Anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended his hunger strike undertaken since Oct. 20
On Wednesday, April 19, 2023, anarchist Alfredo Cospito ended the hunger strike he began 181 days earlier, on Oct. 20, 2022, inside the Bancali prison in Sardinia. The comrade, who is currently an inmate in the prison medicine ward of the San Paolo Hospital in Milan, had been on an all-out hunger strike for six months against the detention regime established by Article 41 bis of the Penitentiary Order (a regime to which he had been transferred on May 5, 2022) and against the hostile life sentence, which risked being the final sentence for the comrade at the end of the Scripta Manent trial.
The interruption of the hunger strike comes in the wake of the April 18 hearing in Rome at the Constitutional Court, which recognized the prevalence of mitigating circumstances vis-à-vis repeated recidivism in the case of all convictions for crimes whose fixed penalty is life imprisonment. This is the case of Alfredo, in that with the requalification (by the court of cassation, at the end of the Scripta Manent trial) of the charge inherent in the double explosive attack against the Caserma Allievi Carabinieri in Fossano on June 2, 2006, from “common massacre” (art. 422 c. p.) to “political massacre” (i.e., “massacre for the purpose of attacking the security of the state,” art. 285 c. p.), comrades Alfredo Cospito and Anna Beniamino were facing a sentence of hostile life imprisonment and 27 years in prison, respectively, as requested by the Turin prosecutor’s office.