Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Germany, letter from anarchist prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk

To give space to the nameless, faceless and voiceless!

Horror, sadness, rage, anger and a feeling of helplessness, of powerlessness. Short-term flaring up of affects and stirring emotions here, long-lasting, persistent feelings there, and all this before what we call mood, it colors our experience background, it is, so to speak, the primordial layer, the ground of feeling.

It is the global warming, what is called “climate crisis”, as if it would be a temporally manageable crisis and not a generation-spreading world change, before whose foil all further conflicts must be read, because a world-spreading cooperation, a togetherness is demanded.

Instead, horrible wars are raging, the one that touches us in Central Europe for very different reasons in the area of Ukraine, but also in Kurdistan, in Syria, in Yemen, in many regions of Africa. Conflicts in South America, in Asia – basically there is no region of the world where military conflicts are not being waged, which in turn lead to even more horror, grief, anger and rage.
Continue reading Germany, letter from anarchist prisoner Thomas Meyer-Falk

Komotini Northen Greece, Freedom to Prisoner Anarchists Around the World

As part of the week of solidarity actions with the imprisoned Anarchists comrades, we hung banners in the municipal library of Komotini and threw leaflets in the central square, in central points and in neighborhoods of the city.

Unrepentant Comrades Are Not Alone

Solidarity Knows No Borders

revolutionary greetings
Anarchy Squat Utopia A.D.
Komotini Northen Greece

Ioannina, Greece: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

Ioannina: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

In the evening of 17/8 we attacked with paint and wrote slogans at the villas country house of Petros Filippidis, in Kouklioi, Ioannina. The rapist actor had announced that he intended to stay in this house permanently a few days before the allegations of rape against women in the art world were made public.
Continue reading Ioannina, Greece: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

Update | Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!

Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!

July 24 2020 comrades Mónica and Francisco are arrested in a double repressive operation. Power accuses Francisco of sending explosive parcels against the ex Minister of Home Affairs Rodrigo Hinzpeter and the 54th police station of Huechuraba (which took place on July 24 2019, claimed by “Cómplices Sediciosos / Fracción por la Venganza” – “Seditious Accomplices / Revenge Fraction”), while both are accused of the double explosive attack against the Tànica building in the town of Vitacura (action which took place in the midst of the revolt, on February 27 2020, claimed by “Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta” – “Armed Affinities in Revolt”).

During over two years’ prison Mónica has remained in the common section of San Miguel Prison, whereas Francisco was inizially imprisoned in the maximum security section of the CAS (High Security Prison) to then be transferred, along with other comrades in June 2021, to the La Gonzalina di Rancagua prison where he is still being held.
Continue reading Update | Solidarity and complicity with Mónica and Francisco in the face of the demands for sentences solicited by the prosecutors!

[IT+EN+FR] Qualche notizia sulla situazione dell’anarchico Ivan (Francia, 16 agosto 2022)

Qualche notizia sulla situazione dell’anarchico Ivan (Francia, 16 agosto 2022)

Ecco qualche notizia della situazione di Ivan, il compagno anarchico arrestato l’11 giugno vicino a Parigi per incendio e attualmente in detenzione preventiva nel carcere di Villepinte.

Sta bene. Dopo due settimane in cella da solo fra fine luglio e inizio agosto, è di nuovo in cella con un altro detenuto.

Mentre Ivan era in stato di fermo, la SDAT (Sous-Direction Anti-Terroriste della Direction centrale della polizia giudiziaria francese) ha interrogato la sua compagna. Qualche settimana dopo, hanno convocato per interrogatorio pure sua figlia (di 12 anni) e la madre. Gli sbirri intendevano interrogarla, ma la madre ha rifiutato di lasciarla sola.
Continue reading [IT+EN+FR] Qualche notizia sulla situazione dell’anarchico Ivan (Francia, 16 agosto 2022)

T.Chatziaggelou|A message of resistance to comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Greece)

Letter of the anarchist prisoner Thanos Chatziaggelou to the anarchist prisoner Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, regarding the international week of solidarity to anarchist prisoners.

These words travelled by your side from a cell very far from yours. They carry with them, the identically guilty thoughts that crush borders and walls. They carry the same persistence and impatience for the return to the paths of fire. Those thoughts don’t die daily on the iron bars and uninformed figures that separate us. They remain alive accompanying the same necessity for one more consensual plan that will surrender to the fire and gunpower the order and safety of this old world.

Day by day more and more parts of the sky are given away to the iron bars. And there is one question torturing my head more and more: is it the concrete that grows higher or is it maybe the head lowering? However, life itself answers this question. Prisons will not crush us comrades. Because we remain with the same pride wholeheartedly fighting to overcome power.
Continue reading T.Chatziaggelou|A message of resistance to comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar (Greece)

Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone (UK)

Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone

“Does this rising generation know that those who inaugurated the 8 hour day were put to death at the command of Capital?”
Lucy Parsons, The Haymarket Martyrs, November 1926

“Although we are not reformists, the struggle to obtain improvements in one’s immediate situation (wages, housing, health, education, occupations etc) sees the anarchists present, but they do not see these struggles as ends in themselves. They push the exploited towards this form of struggle so that they can develop the elements of self-organisation and refusal of the delegate which are indispensable in order to develop direct action at all other levels.”
Alfredo M. Bonanno, What are Anarchists?

Despite being in prison, news occasionally reaches me of the many repressive operations and terrible circumstances that our comrades are confronting. That’s why I am in agreement with the proposal once again put forward by the Anarchist Black Cross for a week of solidarity at the end of August. This date is chosen to mark the State murder of anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti. We cannot give in to resignation or become complacent in these times. It is more important than ever to explain and make accessible the anarchist analysis and to put it into practice immediately.

Anarchism is internationalism, self-management, mutual aid, solidarity, and direct action: incisive, voracious and alive. That’s why our spaces are raided and evicted, our publications seized, our communities hunted, beaten, imprisoned and killed around the world.

Continue reading Letter for the International Week of Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners 2022 by imprisoned anarchist Toby Shone (UK)

[ENG + GR ]Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2022 | Κάλεσμα για Διεθνή Εβδομάδα Αλληλεγγύης στους Αναρχικούς Κρατούμενους // 23 – 30 August

Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2022 // 23 – 30 August

The fact that capitalism does not focus on our needs but on profit, is demonstrated with all its brutality in times of climate crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic and the collapse of socioeconomic systems all around the world. Those who profit from capitalism enrich themselves through times of disaster. But with ongoing crises we are also experiencing a new era of uprisings from below.

Resistance to the war in Ukraine, Sudanese protests against military rule or the social revolt in Chile are some examples that not only show us the possibilities of organizing and collective struggle. They also highlight how important it is for social movements to learn from each other and support each other in these times. Not only outside the walls but also behind them.

Continue reading [ENG + GR ]Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2022 | Κάλεσμα για Διεθνή Εβδομάδα Αλληλεγγύης στους Αναρχικούς Κρατούμενους // 23 – 30 August

London,UK: Your New South London Local; Touchpaper Anarchist Library!

Your New South London Local; Touchpaper Anarchist Library!

“…From under the glitter and glare of London, the prison city, this
anarchist library now humbly stands. Not a shop, nor a radical ‘space’, nor the organ of some organisation or other, Touchpaper is a small contribution towards a place for the encounter, for eye-to-eye
discussion and for pushing outwards against the grain…”

A new anarchist library in south london, home to subversive publications from around the world including a distro, a library (where publications can be borrowed for a small deposit) and a forthcoming archive of anarchist ideas put onto paper.

385 Queens Road
New Cross
London SE14 5HD

(every week)

Tuesday 13th September, 6PM
Against 5G and the World that Needs it!
An anti-authoritarian discussion on digital control and the struggle for freedom.



Public PGP Key Block:


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Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Brussels, Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Th. Xatziagkelou and G. Voulgaris.

On Sunday 7 August we organised an anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

The event included anti-speciesism games, vegan food, information sessions and various musical performances.
We believe that these days are important for people who are not familiar with this struggle, to be among comrades and militants and to build comradely relationships and friendships.

As a minimal act of solidarity with comrade Thanos Hatzianggelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari, we put up banners during the event.
Thanos, who is being held in Korydallos prison, was in our thoughts that day and will always be!
Continue reading Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.