Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries.

The Italian state wants to keep Alfredo Cospito in 41 bis, despite his hunger strike of more than two months.

A prisoner’s life counts for nothing, for these beings with bland minds and cold hearts. Whether through the psychological torture of isolation (a form of social and intellectual death) or through the physical torture of a slow death, what they want is to annihilate one of their enemies.

Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Update on anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the bitter end (Italy, December 19, 2022)

He is aware of the solidarity mobilisation through news reports, when actions and initiatives impose this level of coverage on the regime media. The newspapers, on the other hand, come to him with pages cut out, holes that have become increasingly frequent in recent weeks.

At the moment, a few letters, telegrams and postcards seem to get through, unlike the months before his struggle, when everything written to him ended up being confiscated. Particularly with regard to telegrams, which seem to be the communications that most frequently pass the censors’ meshes, it is important to remember that these must be individual and must contain the sender’s name and address at the bottom.

We remind the address:

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”
strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari

via: La Nemesi

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary act by Anarchists

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

Without further words, we want to take responsibility for an incendiary act. On the night of December 18th, we tracked down and burned a Cosmote van(telecommunication company)  in Kaisariani area.

Revenge for Kostas Fragoulis and all those murdered, beaten and tortured by the uniformed bastards of democracy.

Power to the 4 comrades for the case of the Piraeus traffic police, power to the hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and Thanos Hatzianggelou, who started a hunger and thirst strike on 19/12.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Giannis Michailidis

In the aftermath of the murder of Kostas by a DIAS cop, self-proclaimed “Justice” arms the hands of the cops who will execute unruly kids, Roma, immigrants, protesters in the future. Just as the cops murderers of Sabanis were released, giving the message that Roma lives have no value. In fact, the transition of the State to a more authoritarian form reflects the contraction of social resistance. If, as was the case in December 2008, the murder of Sabani had provoked a riot, the State apparatus would have curbed police violence, and such incidents would not have occurred with such frequency. So it is obvious that this event results from social decay and decline, from the collapse of resistance, from the ideological colonialism of capitalism in people’s minds.

The above constitutes a good reason for a call to action. But in this condition, apart from the limited responses to this event, I note with concern the lack of solidarity actions in the hunger strike of the 11 political refugee fighters from Turkey, and the lack of the required reflexes in the hunger and thirst strike of the anarchist comrade Thanos Chatzianggelou.

Continue reading Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.


 Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.

Words in solidarity with comrades Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan

“For me, “informality” is above all friendship and love between comrades who share everything, even disappointments (inevitable in human relationships due to their fickle nature). Brothers and sisters in war united by a passion: the destruction of the existent, which is sufficient by itself and does not need the constraint of an organization. A life lived intensely, a handful of comrades who make an insurmountable fortress of loyalty and respect for the spoken word, always allowing themselves to resist.”
Alfredo Cospito

Anarchist activity travels thousands of kilometers, destroys languages and borders in the incessant war against power. In this journey we weave networks of conspiracy and we join with comrades who have decided of their own free will to give practical impetus to their negations.
Continue reading Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.

The surveillance court of Rome rejected the appeal against the 41 bis measure for anarchist Alfredo Cospito it/en (Italy)

Il tribunale di sorveglianza di Roma ha respinto il ricorso contro il provvedimento di 41 bis per l’anarchico Alfredo Cospito

19 dicembre 2022, 61 giorni dall’inizio dello sciopero della fame ad oltranza contro il 41 bis e l’ergastolo ostativo da parte dell’anarchico Alfredo Cospito.

È appena stato reso noto l’esito del ricorso contro il provvedimento di detenzione in regime di 41 bis per Alfredo Cospito: il tribunale di sorveglianza di Roma lo ha rigettato. Il compagno resterà in 41 bis. Non è il momento dello sconforto, è il momento della rabbia. La pagherete cara. Oggi come ieri: morte allo Stato, al capitale, ad ogni autorità.


The surveillance court of Rome rejected the appeal against the 41 bis measure for anarchist Alfredo Cospito (Italy)

December 19, 2022, 61 days after the start of the hunger strike to the bitter end against 41 bis prison regime and life imprisonment without possibility of parole by anarchist Alfredo Cospito.

The decision concerning the appeal against the 41 bis detention order for anarchist Alfredo Cospito has just been announced: the surveillance court of Rome rejected it. The comrade will remain in 41 bis. This is not the moment of despondency, it is the moment of anger. You will pay dearly for it.

Today as yesterday: death to the State, to the capital, to all authority.


Solidarity for Alfredo Cospito, Sabotage with fire to an electric car charger. ( Madrid, Spain)

Last weekend, December 10 and 11, an electric car charger was set on fire in Madrid.

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito.

via: barcelona.indymedia

Madrid (Spain): incendiary sabotage in solidarity with Alfredo Cospito

Madrid: incendiary sabotage in solidarity with Cospito

Translated from Spanish by Indymedia barcelona, December 17, 2022

Last weekend, from December 10 to 11, a charging station for electric vehicles was set on fire in Madrid.

Solidarity with Alfredo Cospito


EN/IT/GR/ Athens, Greece : Event – Update 19/12, For the anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Hunger strike from 20/10)

Event – Update
For the anarchonihilist Alfredo Cospito (Hunger strike from 20/10)
Update on 41bis isolation in Italy, by the anarchist comrade Spyros Mandylas – Anarchist Hangout Nadir
Presentation of the cases against which Alfredo Cospito has been accused:
– Shooting of Ansaldo Nuclear CEO Roberto Adinolfi by “Olga Cell FAI/IRF”(2012),
– Operation “Scripta Manent”(2016),
– Operation “Sibilla”(2021).
The event will be addressed by phone by 2 anarchist comrades under investigation in the Sibilla repressive operation, by the anarchist newspaper Vetriolo.
Intervention by letter from the anarchist comrade from Sardinia Omar Nioi sentenced in the Scripta Manent trial”
(There will be translation at the event).
“Go on, comrades: there is a whole world to be demolished!”
Monday, December 19
7 p.m.
Anarchist Hangout Nadir (Thessaloniki)
Translation project
IT: Riceviamo e diffondiamo:
Iniziativa – Aggiornamento
sull’anarconichilista Alfredo Cospito (in sciopero della fame dal 20/10)
Aggiornamento sul 41bis in Italia, da del parte compagno anarchico Spyros Mandylas – Circolo Anarchico Nadir
Presentazione dei processi in cui Alfredo Cospito è stato imputato:
– Ferimento dell’Amministratore Delegato di Ansaldo Nucleare Roberto Adinolfi da parte del nucleo “Olga FAI/IRF”(2012),
– Operazione “Scripta Manent”(2016),
– Operazione “Sibilla”(2021)
Durante l’iniziativa saranno raggiunti telefonicamente 2 compagni anarchici facenti parte della redazione del giornale “Vetriolo” indagati nell’operazione repressiva Sibilla.
Intervento tramite lettera del compagno anarchico sardo Omar Nioi condannato nel processo “Scripta Manent”
(Entrambi gli interventi saranno tradotti).
“Avanti, compagni: c’è tutto un mondo da demolire!”
Lunedì 19 Dicembre
Circolo Anarchico Nadir (Salonicco)
Progetto di traduzione


Εκδήλωση – Ενημέρωση: Για τον αναρχομηδενιστή Alfredo Cospito (Απεργία πείνας από 20/10)
Ενημέρωση για την απομόνωση 41bis στην Ιταλία,
από τον αναρχικό σύντροφο Σπύρο Μάνδυλα – Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ
Παρουσίαση των υποθέσεων που κατηγορήθηκε ο Alfredo Cospito:
Πυροβολισμός του CEO της Ansaldo Nuclear Roberto Adinolfi (Πυρήνας Όλγα FAI/IRF”),(2012),
Επιχείρηση “Scripta Manent”,
Επιχείρηση “Sibilla”.
Στην εκδήλωση θα παρέμβουν τηλεφωνικά 2 αναρχικοί σύντροφοι υπό έρευνα στην κατασταλτική επιχείρηση Sibilla, από την αναρχική εφημερίδα Vetriolo.
Παρέμβαση με επιστολή του αναρχικού συντρόφου απο τη Σαρδηνία Omar Nioi που καταδικάστηκε στη δίκη της επιχείρησης Scripta Manent”
(Στην εκδήλωση θα υπάρχει μετάφραση).
“Συνεχίστε, συντρόφισσες και σύντροφοι:
ένας ολόκληρος κόσμος περιμένει να τον κατεδαφίσουμε!”
Δευτέρα 19 Δεκέμβρη
7 μ.μ.
Αναρχικό Στέκι Ναδίρ(Θεσσαλονίκη)
Μεταφραστικό εγχείρημα

via: blessed-is-the-flame.


Down with the torture regime of 41 bis!

«…I was expecting a suggestion, a start from fellow experts. A often, in return for my enthusiasm, I received a good dose of «realism» that dampened or threatened to curb any «ambition». «realism» that dampened or threatened to curb any revolutionary «ambition», any impulse to action. Any revolutionary «ambition», any impulse to action. (…) I have come out of this kind of «dead end» only when I have decided in a clumsy, imprudent, crazy clumsy, imprudent, crazy, provocative way, to arm my hands. Then everything became easy», failure after failure, step after step, things started to «work». to work. I looked for my companions and I found them, we recognized each other, making the rejection of the We recognized each other, making the rejection of delegation and waiting our compass. compass. Many (perhaps too many) years have gone by since that time (…) and what I feel like saying is simply to follow one’s instincts and not to pay too much attention to the instincts and not to pay too much attention to the prudence of those who, from the top of their own who, from the heights of one’s own ‘lived’ life, push for moderation. Because that popular saying that says ‘you are born an arsonist and die a firefighter’ is not so far-fetched. firemen’ is not so far-fetched».

Alfredo Cóspito

It drizzles relentlessly and around the city of La Paz the mountain range is covered with snow. Here, the rich live several hundred meters below, in a warm and green valley, where they have surveillance and private guards at every corner. We descend from the icy hills to interrupt the violent peace of the bosses with the loud and damaging rumble of a homemade bomb. Something becomes evident and concrete: the managers of toxicity, misery and charity are not untouchable. No peace for us, no peace for them!