Category Archives: Library

A Communique on Sabotaging Zionist Infrastructure: Shutting Down Friends of the IDF -Water Main Cemented

For Palestine.

To rebels everywhere.

With deepest love and ancestral rage,

We gathered with heavy hearts and humble hands holding a promise for a world safer from white supremacist, settler-colonial violence. Those who declare war on original peoples and pillage sacred life and land will face retribution. There has been a great fire building, may it overflow and take all enemies of life with it. May it create fertile grounds for victory against violent occupiers.

We took it upon ourselves to make sure these fascists could not gather. Rather than the constant reactivity and rigidness of mass protest spectacles, we wanted to hit them where it fucking hurts.

On November 5th, the Zionist fascist scum, “Friends of the IDF,” who represent the interests of wealthy American capitalists in their direct support of the settler colonial state of Israel and its continued campaign of genocide and apartheid against the Palestinian people, attempted to hold a fundraiser gala at Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos, California.

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Czech Republic : Alfredo M. Bonanno zemřel, ať žije anarchie! (Alfredo M. Bonanno is dead, long live anarchy!)

Alfredo M. Bonanno zemřel, ať žije anarchie!
7thDec. × ’23

Dne 6. prosince 2023, ve věku 86 let, zemřel dlouholetý anarchista Alfredo Maria Bonanno. Prožil neuvěřitelný život a ještě před 14 lety, ve svých 72 letech, čelil obvinění z vyloupení banky. Mimo jiné napsal knihu “Ozbrojená radost“, kterou soudce nařídil zakázat a spálit všechny její výtisky. Za vydání knihy byl uvězněn. Alfredo byl jedním z nejlepších autorů povstalecké tendence a jedním z nejpozoruhodnějších anarchistů 20. a 21. století, pokud jde o jasnost jeho myšlenek a teoretický vliv. Nechť je jeho život inspirací pro nás všechny.

Upřímnou soustrast jeho parnerce Annalise a synovi Alfredovi. Člověk, kterého jste ztratili, pro Vás jistě znamená ještě víc než pro nás všechny v anarchistické galaxii, kteří jsme četli jeho spisy a byli jimi ovlivněni.

Soudruhu, odpočívej v síle. Byl jsi skutečný. Ať žije boj za sociální revoluci. Ať žije anarchie


Některé alfredovo text y v českém a slovenském jazyce:

Některé Alfredovo texty v angličtině ZDE:

By Kronika odporu

Anarchist comrade Alfredo M. Bonanno has died on 6th December at the age of 86

You will always be alive with us through our action and our lives. “ACTION REPLACES TEARS”

Alfredo Maria Bonanno, born in 1937 in Catania, Sicily, is one of the most prolific contemporary anarchists, responsible for Anarchismo editions and other publishing ventures. In 1977 he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for his book La Gioia Armata (Armed Joy). This book had been published at a historical moment when the Italian revolutionary movement was openly going on the offensive, while similar conditions existed in other European countries (Germany, Spain, England, Greece, Chile and more) and the question of violence was on the daily agenda. His contribution lies in a celebration of the pervasive class violence that liberates and satisfies the individual, but at the same time he sounds the alarm about the emergence of the armed party, which reduces the class conflict to a militaristic dimension, imposing the mediation of a small minority of armed men on the complexity of tens of thousands of people struggling by all means against the current reorganization of Capital, which at that moment seemed weak.

In the spirit of the book, all authentic liberating and destructive action comes from a logic of satisfaction in the struggle, not a self-sacrificing duty in accordance with the dictates of a micro-bureaucracy. The Italian Supreme Court ordered the destruction of the copies of the book that were in circulation, and sent a circular to public libraries to dispose of any copies they might have had.

Several librarians objected to this Nazi-inspired tactic. Its circulation was generally banned, and copies were confiscated from the homes of anarchist militants in the context of police raids on houses.

Shortly afterwards, the author was accused of being an “instigator” of the Azione Rivoluzionaria, an armed organisation of 1976-79, which operated on the basis of “affinity groups” throughout central Italy, mainly against newspapers and party offices, and similar “manipulative mechanisms of consensus-building”. In 1979 the organisation was practically dismantled with the arrest of 86 people and the arrest of Salvatore Cinieri and Gianfranco Faina. The first went on to die in prison in a scuffle with criminal inmates when he defended a prisoner suspected of submitting an escape plan, while the second was released to die of lung cancer after being diagnosed with a tumour while in custody.

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RUMOER #7 in english

As always: angry, enthusiast, wild, worried and looking for interesting reflections and analyses in a world which doesn’t show us much good stuff. We wrote about nuclear technology (keep an eye on this, read about it, talk about it, do something), leaving as few as possible DNA traces, attack, so-called Smart Cities and much more.

We really like to spread this publication for free, not just by post and in social spaces, but also on the street and other gatherings. But that costs some money. Give us some or plenty of money:

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Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(IT) Conclusione del processo e dichiarazioni finali di Francisco Solar e Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Cile, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(FR) Fin du procès et déclarations de Francisco Solar et Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chili, 6-7 novembre 2023)

(EN) End of trial and final declarations of Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023)

(GR) Σαντιάγο, Χιλή: Τέλος της δίκης και τελικές δηλώσεις των Francisco Solar και Mónica Caballero

The final hearings of the first instance trial against anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, arrested on July 24th 2020 and accused (only Francisco) of sending parcel-bombs to the 54th police station and to Rodrigo Hinzpeter, ex minister of the interior and national defence as well as a director of the Quiñenco (25th July 2019), and both of the double explosive attack in the real estate building Tánica (27th February 2020), in the bourgeois district of  Vitacura (in the metropolitan area of Santiago) which took place in the context of the generalised revolt that broke out in Chile in October 2019. The actions against the 54th police station and Hinzpeter were claimed by Cómplices Sediciosos Fracción por la Venganza, while that of the Tánica by the Afinidades Armadas en Revuelta.

In December 2021 Francisco claimed responsibility for both of the actions, giving the reasons, choice of objectives and revolutionary significance.

On 10th August 2022, after a series of extensions to the investigation period, the preliminary hearings have been concluded and requests for conviction been announced: 30 years’ prison for Mónica and 129 years for Francisco (according to the current judicial system in the Chilean State the public prosecutor’s office makes the requests before the start of the actual trial phase, the juicio oral). On 18th July of this year, after a postponement the trial finally began, which the comrades only attended in person during the first procedure of according to the current judicial system and the last hearing, attending the rest by video-conference.  During the July 18th hearing, the prosecutor, reformulating the initial requests, stated that the prosecutor’s office intends to inflict a sentence of 20 to 25 years on Mónica and one of over 150 on Francisco. During the hearing of 19th July Francisco reaffirmed assumption of responsibility for all the actions.

Continue reading Santiago, Chile, 6-7 November 2023 ,End of trial and final declarations of Anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero

Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10. Noviembre 2023.

Ya esta en las calles:
Kalinov Most. Publicación Anarquista Internacional #10/Noviembre 2023.

La décima entrega de la revista Kalinov Most sale a la luz mientras uno de los compañeros encargados de la redacción, Francisco Solar, se encuentra finalizando el juicio junto con Mónica Caballero. Estos días el poder descargará toda su furia contra quienes han decidido rebelarse.

… Los muros y las alambradas nunca han sido obstáculos suficientes para seguir construyendo caminos de negación a este mundo.

En este número podrás encontrar:
-Reflexiones de una lucha
-El individuo contra el Estado
-Entre el crimen organizado y el Estado. Límites, reflexiones y
superaciones antiestatales.
– Bolivia. No es una cara «social» del anarquismo, son los falsos críticos. Ecos de un golpe represivo
– Francia. El corte es posible. Silencio! Las antenas se están quemando
– Italia. Asfixiando al movimiento anárquico. Sobre la operación represiva contra el periódico Bezmotivny.

Este y otros números los puedes encontrar en:
Chile (Editorial Memoria Negra), Argentina (Expandiendo La Revuelta), Uruguay (Criaturas Fantásticas), Colombia (Taller Incendia) y México (Konspiración Iconoclasta)

Cars as Cameras: A short overview of Tesla surveillance features and lessons for attack 2023

Cars, especially newer vehicles with built-in computer systems, know everything about their users and, consequentially, the people around them. Tesla is taking this a step further, turning cars into mobile, high-definition video surveillance systems. […] What should anarchists take away from this? How can we continue to attack this panoptic hellscape and get away with it?
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