Category Archives: General

Greece: Announcement concerning hunger striker anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis

Update urgent information: After so many days’ delays by the judicial authorities to respond to his requests, on June 9th our Anarchist comrade decided to stop drinking water and has also started a thirst strike.


Cardiff (Wales, UK) : a riotous night of vengeance, rage and defiance


Cardiff:A riotous night of vengeance, rage & defiance

22/5/22 – A night of rioting in Ely, Cardiff after two teenagers 15 and 16 years old…, pursued by police, were killed in a crash on their electric bike/scooter. Crowds fought the police with stones and fireworks, smashed and burned cars, and other burning barricades until erly morning ours of 23/5/23.
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Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

[Hamburg-Germany] Tracking-Technik an Motorroller entdeckt

Im Sitz eines Motorrollers wurde in den vergangenen Tagen ein
sogenanntes „AirTag“ der Firma Apple gefunden. Der Roller wird genutzt von einer Hamburger Anarchistin, die in der Vergangenheit bereits von Überwachungs- und Ermittlungsmaßnahmen betroffen war.

Das kleine, flache Gerät von einem ungefähren Durchmesser von 3
Zentimetern und einer Höhe von weniger als 1 Zentimeter wurde durch einen augenscheinlich mit einem Cuttermesser oder ähnlichem angebrachten
Schlitz ins das Sitzpolster des Motorrollers gesteckt.
Die Vermutung, dass eine Ermittlungsbehörde oder der Verfassungsschutz für die Platzierung verantwortlich ist liegt nahe.

Apple vertreibt die AirTags ursprünglich zu dem Zweck, Gegenstände wie
Schlüsselbund, Brieftasche oder ähnliches in der unmittelbaren Umgebung des eigenen Smartphones zu orten. Es funktioniert über Bluetooth und hat zunächst eine unmittelbare, maximale Reichweite von ungefähr 100 Metern im Freien.
Continue reading Hamburg, Germany DE/EN: Tracking technology discovered on motor scooter

Ears and Eyes moves to the CSRC!


Starting today, the Ears and Eyes project is now hosted by the Counter-Surveillance Resource Center (CSRC). The present website will not be updated anymore. The new address is:

This new website has a modern design, is easier for us to update and brings advanced search features to our database, allowing you to filter and search through our 100 cases of surveillance devices hidden by law enforcement and intelligence agencies.

Feel free to check out CSRC’s other projects, including their database of resources on targeted surveillance and their Threat Library (a threat modeling tool for anarchists).

As usual, you can get in touch with us if you have feedback, criticisms or information to give us. We also welcome translations in any languages. You can now contact us at CSRC’s email address – – or use our old address if you prefer.

30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

30/04 2023
Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Ivan, an anarchist who has been in pre-trial detention in France for some time, reported in a letter that French police were able to gain access to the contents of his laptop.1 The laptop in question had an encrypted Ubuntu Linux installed. Another device with Windows installed and encrypted with Bitlocker could not be accessed. Ivan explained in his letter that he had used a 20-digit password consisting of letters, numbers and special characters for the system.


No, the Linux disk encryption has neither been cracked nor is it “insecure”. The performance of the technology as well as the algorithms have evolved, so the encryption settings should be checked and updated if necessary.

Since then, there have been discussions on the web and in our environment about how this was possible, whether an outdated crypto algorithm in Ivan’s Ubuntu installation was to blame, and what this means for the security of other Linux systems. We even received claims that the encryption of the Tails operating system – which is also a Linux system – was not secure due to outdated algorithms. The topic of device encryption is not easily accessible to many, so we’d like to frame the discussion a bit with this post.
Continue reading 30/04 2023, Is Linux hard disk encryption hacked?

Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

In our experience, most of us in North America aren’t in the habit of thinking very much about DNA traces. Information about how DNA traces are created or prevented is limited to several myths that are passed around. That said, you can be pretty certain that whenever arson is involved, a DNA forensics team will be involved too. For example, an arrest was made recently for a Jane’s Revenge arson after DNA was recovered at the crime scene. We want to briefly summarize some practical considerations. By arming ourselves with some preparation and an accurate understanding of how DNA is transferred, it is possible to drastically limit the amount of DNA we leave behind.

Although DNA is something we should always keep in mind when planning our participation in a riotous moment, we don’t want people to feel overwhelmed by this information. Actionable knowledge empowers us to avoid the dual traps of recklessness (acting as if DNA doesn’t exist) and immobilization (as if leaving traces and their analysis in a laboratory is inevitable).
Continue reading Minimizing DNA Traces During Riotous Moments.

On March 29, a demonstration was held to commemorate the Day of the Young Combatant, 38 years after its origin. (Chile)

via:informativoanarquista Translated by Act for freedom now!

March 29: Day of the Young Combatant Report-Back

“Nothing changed in terms of the targeted repression that began to be applied to those who did not want to submit to the transition and to the itinerary of Pinochet’s constitution (…) How much young blood was still to be shed in this last year of dictatorship and in the years to come of police democracy of the Concertación*”
– Hans Niemeyer, 2015

On March 29, a demonstration was held to commemorate the Day of the Young Combatant, 38 years after its origin [1]. Historically, this date has brought together thousands of people in different parts of the territory who gather, generally, to denounce the dictatorial legacies of the Pinochet regime, extended by the rearrangement of the transition to democracy and, specifically, to give life to the memory of anarchist and subversive combatant youth.

Over time, this day has changed, although always characterized by street confrontations against the institutions of the police: “(…) in its first epoch, Maricio Maigret, Paulina Aguirre and the Vergara Toledo brothers, all militants of the MIR, were remembered. With the passing years, this date has come to incorporate new faces and names of youth who have died in the struggle against capitalism and power: Sebastián Oversluij, who died during a bank expropriation in Pudahuel. Mauricio Morales, attacking the military academy with a bomb. Claudia López, while participating in the barricades during a September 11th demonstration in La Pincoya. Jhonny Cariqueo, killed by a police beating on March 29, 2008. Jacier Recabarren, rebellious child who died in a transit accident.” [2]

Continue reading On March 29, a demonstration was held to commemorate the Day of the Young Combatant, 38 years after its origin. (Chile)

Vince is free! (France,Italy)

Vince is free!

Following the great news of March 28th (, we receive and spread the following:

After numerous hearings, court proceedings, rulings for and against, opinion of the European court of justice etc. etc.
In France Vince is finally free.

In fact, after last Friday’s ruling effectively refusing to accept the European arrest warrant, the French prosecution decided not to appeal in cassation.

Continue reading Vince is free! (France,Italy)

Autonomous mapuche community Temucuicui: On Recent Police Repression in Our Territory

Temucuicui – On Recent Police Repression in Our Territory

March 4, 2023

Public declaration on recent occurances of police repression in our territory.

Autonomous mapuche community Temucuicui, declare the following before local, national and international public opinion:

1. Yesterday afternoon, March 3, 2023, the special forces of the carabineros launched a brutal intervention, using different weapons indiscriminently against our weichafe who resisted the military police incursion with only lances and witruwe (1), and gravely wounding weichafe Hugo Queipul (son of lonko Victor Queipul). They shot directly at our peñi with steel pellets, causing internal bleeding and compromising his stomach and lung, a serious clinical situation for which he is hospitalized in the intensive care unit, and will require surgery for the wounds tomorrow at Victoria hospital. We must remember that these are the very same steel pellets that took the life of our weichafe Alex Lemun in 2002, in addition to being a prohibited type of ammunition in the acting protocols of public order control. It should also be mentioned that an 11 year old minor in the community was also wounded by pellets in various parts of his body, and also needed to go to the doctor’s office in Ercilla. There are also others who were wounded in the community who refuse to go to a clinic out of fear of being arrested.
Continue reading Autonomous mapuche community Temucuicui: On Recent Police Repression in Our Territory

Strategies for Countering Police Access to DNA Data

Chapter 10: OPSEC for Informational Self-Determination

Languages: German

Download: PDF (read, A4 booklet, letter booklet) • TEXT

OPSEC is military and intelligence jargon for “operational security” and refers to techniques designed to prevent their people being caught during or after an “operation”.

The fact that we have to talk about such things at all when it comes to issues like exercising the fundamental right to freedom of assembly or small acts of civil disobedience is a clear indication of how far the state’s mania for security and collection has already developed. It is generally better to invest resources on pushing back the security apparatus than in a technical arms race with state agencies.

Nevertheless, there is of course nothing wrong with trying to avoid giving unnecessary material to state authorities and exercising the right to informational self-determination. To prevent or at least significantly limit leaving casual traces, it is necessary to wear new gloves, a face mask, a hair net or, even better, closed headgear (e.g. a swimming cap) and washed clothes with long sleeves and pant legs[1].
Continue reading Strategies for Countering Police Access to DNA Data