Category Archives: Revolutionary Prisoners News

Athens Kaisariani, Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson of luxury vehicles

The anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis is being treated in Lamia hospital, being on hunger strike since 23/5 demanding the obvious. His release from prison, which the Council of Amfissa is vengefully denying him.

We take responsibility for the arson of 8 luxury vehicles in the area of Kaisariani in the morning of 18/6.

We make it clear to all those responsible for the torture of our comrade that for every day that passes and his health deteriorates , we will make sure with all our efforts to disrupt the normal functioning of the metropolis. In the person of Giannis, the judicial mafia is taking revenge for consistency and commitment to the anarchist struggle, trying to terrorize each and every person who dares to fight.
Continue reading Athens Kaisariani, Greece: Responsibility claim for the arson of luxury vehicles


For the second time in a period of months, the Elaiona Prison Council has rejected the request of comrade Pola Roupa – who has already served 7 years in prison – for a permit to be able to see her son for a few days.

Note the political background in terms of sovereignty, both the development of both sessions with questions to Pola Roupa about her ideological-political opinions and their public expression as well as about her political defense in court, and the consequent political underpinning of the support for the rejection decisions on the basis, in short, of the criminalization of political opinion and its public expression as well as of the political stance and revolutionary defense in court.

As clearly stated in the 1st decision (Council Decision no. 20/17/02/2022), the criminalization of the comrade’s uncompromising stance of not renouncing her revolutionary activity and not revising her anarchist position, as defended in her defense in court, arises «After listening to the detainee, from the letters and interviews published recently and earlier, in any case in the time after her arrest, on the internet and in the media.» Moreover, the total criminalization of the anarchist struggle, consistently and through the identification of Pola Roupa with the anarchist space («she has been identified with the anarchist space that develops the action outside the law», as written in the same sentence), on the basis of the public expression of anarchist ideas through counter-information that does not recognize borders «inside and outside the walls», blatantly demonstrates the openness of the regime of exception in relation to the expression of political discourses and attitudes, from the prisoners of the State who continue to resist with coherence and integrity, to the margins of the struggle itself in general.

Greece: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis

BREAKING: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis

Today 20/6 the Judicial Council of Amfissa rejected the request for release of fellow hunger striker Giannis Michailidis. The Judicial Council of Amfissa and the judges Konstantinos Mandavinos, Ioannis Gatzias and Smaragda Moraiti signed with their dirty hands the attempt to exterminate our comrade. Next to their name the word executioner will carry with it the stigma that must accompany them for the rest of their miserable lives.

The Amfissa Judicial Council has carried out part of a wider repressive plan to deal with our comrade’s hunger strike. Systematic silencing by the mainstream media, bureaucratic delay of the response in order to damage and exhaust the striker, rejection of the application at a time when he is in a critical condition in the Lamia Hospital. Continue reading Greece: Decision of the Amfissa Judicial Council rejecting the request for the release of hunger striker G.Michailidis

Text of imprisoned comrades for Giannis Michailidis (Greece)

The punitive mechanism and its illusion of its penitentiary character collapse in the face of the fierce resistance of the prisoners where they consciously choose to stand up against the conformity, discipline and compromise that domination tries to impose.
Comrade Giannis Michailidis, without renouncing his political identity, without signing statements of repentance, is fighting a long and difficult struggle for his freedom against the special regime of exception that the judicial process, bourgeois justice, has formed. Prison is a mechanism of coercion, the ultimate mechanism of control and recording, a system of surveillance and extermination, of forced transformation of character, but Giannis has endured.

Continue reading Text of imprisoned comrades for Giannis Michailidis (Greece)


24 czerwca – Międzynarodowy Dzień Akcji i Solidarności ze strajkiem głodowym anarchisty Giannisa Michailidisa

24 CZERWCA został ogłoszony Międzynarodowym Dniem Akcji i Solidarności z anarchistą Giannisem Michailidisem, który prowadzi strajk głodowy domagając się przedterminowego zwolnienia z więzienia. Wzywamy do działań, które pokażą Giannisowi i jego przyjaciołom, że o nim pamiętamy, że nikt schwytany w szczęki państwowych represji nie będzie zostawiony sam sobie. Kim jednak dokładnie jest Giannis Michailidis? Jaka jest jego historia?

Przez całe swoje życie Giannis Michailidis był integralną częścią walk przeciwko państwu i kapitałowi prowadzonych z perspektywy anarchistycznej. Od najmłodszych lat uczestniczył w anarchistycznych grupach studenckich, w demonstracjach przeciwko wojnie w Iraku, w antypaństwowych i antykapitalistycznych demonstracjach ruchu antyglobalistycznego w latach 2004-2006, a podczas tych konfliktów niejednokrotnie bywał aresztowany. Uczestniczył w walkach studenckich w latach 2006-2007 przeciwko reakcyjnym reformom szkolnictwa wyższego (prywatyzacja uniwersytetów, zniesienie azylu uniwersyteckiego itp.) Walczył z ekonomicznym rabunkiem przyrody. W 2007 r. został aresztowany podczas interwencji przeciwko wylesianiu góry Parnitha. Był integralną częścią powstania grudniowego, kiedy to policjanci zamordowali z zimną krwią 16-letniego anarchistę Alexandrosa Grigoropoulosa w rejonie Exarchii. Brał udział w walkach przeciwko memorandom w 2012 r. i zdecydował się na wywłaszczenie krwawego bogactwa banków. Pozostaje osobą nieugięcie oddaną wizji obalenia państwa i kapitału, zajmując bojową postawę wobec kompleksu policyjno-sądowego, uosabiającego terroryzm państwowy.

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Solidarity with the prisoners accused of the attack on ¨Clarín¨.

We share words that come to us from Buenos Aires, Argentina, in response to the repressive blow against comrades, allegedly suspected of participating in the attack on the newspaper last November.

This system needs to hide the disastrous consequences of its progress through control, persecution and institutionalized violence, silencing the voices of those who dare to confront it.

The prisons are overflowing with the displaced and rebels but neither the murdered nor the disappeared are of interest to them while the power game continues to dominate.

We are neither innocent nor guilty.

Our freedom is built in every gesture of solidarity and confrontation against what oppresses us.

We will not be bastard children of the communities’ memory.

We assume our responsibility as part of the continuity of struggle for total liberation.

No more, no less. We are anarchists.


On November 22, 2021, a noise demo was carried out in the vicinity of the Clarín newspaper, an exploitative, surveiling and manipulative media outlet. While in reality this resulted in a stained sidewalk, the newspaper took advantage of the event to victimize itself, backed up by the entire political class from the electoralist left to the conservative right, calling the action an act of terrorism. But this is not new. Clarín uses the language of power to manipulate social opinion. Let us not forget that this same media outlet acted as the support and legitimizing arm of the last military-civic-ecclesiastical dictatorship, benefitting from the genocidal regime of which our families, like so many others, are victims and for which it has never been and will never be judged, much less convicted. Because (in)justice responds to the same class interests. Continue reading Buenos Aires, Argentina – Solidarity with the prisoners accused of the attack on ¨Clarín¨.

Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

The dictatorship of confinement is the mirror of democracy. It is the morbid representation of a tyranny that is not content with its military victories. It wants to see those who subjugate bend, sink into deprivation and decline. See in the faces of the captives that laughter disappears and misery occupies its place. Power builds common pits of souls to bury the voices of the invisibles in the concrete.
And yet some still scream. They shout strongly over injustice, inequality, arbitrariness. They shout for freedom and their voices break the concrete, cut the cables and travel free like birds in the sky. They contemplate the meanness of this world and from its proud height they fall as rays on the heads of the lords.
Comrade Giannis Michailidis belongs to these voices. A disobedient fighter both outside and within the walls. Uncompromising with the claim of confinement to this day. Humble as a personality as much as an enemy of exploitation, our comrade condenses in his journey the meanings that we are called today to defend collectively. Revolutionary conscience against submission, self-denial against self-interest, the sharpening of the fight against disarmament and generalized resignation.

Continue reading Greece: 11th of June Georgia Voulgari and Thanos Xatziagkelou Begin of symbolic Hunger Strike in Solidarity with Anarchist Comrade G. Michailidis

14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es

[EN] 5th Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis – The comrade returned to prison

Today, the 23rd day of comrade Giannis Michailidis hunger strike, his morning measurements were as follows:

Oxygen: 95

Pulse: 67

Pressure:10 and 7

Blood sugar: 61

Weight:62.6 kg (loss of more than 10% of his original body weight)

The companion is currently (Tuesday 14/6,23rd day) in prison. He was not kept in hospital at the moment. He is awaiting the results of the analytical tests later today. It is obvious that yesterday’s transfer was detrimental to his health. There will be a detailed update later with the test results from the hospital.

Continue reading 14 of June : Health Update for Hunger Striker Giannis Michailidis (Greece) en/fr/es