Category Archives: Italy – General news ,sabotage, actions and Solidarity with anarchists arrested and all those under investigation

Rome,Italy: Electric car charging points damaged in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco and all prisoners

Electric car charging points damaged in solidarity with anarchists Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco and all prisoners (Rome, Italy, December 2022)

One night at the end of December, we damaged six electric car charging points in Rome. We did this by sprinkling the sockets with expanding foam. In solidarity to Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike since October 20, to Ivan Alocco again on hunger strike since December 22, and to all prisoners.
Alfredo out from 41 bis.
Close 41 bis.
Freedom for everyone!

* * *

(IT) Danneggiate le colonnine di ricarica per le automobili elettriche in solidarietà con gli anarchici Alfredo Cospito, Ivan Alocco e tutti i prigionieri (Roma, dicembre 2022)

via: 2022/12/28 lanemesi

Omar Nioi – Scripta Manent: a political trial against 20 years of history of revolutionary anarchism

Letter – Intervention of the anarchist comrade from Sardinia Omar Nioi (convicted in the trial of “Operation Scripta Manent”) at the event held in Athens (A.S.O.E.E.) on December 19, 2022 regarding the anarcho-nihilist hunger striker Alfredo Cospito.

First of all, a greeting to all the comrades who were present in this initiative, a greeting and a special thanks to the comrades who promoted it. To this day, the weaving of international relations, exchanges and comparisons continues, as in the past, to be an essential element and always a living part of revolutionary anarchism, in order to strengthen our intentions.

Scripta Manent:

A political trial against 20 years of the history of revolutionary anarchism

The events:

At dawn on 6 September 2016, 32 comrades throughout the Italian State were awakened by the civil police (DIGOS). The result of the first part of the police operation called “Scripta Manent”, ordered by the Turin Public Prosecutor’s Office through its investigator Roberto Maria Sparagna, is 15 suspects and 7 arrests. On the other hand, an eighth anarchist, in charge of the Anarchist Black Cross publishing project (now closed), is arrested after a house search against him in which batteries and an electrician’s manual were found. In addition to comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, already in prison since 2012 having been tried and convicted for the injury of Roberto Adinolfi, (CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare) action taken by “Nucleo Olga of FAI/FRI”, comrades Alessandro, Marco, Danilo, Valentina and Anna are arrested. For the comrades, articles 270 bis (on association with terrorist purposes), 280 bis (on terrorist acts with lethal or explosive devices) and 285 (on massacre) are triggered for various reasons, which are in question starting from as far back as 2003 and all relating to a series of attacks specifically signed by the “Informal Anarchist Federation” through the cells FAI/Narodnaya Volya (FAI/ People’s Will), “Cooperativa Artigiana Fuoco e Affini FAI/Collaboration of Fire and Artifacts (Occasionally Spectacular))”, “FAI/RAT ((Rivolta Anonima e Tremenda/Federazione Anarchica Informale – Anonymous and Tremendous Revolt/Informal Anarchist Federation)” and “Nucleo Olga FAI/FRI” (FAI/IRF Cell Olga).

Continue reading Omar Nioi – Scripta Manent: a political trial against 20 years of history of revolutionary anarchism

Italy: Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 71st day of hunger strike

Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 71st day of hunger strike (Italy, December 29, 2022)

On December 29th, 71st day of the hunger strike to the bitter end against 41 bis and life imprisonment without possibility of parole, the antagonist radio station Radio Onda d’Urto broadcast a speech by the doctor who is regularly visiting anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito, imprisoned in the Bancali prison in Sassari. We report a partial transcript of the speech and, at the end of the update, the recording of the broadcast (in italian language).

“[…] So, let’s consider that Alfredo is now 70 days into his hunger strike. He started from a weight of 115 kg and today he is at 84 kg. Surely he has a strong physique, he started from a fairly high weight so he has a better chance than others of being able to sustain this hunger strike. It is clear, however, that everything has an end at some point; in the sense that currently his haemato-chemical parameters are quite good, except for the fact that it is going down a bit with the electrolytes.

Continue reading Italy: Update about the health condition of Alfredo Cospito on the 71st day of hunger strike

Athens,Greece: Claim for the incendiary attack on the Italian embassy’s First Counsellor’s car

Claim for the incendiary attack on the Italian embassy’s First Counsellor’s car

Alfredo Cospito has been on hunger strike since October 20th, against the torture regime 41 bis imposed on him by the Italian State. Alfredo Cospito has been in prison since 2012, after claiming responsibility for the wounding of Roberto Adinolfi, CEO of Ansaldo Nucleare, an action carried out by the Informal Anarchist Federation/International Revolutionary Front (FAI/IRF). Ever since then the comrade has remained unrepentant and continues to be dedicated to the cause of social liberation. That is why the Italian State decided, from May 5th, to impose the 41bis regime on him, a prison within the prison, where he is held in isolation 23 hours a day, with one hour’s exercise period during which he can only meet with a restricted number of prisoners decided by the prison management.

Visits from family are limited to an encounter of one hour a month, to take place through a glass partition, and one ten-minute phone call, which a family member must make from inside a carabinieri barracks or another prison. The number of books and other printed material allowed is also limited, as is his correspondence. This prison regime, which the Italian State imposes on political prisoners through article 41bis, is now being applied throughout the whole sentence, not limited to the 4 years for which it was originally foreseen.

Continue reading Athens,Greece: Claim for the incendiary attack on the Italian embassy’s First Counsellor’s car

Trento, Italy: House arrest confirmed for Massimo Passamani

Trento:  House arrest confirmed for Massimo Passamani [updated]

Tuesday 20th December, at the court of Trento, the review hearing on the pre-trial detention of Massimo Passamani took place. Outside the court, a solidarity gathering was held, followed by a short demonstration through the streets of the city centre.

On their side

The panel of judges confirmed house arrest for Massimo. Apart from the usual argument of criminal records and the tendency to reoffend, there are two noteworthy reasons for this decision. The first is that the solidarity statement to be broadcast on the radio «reports in its content the support and backing of activities of rebellion and riot by prisoners and this outside the democratically established instruments and forms of justice» (no mention from the judges, mind you, of the murders, the beatings and the torture perpetrated by the prison officers under the mandate and cover of the DAP). The second is the defendant’s failure to ‘critically review’ his own conduct. Now, that the reward logic emerges more and more blatantly – in prison as in courtrooms, at work as at school – as an established trend.

Continue reading Trento, Italy: House arrest confirmed for Massimo Passamani

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries.

The Italian state wants to keep Alfredo Cospito in 41 bis, despite his hunger strike of more than two months.

A prisoner’s life counts for nothing, for these beings with bland minds and cold hearts. Whether through the psychological torture of isolation (a form of social and intellectual death) or through the physical torture of a slow death, what they want is to annihilate one of their enemies.

Continue reading Anarchist Ivan Alocco begins a new hunger strike alongside Alfredo Cospito and in solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and revolutionaries (France, December 22, 2022)

Update on anarchist comrade Alfredo Cospito on hunger strike to the bitter end (Italy, December 19, 2022)

He is aware of the solidarity mobilisation through news reports, when actions and initiatives impose this level of coverage on the regime media. The newspapers, on the other hand, come to him with pages cut out, holes that have become increasingly frequent in recent weeks.

At the moment, a few letters, telegrams and postcards seem to get through, unlike the months before his struggle, when everything written to him ended up being confiscated. Particularly with regard to telegrams, which seem to be the communications that most frequently pass the censors’ meshes, it is important to remember that these must be individual and must contain the sender’s name and address at the bottom.

We remind the address:

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”
strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari

via: La Nemesi

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility for an incendiary act by Anarchists

Taking responsibility by Anarchists

Without further words, we want to take responsibility for an incendiary act. On the night of December 18th, we tracked down and burned a Cosmote van(telecommunication company)  in Kaisariani area.

Revenge for Kostas Fragoulis and all those murdered, beaten and tortured by the uniformed bastards of democracy.

Power to the 4 comrades for the case of the Piraeus traffic police, power to the hunger striker Alfredo Cospito and Thanos Hatzianggelou, who started a hunger and thirst strike on 19/12.


Translated by Act for freedom now!

Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Giannis Michailidis

In the aftermath of the murder of Kostas by a DIAS cop, self-proclaimed “Justice” arms the hands of the cops who will execute unruly kids, Roma, immigrants, protesters in the future. Just as the cops murderers of Sabanis were released, giving the message that Roma lives have no value. In fact, the transition of the State to a more authoritarian form reflects the contraction of social resistance. If, as was the case in December 2008, the murder of Sabani had provoked a riot, the State apparatus would have curbed police violence, and such incidents would not have occurred with such frequency. So it is obvious that this event results from social decay and decline, from the collapse of resistance, from the ideological colonialism of capitalism in people’s minds.

The above constitutes a good reason for a call to action. But in this condition, apart from the limited responses to this event, I note with concern the lack of solidarity actions in the hunger strike of the 11 political refugee fighters from Turkey, and the lack of the required reflexes in the hunger and thirst strike of the anarchist comrade Thanos Chatzianggelou.

Continue reading Greece: Solidarity hunger – Call to action by Anarchist prisoner Giannis Michailidis

Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.


 Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.

Words in solidarity with comrades Alfredo, Anna, Juan and Ivan

“For me, “informality” is above all friendship and love between comrades who share everything, even disappointments (inevitable in human relationships due to their fickle nature). Brothers and sisters in war united by a passion: the destruction of the existent, which is sufficient by itself and does not need the constraint of an organization. A life lived intensely, a handful of comrades who make an insurmountable fortress of loyalty and respect for the spoken word, always allowing themselves to resist.”
Alfredo Cospito

Anarchist activity travels thousands of kilometers, destroys languages and borders in the incessant war against power. In this journey we weave networks of conspiracy and we join with comrades who have decided of their own free will to give practical impetus to their negations.
Continue reading Chile: Because There’s a Whole World to Destroy.