατοκρατία αποτελεί την αιχμή της ΝΑΤΟϊκής τρομοκρατίας στη Μέση Ανατολή, τη Μεσόγειο και τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα. Continue reading Hunger strike of Dimitris Chatzivasileiadis 11-18/3,in solidarity with political prisoners in Greece and Turkey

Athens, Greece: Update from the trial of P. Georgiadis, E.M. and M.T.

On 2 March the trial of the imprisoned militant Polycarpos Georgiadis, accused of “illegal possession of explosives for the commission of a crime”, and of comrades M.T. and E.M., who were charged with misdemeanor charges, took place.
Dozens of comrades gathered on the 4th floor of the Loukareos building in solidarity, with the prosecutors putting on a show, allowing only a few of us to go inside the courtroom, or even in the lobby, on the pretext of the pandemic. They then tried, unsuccessfully, to bring back the issue of the OLA (Popular Fighters Groups) notice found on the P.G’s computer and present it as authentic.

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Update from the trial of P. Georgiadis, E.M. and M.T.

Athens, Greece: Information about the gathering at Korydallos prison, Saturday 26/02/22

On February 26, the “Assembly of Solidarity with the imprisoned, fugitives and persecuted militants” called for a meeting in Korydallos prison, in solidarity with the 3 imprisoned. The comrades had been arrested in Thessaloniki on 8 February by the anti-terrorist police in connection with the incendiary attack on the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection”.
Continue reading Athens, Greece: Information about the gathering at Korydallos prison, Saturday 26/02/22

Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022

Episode 53 (02/2022)
Welcome to the 53rd edition of B(A)D News: Angry Voices From Around The World, for February 2022. A commonly produced monthly show of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian radio network, this time edited by Anarchist Radio Berlin.
Check out all the shows. Look for the a-radio-network collection on or at our website,
In this Episode we will hear contributions from:
1) Črna Luknja radio show collective on Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenija prepared a piece out of a full interview they did with an anti-racist activist in Brazil.
2) Frequenz A from Leipzig on the repression against a group of 14 year old anarchists in Sibiria who threatened to blow up a virtual FSB Building in a virtual game.
3) Free Social Radio 1431AM, Thessaloniki gives us an update about the recent threats from the anti-terror police against an anarchist action group in Thessaloniki.
4) Anarchist Radio Berlin translated an interview with a person involved in the struggle for legal abortion in Poland after the death of a pregnant person whose acces to abortion was denied.
You can directly download it from here

Santiago, Chile: San Miguel prison. Milena Cartes: a new State murder, a new death in prison

After the extermination of 81 prisoners in the San Miguel prison in 2010, the State decides to set the facility up exclusively for women prisoners. The painted ramparts and the woman guards never change the meaning of the prison: the extermination of the prisoners.
Tower 5 was the place where years ago smoke and fire burned in the crematorium ovens of democracy. On January 29, 2022 in that same place, Milena Cartes (50 years old), a prisoner for several months awaiting trial, suffered severe abdominal pains. After days of asking for medical attention and the apathy of the jailers, her situation began to worsen drastically. Her fellow prisoners protested for her to be taken to the doctor, but the guards took her to the prison hospital. Due to the seriousness of her situation, she was transferred urgently to the Barros Luco Hospital.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile: San Miguel prison. Milena Cartes: a new State murder, a new death in prison