Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial (Italy)

26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial

Poster : The frontiers are my prison

sometimes you have to run against a wall, even if you know that it will
not be the wall but you breaking down – but this moment – not turning
back – it’s about dignity. Eventually it’s these moments which become
the cracks that turn the walls to ruins

while armies, weapons, ammunition and war-machines are crossing borders
everywhere to expand or preserve power, to kill

while commodities cross the globe to be delivered to the door of those
with money, in the blink of an eye

while technology is reaching every dark and unknown corner of this earth
and of our lives, without boundaries
Continue reading 26th February – 5th March Mobilisation in solidarity with the defendants in the Brenner trial (Italy)

[Italy] Two contributions from Luigi Palli

/ Italiano / Français / English / Deutsch /

We received and we spread these two writings from Luigi, who has been under house arrest for 6 months with all restrictions for the Scripta scelera investigation against the internationalist anarchist newspaper “Bezmotivny”.

Contribution to the Internationalist Days in Prague May 20-26, 2024

Source in Italian:

First of all, I want to congratulate and salute the comrades from Třídní Válka, for their commitment and perseverance. In these last two sad years of war they have been active, including and especially in contacting revolutionary groups abroad, something that – in my opinion – few in our latitudes have done.
Continue reading [Italy] Two contributions from Luigi Palli

Appeal verdict of the trial against Gianluca (Genoa, Italy, February 14, 2024)

Appeal verdict of the trial against Gianluca

On February 14th, the hearing of the appeal trial in the so-called ‘Diamante’ case was held at the Genoa court. The judges confirmed Gianluca’s conviction for ‘illegal possession of explosives’ (art. 1 and 2 of law 895/67) and ‘attempted crime’ (art. 56 of penal code), reducing the sentence to 3 years and 2 months (plus euro 3,000). In first instance, the comrade had been sentenced to 4 years and 6 months (plus euro 15,000), while the other comrade defendant in the trial was acquitted.

Solidarity with all imprisoned and indicted anarchists and revolutionaries!

[Received via e-mail and published at]

[IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Il 21 febbraio si è tenuta in corte di cassazione l’udienza sulle misure cautelari scaturita dal ricorso del PM Manotti della DDAA di Genova avverso l’ordinanza del tribunale del riesame del capoluogo ligure. Il 28 agosto le misure erano state annullate in riferimento al reato associativo (art 270 bis c. p.) e confermate, mantenendole inalterate, per le altre accuse. Il PM, in buona sostanza, ha chiesto che le misure venissero confermate anche per il reato associativo, contrariamente a quanto stabilito dal riesame. Questa richiesta, se accolta, avrebbe potenzialmente condotto in carcere gli otto compagni per i quali il GIP aveva stabilito la custodia cautelare e le restrizioni pure in relazione all’art. 270 bis c. p. La cassazione ha dichiarato inammissibile il ricorso del PM.

Continue reading [IT+EN] Operazione Scripta Scelera: esito dell’udienza in cassazione sulle misure cautelari

Milan, Italy: Windows of the estate agency RE/MAX smashed in solidarity with the Palestinian people (Milan, 24th January, 2024)

Milan,Windows of the estate agency RE/MAX smashed in solidarity with the Palestinian people the night between the 23rd and the 24th of January we smashed the windows of a Re Max estate agency in Milan.

The Re Max estate agents is an accomplice of the Israeli occupation in the Palestinian territory, selling houses in the settlements, with its business affairs in the territories stolen from the Palestinian people it is extracting profit and staining itself with blood.

The companies that collaborate and support the Israeli apartheid are many and are present here in our city. Sabotage also starts from here! In the attack on the accomplices of Israel.

free palestine

Spaccate le vetrine dell’agenzia immobiliare RE/MAX in solidarietà con il popolo palestinese (Milano, 24 gennaio 2024)

Translated by Act for freedom now!

Italy: Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

Agnese has begun19 months’ house arrest

With Juan, Rupert, Poza, Nasci and Stecco in prison, Nico, Sasha and Eleonora under house arrest, our friend and comrade Agnese has started to serve the final sentence of 19 months, between work and forced domicile.

To the struggle and solidarity the magic of transforming these absences into stimulus, encouragement, presence.

via: lanemesi.

Italy: Judgment of the Court of Cassation on the action against the League of Villorba: the judgement of the Court of Appeal against Juan Sorroche (26 January, 2024) is confirmed.

Judgment of the Court of Cassation on the action against the League of Villorba: the judgement of the Court of Appeal against Juan Sorroche (26 January, 2024) is confirmed.

Here is a brief update from the website “Il Rovescio” concerning the sentence of the court of cassation of 26th January re the trial against the anarchist comrade Juan Sorroche, presently held in section AS2 of the prison of Terni, for the action against the premises of the League of Villorba (in the province of Treviso) of 12 August 2018 (two devices, the first exploded, the second unexploded and defused by police). Recently, just before the hearing, the comrade published a text for the moment only spread as an attachment to be downloaded (“Piccola analisi del contesto della mia ultima condanna nell’appello di 14 anni e 7 mesi nel periodo di lotta di solidarietà ad Alfredo”), which we will be publishing on this website as soon as possible.

The comrade’s address:
Juan Antonio Sorroche Fernandez
C. C. di Terni
strada delle Campore 32
05100 Terni

* * *
Last 26th January, the Court of Cassation rejected both the appeal of the defence and that of the PM, confirming the sentence of 14 years and 7 months’ prison inflicted on Juan at the appeal trial for the action against the premises of the League of Villorba (Treviso).
Love and rage for Juan and all imprisoned comrades!

via: lanemesi

Translated to English by Act for freedom now!

Treviso, Italy: Juan Sorroche. A call to all comrades for an energetic presence at the cassation trial on January 26 in Rome for the action at the League of Treviso

  Juan Sorroche. A call to all comrades for an energetic presence at the cassation trial on January 26 in Rome for the action at the League of Treviso

A call to all comrades for an energetic presence at the Cassation trial in Rome on January 26 2024 for the action at the League of Treviso. Or what each individuality feels with creativity being the only limit.

On January 26th the Cassazione trial against me is due to take place in Rome for the action at the League of Treviso. l’azione alla Lega di Treviso.

—In the first instance trial, even after the PM removed the charge of political massacre, they sentenced me to 28 years’ prison plus 3 years’ parole.

— On Appeal they sentenced me to 14 years and 7 months, reducing it almost by half.

The prosecution made an appeal to the court of Cassation to have it negatively requalified, so as to go back to the preceding sentence of 28 years and three on parole, or worse.

My lawyer has also appealed, given the sentence to 14 years and 7 months, which are not peanuts.

Now I won’t be present at any of the hearings of the trial for the action at the League of Treviso, in protest against videoconferencing, as I already declared during the first instance trial. This is what I have done up until now.
Continue reading Treviso, Italy: Juan Sorroche. A call to all comrades for an energetic presence at the cassation trial on January 26 in Rome for the action at the League of Treviso

Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo


Prison of Sanremo

This is not a communique. You will not read reflections on my arrest or concerning this new prison experience, or about other political questions. These will come at the appropriate moment, that is, when I consider some personal matters settled, and some reflections have matured over these first months of detention.

This humble piece has the simple purpose – for me necessary – to thank, greet, and bring solidarity even from within these walls.

I waited a little before deciding to put down these words, even if the decision to put them on paper had already been made the evening of December 4th, day of the hearing at the court of Imperia for the fake ID found on me the day that my experience as a fugitive was ended by an operational group of the Nocs.

Continue reading Prison of San Remo, Italy:  Luca Dolce, aka Stecco: – Letter from the prison of Sanremo

Brief update on Zac (Marco Marino) and a text distributed at some initiatives. ( Italy)

Brief update on Zac

 Following a request signed by the police commissioner of Naples Maurizio Agricola, the Naples supervisory court has ordered special surveillance to be applied for two years and six months with the following restrictions for Zac: not leave the house without prior warning to the supervisory authority, not leave before 7 am and not return after 8pm, not associate “habitually” with persons who have been sentenced or are under preventive or security measures, not have access to public facilities and public entertainment, to live honestly in respect of the law, not possess or carry weapons, to look for a job, not participate in public meetings, always carry a residence card, show up at the supervisory authority every Sunday or, in any case, on any invitation.  Added to this a deposit of 3000.00 euro to be paid as guarantee, but divided into five convenient instalments.

Recourse has been made. The measure will be carried out as soon as Zac gets out of prison, regardless of the outcome of the trial for 280 bis and 270 quinques, which meanwhile continues with scheduled hearings from now until the end of February (9th January, 31st January, 12th February and 21st February).  More in-depth updates and reflections to follow.

To write to Zac:
Marco Marino
C.c. di Terni
Via delle Campore, 32
05100 Terni (TR)


For ever under surveillance, never controlled

Below is a text distributed at some initiatives.

Continue reading Brief update on Zac (Marco Marino) and a text distributed at some initiatives. ( Italy)