Category Archives: General News Action Sabotage, solidarity in Greece

Exarcheia turned into a battleground following the State’s decision to destroy its historic square (Athens,Greece)
Video from the protest and the riot that followed on Saturday 24 September 2022 in Exarcheia, (Athens, Greece) against the State’s decision to destroy the historic Exarcheia Square under the excuse of constructing a metro station on top of it.

This was the 3d big protest against the metso on Exarcheia Square since August 2022. In the first one approximately 1.000 people took part, in the 2nd more than 2.000 and in this 3d one approximately 4.500 protesters. Following this big protest in the streets of Exarcheia in downtown Athens, riots broke out.

Originally published by Perseus999.

Microphone solidarity with the uprising in Iran |Saturday 24/9 13.00 Monastiraki Area (Athens,Greece)

May the flame of the uprising in Iran spread across the earth

The assassination of Masha Amini by the vice police, has sparked a giant uprising in the territory of the Iranian State in recent days. Large-scale demonstrations, wild clashes with the repressive apparatus, attacks on police stations, destruction of State and capitalist targets make up a mosaic of a spontaneous anti-state uprising, which puts God and the State in the crosshairs. It sets its sights on decades of cruel repression and oppression.
In recent decades the rulers of the Iranian State have chosen religious fundamentalism as a mechanism of governance. A counter-revolutionary strategy by which those in power try to present exploitation, oppression, murder as divine and virtuous work. They impose national unity around a common religion so as to conceal social and class antagonisms. They divide them from below by creating false juxtapositions such as the issue of faith, reinforcing the oppression of women with their total control by men and of course by the State. The extreme oppression of femininity, heretics, those who deviate from official doctrine is the daily life of those from below in this corner of the world. It is precisely in this context that the horrific murder of Masha took place.

One cannot help but be outraged and disgusted by the hypocritical condemnations of Western States and political parties, calling for more rights for women and condemning religious fanaticism. The same States that fostered fundamentalist movements as a counterbalance to the growing radical movements and struggles in the `60s and `70s across the Middle East. The same ones that in their territories breed the whole world of patriarchy, carry out genocide and State murder of those who are left over or resist, the same ones that are waging and preparing to wage bloody wars for the interests of their masters and their power. The same States that have repeatedly bloodied the Middle East and plundered the “third world” so that the people uprooted by this Religious Fundamentalism and wars drowned in the Mediterranean, were trapped in fences, left to die by the thousands out of indifference.
Continue reading Microphone solidarity with the uprising in Iran |Saturday 24/9 13.00 Monastiraki Area (Athens,Greece)

Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility by humble and rebellious for the damage at Kerameikos metro station, to ticket validation machines, bars, ticket offices and ATMs.

Athens,Taking responsibility on 2/9/22

In recent years we have been experiencing a generalised attack on the neighbourhood of Exarcheia, with squat evictions, clearing operations and the attempt to impose a regime of police occupation on the neighbourhood.At the present time this attack is intensifying, with the assistance of Attiko Metro and the attempt to build a metro station in the square. The choice of the square for the construction of the station is a political and ideological choice of the municipal authority and the state, part of the broader strategy that has been expressed explicitly in recent years in the state’s counterattack against Exarcheia, a neighbourhood where resistance and struggle against exploitation and oppression has been territorialized both symbolically and practically.

The choice of the metro station in Exarcheia square is not based on the needs of the inhabitants for their movements – it could not be, as under the condition of class domination our movements are defined and organised in the metropolis by the state as the transport of the commodity work force. The choice of the station in the square is not based on the neighbourhood’s desires for the use of public/open space, but against them, seen as another opportunity to deploy hundreds of cops in the neighbourhood with the intention of destroying its only square, meeting place and political activity and handing it over to the interests of capital. Continue reading Athens, Greece: Taking responsibility by humble and rebellious for the damage at Kerameikos metro station, to ticket validation machines, bars, ticket offices and ATMs.

Athens, Greece: Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna by FAI/ELF Anti-cultural nucleus of total chaos and destruction

Athens, Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna  in Palaio psixiko area ( Παλαιό Ψυχικό)

I’m going into the dark.
The green lights of the security vehicles watch the streets and corners.
They spy, they guard, bringing security to the neighbourhood of the rich.

They don’t know what’s happening to them.

Under their noses, I’m getting to my target.

An antenna that pollutes the sky with radio signals.

A cursed place, my howling at the moon, my fire, my curse (in the form of an incendiary device).

Continue reading Athens, Greece: Claim for incendiary attack on a mobile phone antenna by FAI/ELF Anti-cultural nucleus of total chaos and destruction

Ioannina, Greece: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

Ioannina: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

In the evening of 17/8 we attacked with paint and wrote slogans at the villas country house of Petros Filippidis, in Kouklioi, Ioannina. The rapist actor had announced that he intended to stay in this house permanently a few days before the allegations of rape against women in the art world were made public.
Continue reading Ioannina, Greece: Extract of claim for attack on the house of Petros Filippidis in Kouklioi.

Exarcheia, Athens, Greece: Paint on Metro carriages and areas of the Metro

Exarcheia, Athens, Paint on Metro carriages and areas of the Metro

From the day the works for the Metro began in Exarcheia, a lot of painting has been done on train carriages and other (otherwise sterile) areas of the Metro.

Exarcheia is a beautiful neighbourhood that cares about solidarity and at the same time is a field of class war and rebellion where our own side is still active and fighting. The Metro is another means of sharpening the process of gentrification of the area and at the same time an excuse for an even stronger presence of cops.

Exarcheia is here and resisting, the struggle continues.

With perseverance, consistency, imagination and determination we will win in the end!



via: athens.indymedia Translated by Act for freedom now!

Piraeus: Protest gathering against the murders of migrants (Athens,Greece)

We call for a protest gathering against the murders of migrants on Sunday 28/8 at 19.30 at the train station of Piraeus

During the tourist season, there have been at least 3 allegations of premeditated murders of migrants by the Greek state.

After several days of torture, the 39 refugees managed to free themselves from the islet in Evros and are now threatened with deportation. At the same time, 5-year-old Maria isn’t with them. Her death is yet another death at the Greek border, adding to the hundreds of deaths that preceded it.

On 10/8, a dead refugee was washed up on a beach 16 km from Chios. Shortly afterwards, two more dead bodies were found floating in the sea. Two of the three refugees had been handcuffed before being thrown into the sea.

Continue reading Piraeus: Protest gathering against the murders of migrants (Athens,Greece)

Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Brussels, Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Th. Xatziagkelou and G. Voulgaris.

On Sunday 7 August we organised an anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

The event included anti-speciesism games, vegan food, information sessions and various musical performances.
We believe that these days are important for people who are not familiar with this struggle, to be among comrades and militants and to build comradely relationships and friendships.

As a minimal act of solidarity with comrade Thanos Hatzianggelou and comrade Georgia Voulgari, we put up banners during the event.
Thanos, who is being held in Korydallos prison, was in our thoughts that day and will always be!
Continue reading Brussels, Belgium: Hanging a banner – Solidarity to Thanos Xatziaggelou and Georgia Voulgari at anti-speciesism event at the La Clé squat in Brussels.

Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region.
From pikun mapu, to wallmapuche.

From the prisons of the Chilean State we send greetings with screams of support and solidarity, with all our insurrectionary complicity, with a fraternal hug from all of us who live locked-up as a result of our actions and conscientious convictions in our long path of social war against the State, Prison and Capital, to Giannis Michailidis, young anarchist from the Greek region that has carried out 60 days of hunger strike for his immediate release from prison, however, for Greek «justice» an anarchist bank robber and fugitive, after almost 9 years and 7 months in prison, after completing 3/5 parts of his sentence, he should remain in prison in spite of meeting all the requisites to be out on the street according to the legality that Dominion uses to quickly condemn the rebels that fight it.

Just like in Chile with comrade Marcelo Villarroel’s current situation of living under state kidnapping, the Greek State uses prison as vengeance and to send a message to those who dare attack it in order to destroy it. Using the nefarious «National Interest» they sustain a constant counterinsurgency to maintain the authoritarian social order that they defend.

From the territory occupied by the Chilean State, to the Greek region directly to the heart of comrade Giannis Michailidis, we send a subversive and anarchic hug alongside all the internationalist fraternity in permanent revolt, with all the strength of the memory in resistance and attack to the rotten world of capitalist normality.
Continue reading Chile: Text Communique in Solidarity with Giannis Michailidis and Mapuche Hunger Strike

Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués

Porto Alegre, Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church

Our gentle hand for those who struggle, our hostile hand for those who seek to oppress us.

This is not a spectacular action that’s at the level of the struggle of our anarchist comrade Giannis Michailidis, this is barely a small wink towards him, a show of our anarchist complicity. In a world that is ever more satisfied within their own digital information bubbles, we smile when we imagine the faithful ortodox churchgoers arriving at their recently painted church to see the stains of our paint bombs and Giannis Michailidis’ name, that made its way to this corner of the world by way of this simple gesture.

Continue reading Porto Alegre,Brasil : Comrade Giannis: our simple gesture: A visit to an Ortodox Greek Church. EN/ES/ portugués