Athens: Arson Attack on the Home of Far-Right MP Yannis Dimitrokalis by Direct Action Cells in Greece

The Direct Action Cells carried out the arson attack on the home of the MP for Spartans (a far-right political party established in 2017) of Eastern Attica, Yannis Dimitrokalis, in the area of Ilizia during the morning of October 28. The choice of the date was not accidental. The era of resistance to the Nazi occupiers and their local collaborators, the sacrifices, suffering, toil and struggles of hundreds of thousands of fighters during the period 1940-1949 is a political heritage which we actively defend against all kinds of historical revisionists and falsifiers. The political ancestors of Dimitrokalis, Kasidiaris (Illias Kasidiaris, a far-right politician and one of the former leaders of Golden Dawn, who is still politically active despite being in prison since 2021) and his group are the ones who handed over to the Nazi German invaders the thousands of communists who were imprisoned and had begged in vain to be released to fight them. They are the ones who put on a hood and became informers. They are the ones who became black marketers and condemned hundreds of thousands to hunger and misery.

They are the ones who became Hitlerites and National Socialists, swore allegiance to the Third Reich and fought on the side of the Germans and then the British imperialists. So let all these penny-pinching patriots know that history has recorded the political ancestors of Kasidiaris and his followers as the accomplices of those who stepped with their fascist boots on the heads of those who fought with their blood for altars and hearths.

With our attack shortly before the anniversary of the execution of the two neo-Nazis in Neo Heraklion by the organization “Fighting People’s Revolutionary Forces”, we wanted to send a message of militant anti-fascism by targeting a member of the largest far-right party in Greece at the moment. November 1 is a rallying point for fascists on a pan-European level. For us, November 1 symbolizes the political dynamic of armed action, its historical significance, its timeless necessity. It symbolizes the day when the constant victimization of the left and parts of the anarchist space were deafeningly shattered. Let us not forget that many political forces that are now rushing to participate in the anti-fascist rallies were the ones who, in the face of the fear of fascists and repression, had condemned the action and spoke of agent provocateurs and reactionaries.

The Spartans essentially belong to Ilias Kasidiaris, who managed to rally the largest percentage of the far-right in Greece. By peddling an anti-establishment image from behind bars he managed to recognize an objective reality. In so-called western capitalist societies there is a trend in the electorate to look with interest at developments to the right of the political system. The so-called “alt-right with a tie” is represented by powerful parties across Europe, taking advantage of the shift of the popular right current to more center-right paths, but also of the political integration of the left in the first phase and eventually the anarchist movements as “radical” wings of the liberal camp. The retreat to a large extent of the more cutting-edge sectors of the radical left and anarchism across Europe has created a political vacuum that is also found in the “street struggle” which is exploited by the fascist bloc, offering a vague and muddied in its essence, anti-establishment perspective and presence on the street. Even people disgusted by the political system and young people who metabolize their need for conflict by participating in fascist rallies, are turning to it.

Kasidiaris cleverly foresaw the whole situation and exploited it to the full. A typical example of the fluid social and political reality of modern societies is the emergence of the Spartans as currently the largest far-right party in Greece. A party unknown to everyone, 20 days before the second elections in June, managed to become what it is today, only with the support of the incarcerated Kasidiaris, the vanguard of the far-right in Greece.

Of course the extent to which any of these people are anti-establishment, from Kasidiaris to Dimitrokalis to the party’s leader, Stigkas, became clear in the only battle they have fought since the first moment they appeared on the political landscape of this country – the constant fight that the far-right rabble are always fighting, which is none other than the battle for their own self-interests and money. Historically, they have proven that behind every crime they commit is always the pursuit of financial gain. They chase it like a fly chasing shit. This time there was an internal party war over parliamentary funding. Whoever controlled the party would control the money. They gave us plenty of laughs with the mutual accusations of mafia, Stigka’s accusations of being threatened and having his party taken away from him, but mostly with the last (for now) act of the drama, their single-mindedness in the pursuit of their common goal: not losing their funding.

The laughter and the fleeting sense that we are watching a comedy have dried up. This garbage obeys, in one way or another, a political figure whose trajectory needs to have the brakes pulled on it. The same brakes that were pulled on November 1st in New Heraklion with the execution of Foundoulis and Kapelonis, the same brakes that historically the militant anti-fascist movement has always pulled by sending fascists to the hospital, setting fire to their vehicles and houses and by crushing them en masse on the street. The Spartan circus was electorally supported with more than 240,000 votes, and however ridiculous their infighting over government money may have been, it remains the most powerful force on the far-right and a magnet for even more people drawn to the fascist camp.

Our device at Dimitrokalis’ house is only a first message for the celebration of the anniversary of November 1. Let us remind all this garbage that the Armed Revolutionary Organizations put a tombstone on the assault battalions of that era. To send a message to our own people that only a radical struggle can make us a real threat again to face the growing fascist menace both on a societal level and on the street. To make it clear to them what awaits them every time they think they are leaving with or without a European escort. The militant sects of the antifascist movement alone will make them crawl both on 1 November and for a long time to come, just as so many of their ‘fellow fighters’ were crawling when they experienced the impact of antifascist action firsthand.




