Category Archives: Library

A Recipe for Leaving No Trace

We were thrilled to read about the rail sabotage during the last week of action, and the proposal for it’s proliferation. We also appreciated that operational details were made explicit, though we have some concerns we want to bring up about how what is described may leave traces.

When starting a fire, the goal should be that everything that you must touch will burn, if possible. Here is a simple recipe that can enable that:

  • a plastic (PET) bottle that is square – this allows the bottle to be placed on it’s side without rolling. Bottle size can be determined by the size of the signal box.
  • gasoline in the bottle, with enough air space left for fumes, so as to avoid leakage. Motor oil can be added to help prolong the burn, which is helpful for the cabling within a signal box.
  • an individually packaged fire cube as the igniter

The accelerant bottle is placed on its side. The fire cube is then placed on top of the bottle. The fire cube is then lit with a storm lighter, being careful to not pierce the bottle by mistake. Once alight, the fire cube will pierce the plastic bottle and gravity will drop it into the accelerant. Mischief managed.

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A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

A factory that is less and less ordinary…

One visit can hide another

On March 30, 4th graders from Les Deux Vallées secondary school in Cheylard, in the Vivarais region of France, paid a visit to a seemingly ordinary company. While the more assiduous students had to restrain themselves from yawning at the presentation of the various aeronautical professions, the more sensitive ones may have thought that, after all, a school day away from the four walls that confine dreams was something to be welcomed. On the same day, a second group was also touring the plant, but in a much more interested way, as it was made up entirely of entrepreneurs and elected representatives.

Both visits took place in La Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche), and more specifically at the headquarters of Fregate Aero, which builds “structural sub-assemblies for airplanes and helicopters, using metal, sheet metal and machined parts. Our main customers are Airbus, Dassault and Safran”, according to Frédéric Guimbal, the company’s president. That day, the man with the tense smile dishing out a clumsy promotion for his death box had other things on his mind. Three days earlier, at around 5am on Monday March 27, an arson attack had hit the Fregate Aero group’s second factory, located in the village of Beauchastel, less than five kilometers away.
Continue reading A factory that is less and less ordinary… (France)

Electrical Substation Attacks Analysis – USA

Electrical Substation Attacks Analysis

Of all critical infrastructure sectors, utilities have been the most popular for targeted physical attacks lately. In fact, according to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)’s Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC), there were almost 1,700 physical security incidents reported to the E-ISAC in 2022, an increase of 10.5% from 2021.

While typical physical security incidents against utilities and substations involve vandalism, tampering, arson, and ballistic damage, most do not result in grid impacts; however, a trend toward more serious events occurred in 2022. As reported extensively in November 2022, a series of attacks occurred at six different substation facilities in Oregon and Washington state, five of which resulted in power disruptions. Then in December, gunfire disabled radiators and circuit breakers in two North Carolina substations, causing major outages for 42,000 customers during a cold spell in the area; and two Seattle substations were damaged resulting in Christmas outages.
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The Simplest Way to Burn a Vehicle

In light of the actions that happened last month, I wanted to encourage everyone to revisit this post. Many of the points made about riotous moments apply to clandestine action as well.

If the people at 890 Memorial Drive intended to burn the vehicles, it was not a good idea to smash windows. Not only does this increase the risk of leaving DNA, breaking a window is very loud and likely to attract attention from passerby — which is exactly what interrupted that action, according to police. As demonstrated in this video, a firestarter cube, placed directly on a front tire (or the rear tire on the same side as the gas tank), is sufficient to assure the destruction of the vehicle. Once lit, it takes about five minutes for the firestarter to fully ignite the tire, which is plenty of time to leave the area unnoticed in most cases. Firestarter cubes can be purchased or racked at any grocery store. Cottonballs covered in vaseline can also work as a firestarter.

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Between Oceans, Forests and Volcanoes: collection gathers texts from the Mapuche resistance in the territories under the domination of the Chilean state.

From Rupture – Multilingual Anarchist Distro

Between Oceans, Forests and Volcanoes

Amulepe taiñ weichan / The struggle continues

In the territories home to the Mapuche communities — whose lands have been seized by capitalist investors, disfigured by loggers, ravaged by energy companies, polluted by industrialists and colonized by accomplices of the Chilean state — the last few decades have been marked by unrelenting struggle.

The radical Mapuche struggle inspires us for its continuity, for its categorical rejection of all state interference, for its relentless fight against exploitation and capitalist plundering, and for its choice of direct action against extractivism and the devastation of the land and the living.

Continue reading Between Oceans, Forests and Volcanoes: collection gathers texts from the Mapuche resistance in the territories under the domination of the Chilean state.

Switch off – Call for revolt.

Switch off – Call for revolt

The certainty that the current system will result in the collapse of the massively damaged ecosystem has already inspired countless people to resist. Tens of thousands are taking to the streets against the “business as usual” of the capitalist machinery, people are resisting the destructive large-scale projects en masse, the infrastructure of the system is being blocked and courageous fighters are setting fire to the machines that are being used to rob them of the very basis of life. What we need in the struggle against the destruction of nature and the resulting social misery is the shared pursuit of real revolutionary rupture and freedom of all. Pursuing an initiative that rejects all compromises and cosmetic corrections of the state and brings about a transformation of our social relations. Because the destruction of the planet by the neoliberal economic system is inextricably linked to patriarchal patterns of thought, racism and colonialism. The initiative for this must necessarily come from below. From the struggles of the excluded. From the struggles of those who enact a self-organized solidarity against the state’s promises of salvation. From the struggles of those who see that there can be no compromises in the fight against the systemic destruction of the biosphere.

We should also be aware that we cannot completely prevent the gradual collapse of a massively damaged ecosystem. Nor the loss of biodiversity. Nor the depletion of resources. We will not be able to prevent the climate catastrophe, because we are already in the middle of it. Admitting this – without any doomsday pathos – does not paralyze us. On the contrary, it should open up, for us and our contexts, the question of what our lives and our revolutionary struggles might look like in the future.

Continue reading Switch off – Call for revolt.



Sometimes it is enough to know how to look.
Sometimes the signs are all there.
Sometimes it is enough to not remain dazzled by the glitter of the shells on the bottom.

The tsunami is a strange phenomenon. It is perhaps the most predictable in the world. An earthquake moves thousands of tons of water. A wall of energy slowly moves toward the coast. The sea level drops by several meters.
It would be so easy to notice and take refuge in the mountains, in the shelter, to understand how to resist the impact of the wave. Yet the disappearing water attracts the curious. Everyone has her own profit to seek in the sands of the bottom. Everyone has a pearl that dazzles him. Until the water arrives and sweeps everything away.

Continue reading Tsunami.

A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

Greetings from nowhere.

“Freedom is secured not by the fulfillment of one’s desires, but by the removal of desire.”
– Epictetus

My journey into clandestinity began 7 years ago today. It was July 10, 2016, the sun was heating up the city and for most of the people I met that day it was just another Sunday. For me, that day was both an end and a beginning. Giving up my old and beloved reality of life, replaced by the great unknown variable. Leaving the old behind me, welcoming the new. A painful and overwhelming start of the journey… From then on I was confronted with the unknown every day, resembling a person who has lost their sight from one day to the next and now has to focus on their other senses.

I wandered around, looking for anchor points, and after long months, with patience and persistence, finally regained my bearings. My life was back on track, or so I thought… What had to come was coming. The next big shock hit me and once again life held its instruction manual in front of my nose; leave the old behind, welcome the new. Clandestinity is a rigorous study full of hardships, but the fruits of it will be a lifetime harvest for me.
Continue reading A dance with time. Greetings, year seven

Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures (France)

Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures

Among the tedious publications that the French state releases every year to offer a semblance of democratic veneer is the annual report of the Commission Nationale de Contrôle des Techniques de Renseignement (CNCTR), the body created in 2015 to monitor the proper use of spying measures deployed by these agencies. The release of its 2022 Annual Report on June 15 may have passed somewhat unnoticed, but it’s still worth extracting a few bits of information. All the more so since the report details the official array of surveillance measures carried out on their own initiative, upstream and as a preventive measure, by all the intelligence agencies, leaving us to imagine how this expansion can then be translated into additional prolonged surveillance in a judicial rather than administrative framework (in the form of opening a preliminary investigation or inquiry, which the person who is targeted will not immediately be aware of).

To begin with, let us remind you of the list of agencies concerned by the following figures, which are the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (DGSE), the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Intérieure (DGSI), the Direction du Renseignement et de la Sécurité de la Défense (DRSD), the Direction du Renseignement Militaire (DRM), the Direction nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes douanières (DNRED) and the Unité de Traitement du Renseignement et Action contre les Circuits financiers clandestins (Tracfin), plus the so-called second-circle agencies, namely the Direction du Renseignement de la Préfecture de Police de Paris (DRPP) ; the Service central du Renseignement territorial (SCRT, ex-RG), the Sous-Direction de l’Anticipation opérationnelle (SDAO) and the Service national du Renseignement pénitentiaire (SNRP). It should also be pointed out that these figures are, of course, the tip of the iceberg, i.e. those recorded within the “legal” framework of supervision by the CNCTR, and not the raw reality in all its complexity, which is obviously greater.

Continue reading Number of the day: 89,502 preventive surveillance measures (France)

Italy: The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out

The internationalist anarchist fortnightly “Bezmotivny”, year III, number 11, 12 June 2023, is out


— The man who fell to earth, “The lives of others”

— Revolution, “The postponement”

— “The wind of anarchy”

— “Call for international action in solidarity with the anarchist on hunger strike G. Michailidis”

— “Stop cop city. International call for solidarity with anarchists in Atlanta, USA”

— “News from Sicily. New military projects”

— Someone* from the territory that isn’t, “Against militarism. For a life outside States”

— “Vademecum for friends of the struggle”

— “Massacre of Via dei Georgofili. Anarchist investigated”

— Alfredo M. Bonanno, “Love and death”

— Assembly of solidarity with Alfredo Cospito and the revolutionary prisoners, “One more thousand insusceptible of repentance. Contribution to the mobilisation in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito”

— “Operation Panico”

— “Greg arrested”

— an anarchist, “Con l’acqua alla gola. An anarchist look at the flood in Romagna”

— Brígadas Anárquicas Luis Ramírez Olaechea, “Explosive attack against the Fundación Paz Ciudadana”

— “UK: revolt in Cardiff”

— “Cardiff. A riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance”

— “Patras. Barrage of attacks on banks”

— “Thessaloniki, Greece. COSMOTE van set on fire”

— “Roussillon, France. Sabotage of the high-voltage line feeding the Hexcel company in solidarity with Serge”

– “Toulouse, France. No metro no work”

“Bezmotivny”, internationalist anarchist fortnightly, year III, number 11, June 12, 2023. To receive copies and/or subscribe, write to the following e-mail address or to the postbox: Bezmotivny, c/o Casella postale 59, 54033 Carrara (MS).

Cover price: 1,50 euro. Annual subscription: 35 euro. Support subscription: 50 euro. Distributor subscription: contact the editors.

[Received by email and published in]


È uscito “Bezmotivny”, quindicinale anarchico internazionalista, anno III, numero 11, 12 giugno 2023


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