Athens, Greece: Political text by Anarchist Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos.

Political text by Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos. We are in a daily war, a war with the status quo, with every form of power that eats away at our lives, and in this war I realized where I belong. In a world where patriarchy rapes and kills us, where … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Political text by Anarchist Georgia Voulgari, a prisoner in the women’s prison of Korydallos.

[Poster] FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatziaggelou

FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatzianggelou At dawn on Tuesday 8/2/22, two comrades were arrested following an operation by the “anti-terrorist police”. The reason was the burning of the “Foundation for National and Religious Reflection” in Thessaloniki. In the house where they were arrested, “incriminating” evidence was found which, in the context of … Continue reading [Poster] FREEDOM for Georgia Voulgaris, P. Kalaitzis, Th. Chatziaggelou

Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Brussels, Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Th. Xatziagkelou and G. Voulgaris. On Sunday 7 August we organised an anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels. The event included anti-speciesism games, vegan food, information sessions and various musical performances. We believe that these days are important for people who are not familiar with … Continue reading Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

The dictatorship of confinement is the mirror of democracy. It is the morbid representation of a tyranny that is not content with its military victories. It wants to see those who subjugate bend, sink into deprivation and decline. See in the faces of the captives that laughter disappears and misery occupies its place. Power builds … Continue reading Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

Berlin, Germany : Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners

Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners Wednesday night, March 23, we set fire to a car of the company SPIE in Prenzlauer Berg. SPIE participates internationally in the construction and operation of prisons and other facilities for the purpose of total surveillance and control. Educational institutions, parks, transportation infrastructure, … Continue reading Berlin, Germany : Arson attack on car of prison profiteer SPIE in solidarity with prisoners

Greece: Thanos Chatzianggelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle

We once declared that the first thing to die in war is the truth. Today, along with the truth, morality accompanies death. In war, as painful as it is to realize the necessity of your existence, there are rules. Those rules are once again being broken by my pack of persecutors. I spent almost two … Continue reading Greece: Thanos Chatzianggelou – On the misery of repression towards my family circle

Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory (San Francisco, USA)

Actforfree notes: Anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis his temporary release on parole on 14/6/2023 , and the anarchist Georgia Voulgaris  they free back to the streets! Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory On August 21 2023, approximately 20 people gathered in San Francisco to write letters in solidarity with imprisoned revolutionaries, liberationists, … Continue reading Solidarity With Anarchist Prisoners: A Message From Occupied Ohlone/Miwok Territory (San Francisco, USA)

Larissa court, Greece : Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision.

Update from the 9th and final hearing of the “Anarchist Action” case concerning the Decision. The hearing on 14 June began with the lawyers’ speeches. After a long break, the court found comrade P. Kalaitzis not guilty and comrades Gewrgia Voulgaris and Thanos Chatzianggelou guilty.

Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

Athens, Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists Comrade Giannis Michailidis is again putting his body as a barrage against the State revenge that he has been experiencing for almost a decade, choosing to fight for his freedom once again. Despite … Continue reading Athens, Greece: Solidarity with G. Michailidis – Taking responsibility for the burning of vehicles of confinement and surveillance of the speculators, by Anarchists

Thessaloniki,Greece : Responsibility claim attack on COSMOTE van in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists

THESSALONIKI : Taking responsibility for Attack  by Anarchists VICTORY IN THE HUNGER STRIKE OF GIANNIS MICHAILIDIS Once again dystopia is dangerously close to us. The state is constantly inventing new ways to undermine our living conditions more and more. Labour rights are now a thing of the past as partial employment contracts, the daily dismissal … Continue reading Thessaloniki,Greece : Responsibility claim attack on COSMOTE van in solidarity with Giannis Michailidis by Anarchists